All Chapters of THE MAFIA'S WEAKNESS: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
101 Chapters
As Luna was getting ready, her mind kept on drifting towards Alex. She couldn't stop thinking about him, even though she badly wanted to. Okay, maybe she just loved thinking about him. Just a little. A smile spread across her lips, as her hands worked around her body, fixing the mess she created of herself the night before. Even though she couldn't remember most of the things that happened, she could tell that she was pretty close to Alex, so close that it made him act a bit nervous about interacting with her. She could see that through the huge wall he built around himself. It didn't quite work on her. "Where's Alexander?" She walked up to a guard with widened eyes. "The boss." She quickly added when he was staring at her in a really weird way. After maintaining a very awkward eye contact with the guard, she instantly remembered why he was staring at her like that. She didn't have the plaque with her. Without saying anything else to the guard, she turned aroun
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Luna trapped her bottom lip with her teeth, before stabbing Christian with the metal pain. He groaned, as his grip on her loosened. She stared at him in horror, before dropping the comb. His eyes slowly went shut, before he dropped his hand. He stopped moving, and it also felt like Luna's heart also stopped beating. "Oh my God, I just killed someone. Oh, no!" Her trembling hand flew to her mouth, as she continued staring at Chris. "What should I do?" She asked herself, pacing around the room. She suddenly stopped when she thought that she could tell her brother about it. Walking past Chris, she gulped down before going to the door. But, before she got to the door, she felt someone's grip on her right leg. Tears immediately dried off her face. She slowly turned her head to see Christian smiling at her. He left her leg, and scrambled off the floor, looking...alive. "Wh-" her eyes roamed around his body in awe, her brain immediately going shut. "You reall
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"Are you okay now?" Alexander's eyes roamed around her body, searching for any form of injury, but he found none. Luna moved away from him, and walked to her bed, sitting on it with her head resting on her legs. She felt Alex walk towards her, but he didn't touch her. He only dropped his hands into his pockets, intently staring at her. "I know how you must be feeling. If you had told me about him, then I'd have done something, but you didn't." That made her head, as she stared at him with tears in her eyes. It seemed as though crying was Luna's new favorite thing to do. "So, it's my fault then?" She asked, a few tears trickling down her face. Alex exhaled and squinted his eyes at her. "That's not what I'm saying. I already knew something like this was going to happen. You were getting way too close to him, and I tried so many times to tell you to stay away from him, but you didn't." He shrugged, and moved his hands from his pockets. "Okay." She wiped her face a
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Before knocking on his door, Luna took deep breaths in and closed her eyes. She didn't even know why she was there, but she didn't want to go back. After breathing in and out four times, she finally moved her right hand. It rested on the door before knocking on it. She held her breath, waiting for the door to swing open and reveal Alex's angry face. But, that didn't even happen. Nobody answered the door. It was worse than she thought, he was really angry at her. Her eyes roamed around, trying to see if anyone was even around there. Her eyes settled on the door again, when she remembered that the maids weren't allowed to even get there. Holding her breath again, she knocked on his door, louder than the first time. She still got no reply. Luna was disappointed and annoyed at Alex at the fact that he still wanted to remain angry at her, even after so many hours. She turned around and started walking away when she stopped in her tracks. She faced the door and walke
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Luna started struggling with him, even though she couldn't see anything. "Let go of me, Alex. Please!" She started kicking the air, as Alex continued dragging her. He stopped moving when he got to a point, and she waited for the next thing to happen. A gasp escaped her lips, as he pushed her down and she felt he back hit a bouncy stuff. A few seconds later, the light came on and she was faced with Alex's angry face. He was glaring down at her, trying to figure out why she was there without asking her directly. "Why are you here?" He went against his thought and voiced it out. She slowly rested her hands on the chair, and pushed herself up a little so she would be sitting straight. "Um..." Luna started saying, with her eyes roaming around the living room. It was so pretty and she could see that it was Alex's private place with the way nothing but dark designs were all over the place. She slowly peeled her eyes from it, and focused on the reason why she might be
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Luna's eyes were still tightly shut, when Alex started laughing. "Oh wow, you're one scared, little bunny!" He said amidst tears, while Luna's lashes slowly parted to see him still laughing. Her eyes scanned everywhere, as she tried figuring out what happened. Her eyes settled on the gun that was lying on Alex's lap. "W-what happened? I'm not in heaven, am I?" She teased, fixing her eyes on him. He stopped laughing, and straightened his back, looking back at her. "what do you mean? If you were in heaven, you wouldn't see me. Trust me. I'm not first that." That little statement that he made, made Luna ponder over it for the next seven seconds, before she parted her lips to reply him again. "You pointed the gun at me. Why didn't it go off? You didn't shoot. Why?" She was saying too many things at the same time, and Alex looked away. He exhaled and inhaled back, before opening his mouth. "I don't know. I guess I'm not interested in killing bunnies, I'm interested in things that are bi
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"What do you mean I'm going to be severely punished?" Luna raised her head and stared at him with squinted eyes, silently daring him to do something to her - a punishment! "You don't want to find out, trust me." He released his grip around her wrist, and turned his head to the other side. Her brows were furrowed , as she wondered what was wrong with him. Even though she somehow knew what he was talking about, she still wanted him to show her what he was talking about. She wanted to see it...feel it, and... Snapping out of her dirty...filthy, little thoughts, Luna slightly cleared her throat, and moved closer to Alexander, making sure to push her body against his. That earned a sharp breath from him, as he raised his left hand to pinch the center of his brows. He murmured a few words under his breath, but she couldn't hear him, because her mind was focused on something...hotter, and definitely more important at that moment. "I am doing something I have never do
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Without waiting for any other thing, Alex gripped her hand and started dragging her outside, but she stopped, turning around to face him. "I'm not leaving, Alex! You can't keep doing this. I even came here for a reason, and this? You're doing this to me?" She crossed her hands on her chest, and stared at him intensely. She had anger written all over her face, but Alex couldn't care less; he was a bit tipsy, had a whole lot of thoughts running through his mind, and he wanted to do so many things to her. So, so many damn things that she couldn't possibly imagine... So, she wasn't helping by being so difficult. "Luna..." He started saying, but stopped to scratch his head. He gulped down, and licked his lips again. Luna corked a brow, and waited for him to speak. "You have to leave now. I don't want to stress this for too long. I-I am not in for this, so just leave." After that, she was about to start arguing, when Alex stretched out his hand and his face turned so serious. "If you don
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Alex slurrily dropped the third glass of alcohol that he had finished forty minutes after Luna left him. His widened eyes darted round the dark room, as he gulped down a little. "W-where the fuck is she?" He slowly asked himself, as he rested back on the couch, closing one eye. He was drunk as hell, and he didn't know what to do. All he knew was that he wanted to see her; Luna. His second eye slowly went shut too, as his lips parted to let out a small sigh. He remained still, not moving until thirty-seven seconds after, when he jolted up. Alex's right hand flew to his head, as he slowly walked away from the couch, mistakenly kicking a half filled bottle off the table. He staggered towards the door, and his right hand grip the door. " she?" He asked himself again, as he slowly turned the knob, allowing the outside breeze to brush against his hot and wet skin. He got outside and slammed the door before walking away from it. By the time he got to the staircase, he was alre
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Alex moved his head up, and stared at Luna's red face, she looked so blushed, and he liked it. "I have to see," he said, before moving away from her. He collapsed on the ped - right beside her. Her face slowly squeezed into a frown, as she managed to prop herself up with her elbows. "See what? What do you have to see? I don't understand. Are you still drunk?" She asked, facing him. "Yes." He answered the last question without facing her. A long minute of silence reigned in the room, before Alex spoke up again. "I want to see if you really want me like you said. Show me." He turned his head to meet her frowning deeply at him. He didn't know if that was funny to him because he was drunk, or because she really did look funny. Settling for the former, he turned his head back and sat up. "You're really funny. I think it's time for me to leave. I don't have the time for...this," Luna said, before she started climbing down the bed. Alex stopped her before her legs could even touch th
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