All Chapters of Revenge Marriage: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
149 Chapters
Extra Chapter 3
I feel my cheeks burning as my eyes widen like saucers. Available and by your side? Wake me up, I'm dreaming. A man like Arturo Montiel would never say that to a girl like me... Except he just said it, even if he means work, I feel... important in his life. -And I've been thinking, I know it's not much, but there's a room here that you can use as an office. He leaves his desk and walks past me, past me to the filing cabinet door. -Arthur, that's a storage room," I point out worriedly. -I know, but it will be temporary, until we can reorganize the structure of the building and place you closer to me. He returns to my place and takes me by the hands... Then I forget the reason why I came here or why I would refuse to move my office. Being closer to him... it doesn't sound bad at all. Maybe it's not so bad to have a small office, after all I don't need too much space, plus it has a window so I won't be completely enclosed. -Do you accept my proposal? -Okay," I answer without thinki
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Chapter 16 / Part Two
MelekOne week later Habbab has put a whole armed team around the house, for the sole purpose of preventing me from escaping, I tried once four days ago, and since then this house has become my own prison. At least I have been able to get some fresh air, I can walk around the gardens, as long as one of the bodyguards follows me."I can bring some cacti next week." Dilay says to me, as she plants a couple of new plants."Dilay, whose house is this?"In the last few days, my husband has taken it upon himself to furnish it, to bring me clothes and get me settled, though I've barely seen him, much less talked to him. Most of the time I'm with his sister or reading a book. I am not allowed to use a phone or an internet device. Occasionally I watch TV, but I soon get bored by the hundreds of commercials.For a moment I imagined that this might be the house Habbab bought for us. Of course I've been telling myself that it's ridiculous, his plan was to disgrace me and then run away, but a par
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Chapter 16 / Part Three
I follow him with a firm step, he enters the house, which has two floors, the bottom floor is merely a storage room with some gardening stuff. And upstairs is where the kitchen and bedrooms are. He slams the door in my face, but I take a deep breath and open it again."I want to leave this house," I demand as he calmly sits down at the kitchen table."And where do you suggest I take you Melek? To your grandfather? Who is looking for you to kill you. Or perhaps with your father? A lying man who's done a shitty job protecting you from his own father.""I don't want you to take me to either of them. I need Esat, my cousin, he's the only one capable of helping me.""The only one capable? And what do you think I'm doing right now?""You've got me locked in a tower, that's what you're doing. You're not protecting me, you never could, because it was you who put me in this situation in the first place. Now, I'm asking you to let me go.""Melek, this discussion is starting to become repetitive
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Chapter 17 / Part One
Chapter 17HabbabI enter the old mansion that was my home until I was nine years old. In every corner, there are so many good and bad memories. My mother was always criticized by my grandmother and other ladies, for devoting herself to her children, in this social circle it is common for children to have a babysitter while mothers go play bridge. But not my mom, she spent every second she could by my side, creating worlds for me. I don't understand why she did it, but she would always create stories to tell me, she would tell me that my grandmother's favorite plant was an evil alien from the planet Pluto, or that upstairs was a ship and I was its captain. She did the same for my sister, until she died. We were a happy family.I was never bored at my mother's side, and I always felt protected, it wasn't until she died that I realized she was the only one who paid attention to me. I climb the stairs a little dejected. I'm exhausted, tired of Derya Arslan's revenge plan, which never see
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Chapter 17 / Part Two
Hazar ErdoğanI look at my daughter's wedding photos, of my little girl, as her mother destroys them behind me. Since Esat took Melek away, my poor wife hasn't been able to rest. Her maternal instinct tells her to keep fighting for her daughter, but we don't even know where to look. It's been a week and we have no idea where Melek is.I've been trying to keep track of Habbab, but it's been complicated. The first time, he realized he was being followed and managed to lose track of the men I sent after him. The second time I had to hide myself, from my father's men, because for nothing in the world can he know where his granddaughter is, I know what he would do. He would kill her, so I have to find a way to save her from the clutches of her husband and also from those of her grandfather, my own progenitor."Senay, calm down, I promise I will rescue our daughter.""It's been a week, Hazar. A week since your father took my daughter and hit her in an horrible way, and then sent her to die.
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Chapter 18 / Part One
Chapter 18HabbabI don't know how long it's been since I opened my mail. Seeing the wedding pictures... That definitely upset me a little bit. That was the happiest moment of my life, I can even see it from the pictures, my smile speaks for itself.The way Melek is watching me, with such devotion and love, it kills me. It kills me to know all the damage I caused him after that, we were so happy and I ruined everything, just to fulfill my grandmother's wishes. But no more...I can't be with my wife, that's obvious, everyone is against us. Our families wouldn't allow it and I don't want to put her at risk, no more than I already do. But I want her to forgive me, I want when our paths part we can trust each other.That's why I need to start doing important things, it's this second that I decide to do something for her, a gesture of friendship... I take the pictures, leave the office and get in my car. I'm going to take a little risk, just for today, I'm going to make Melek Erdoğan happy
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Chapter 18 / Part Two
"Habbab? Is that you?" I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize that the one who has discovered us is Melek's little sister. That means we have a good chance of getting out of here safe and sound."Gul, thank you, God it's you," I say as I walk over to her and crouch down to be at her level. "What are you doing awake, you little minx? You should be in bed.""I can't sleep, ever since Esat took my sister, I haven't been able to rest peacefully, do you know where she is?""Your sister is safe and sound, in a fortress I took her to myself."The girl's face immediately lights up, just like Melek, Gul, her sister, loves stories of heroes in shining armor, epic battles, and eternal love. I guess growing up in a home where everything has the same shade of gray and black, you try to find your own refuge. A place to dream and forget about real life.It's more than obvious that Gul loves stories of princesses and magic, right now he's wearing pink pajamas with a unicorn on his chest. I have to
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Chapter 19 / Part One
Chapter 19HabbabI sigh before getting out of the car and walking into Havva's house, it's almost two weeks since I brought my wife here, although it really wasn't, I wish it was. Erdem turns off the car and looks at me sympathetically, he can tell how dejected I feel. If I had the chance to make one magical wish it would be that this very house becomes our home and we never have to leave it, just stay in a bubble of happiness.I climb the stairs to the master bedroom, knock and get no answer so I dare to open imagining my wife is asleep... But no, Melek was resting in her bed, but awake and seeing me coming I knew she loathed me more than I thought."Look." I approached carefully. "I brought some things from your house, you might want to change your clothes or wear some jewelry.""Wear jewelry? Are you serious, Habbab?" her eyes rolled to the side as she laughed sarcastically "Apparently you haven't realized the situation I'm in, I'm not at a social gathering but bedridden because I
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Chapter 19 / Part Two
"If you want my forgiveness, then turn back the clock, don't abandon me the day after the wedding and when the marriage was already more than consummated. You knew what you were doing and what would come upon me for what you did; yet all those beautiful memories you tell me to keep in mind for what I bestowed upon you something that is impossible for me to give, mattered little to you at the moment of causing me such great pain and despair that I knew well that death was the only thing left for me to do."She kneels on the bed, seeking to superimpose me in height, to feel greater than me, her captor."You wouldn't even allow me to die, to cleanse my honor under my own rules, and I ended up being displayed in the square while everyone spoke against me. No Habbab Arslan, what you feel right now is nothing compared to what I felt that damn day. I felt like I was touching the sky that day and what you did was to cut my wings, leaving me with bloody stumps, damn you for every single thing
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Chapter 19 / Part Three
MelekAs soon as I hear the door to the room where he is holding me captive close, I burst into tears, letting out all the pain in my heart. I hated Habbab, almost as much as I loved him, I trusted him with everything, completely everything about me and he took it and threw it away like trash, it's not something that can be easily forgiven just like that.His grandmother had turned him into a man full of hate and so much spite, but I knew my father was not capable of committing the atrocities he was accused of. It made me so angry that I couldn't do anything about it, that I couldn't ask questions and get answers.After the wedding, this was the first time me and Habbab talked seriously, and it was only to fight and argue."You can't regret that, Melek, that man is a monster." I gave myself, and I'm right, my husband is a terrible monster who has ruined my life.All I wanted was to get out of my house, to be free for the first time in my life, to be able to leave my home and have my o
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