All Chapters of True Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
Being Beta
AndrewAfter I passed out from arguably the best experience of my life I woke up with voices in my head.Alphas and Betas are linked to the whole pack general mindlink as soon as the power transfer ceremony is completed but Second Alphas and Betas, as well as Gammas, if a pack decides to have this role, whether they are mates or elected to the role, do not have complete pack mindlink until they are officially in the role. There is no ceremony in the case of a mated Second so I was waking with all of the voices of the general mindlink and had no idea yet how to turn it off, or down. Up until now I could only mindlink with my parents because we are family and be mindlinked by those in power, such as an Alpha. Those in power could hear any general requests or input we, as a pack, put out there but we could not hear each others. All pack members could now feel that they had a second Beta but since they were never officially told about me there is a buzz in the link wondering who I am.
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Where is the Love?
AustinI have been avoiding touching Andrew since yesterday morning because I found myself constantly wanting to jump him. It was very difficult to keep my desire at bay as I just found him so damn sexy and cute all at once. Even when we were in Elijah's office yesterday and I comforted him it didn't matter that there were four other people in the room I got the urge to tear his clothes off right there and fuck him so hard on Elijah's desk. I also don't know if he is still in pain so having thoughts like this make me feel so guilty. When we went to sleep last night I made sure to stay out of the room until he had drifted off and when I came in I stayed on my side of the bed. He is so freaking adorable when he sleeps and looks so at peace I didn't want to disturb him with my inappropriate thoughts. When I awoke this morning I found him entangled around me and it took all of my power to resist him. I had avoided asking Elijah for any advice up until this point but I needed to spe
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Making it Right
AndrewAfter Judith and I left the pack house she had me practice telling myself in the mirror that I was worth it and perfect and a whole bunch of other nonsense until I started feeling better. I felt so used when I realized that Austin was not really into me. Yes he seemed to enjoy our mating but then he just withdrew completely to the point of almost ignoring me. He would not touch me or look directly at me other than when we were meeting with Elijah and I now think he only did that to keep up appearances. He didn't even come to sleep with me last night and when he did come to bed he avoided me like the plague. The icing on the cake was flaunting that woman right in front of me and the rest of the pack on the stairs. Yes most people did not realize I was his mate yet but surely he could have made it more discreet as everyone did suspect he had a mate. Most of them probably thought that bimbo was his mate. Judith took me to get a power suit for the town hall and she did my hair so
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Being Second Beta
AndrewSchool ended and it was time for me to officially start as second Beta. Austin and I finally had our talk after three days of constant sex, which I had to be excused from school for, I was in quite some pain. As thought, though, my werewolf healing coupled with the fact that I was now a Beta made the discomfort shorted lived. He explained to me about his fears of scaring we away or hurting me and I understood. He also explained who Veronica was and I was not happy but he said he told her point blank he had no intentions of have anything on the side. I still have some low self esteem but I am starting to see my worth. As I was heading to Elijah's office this morning that very same Veronica approached me. "You know you can never satisfy Beta Austin. He will tire of you and when he does he will come looking for me. I worked long and hard to make myself the perfect woman for him and since he has never preferred men he will never stay with you. He will be mine soon enough, espec
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AustinIt has been a few weeks since Andrew and Judith have started training the new recruits for the elite warrior squad and I have to say it is looking fantastic. I swing by every once and a while just to see how it is going and my mate is so hot I can't even contain myself. Sometimes I will mindlink him to meet me in the supply shed after I walk by just so I can give him a blowjob because I can't control it. He won't let me fuck him without pulling out anymore in the morning if he doesn't have time to properly clean himself out after I made that comment about me wanting it to drip out so everyone would know he was mine. We are finally starting to calm down from the new mate heat, for lack of a better way to describe it, and now I only want to pound him most of the time. I can finally concentrate more and Austin doesn't look so exhausted all the time because he isn't picking up my slack. Although Andrew's new toned body he is getting from all of the training is really killing me.
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The Calm Before the Storm
AndrewNote: This chapter contains time jumps that may be harder to follow so read carefully. It has been two years since Anastasia came and asked us for help and told us the crazy information about our bond. Elijah first brought the information the the leadership team and Machie, Jerome, and Gunther agreed with his decisions to protect us and prepare our children to take over one day. Machie even joked that maybe one of their kids could still be Alpha if they are mated to one of ours. What is best for the pack is to have the strong is power and even though our children would not be from an Alpha line at least one of them will be born an Alpha, like the original Alphas, if the legends are true. They did use Alpha descendent egg donors so Machie's biological children will still be from Alphas so there is no worry of them losing their linage losing their birth right. Next were the elders and almost immediately we could tell we had a few in our pack that believed we were an abomination
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New Alpha
JeremiahIt is weird to be a super Alpha I guess. I have always felt in control and so powerful. I am a born Beta so I have a warrior spirit but as an original Alpha I have the need to lead all the time. When I was young I always tried to take over everything. It was weird though because I have such empathy for my pack that I always felt so bad if I hurt someone's feelings. It took years to understand the balance that is my born nature and my made nature. We don't know much about what we are but Taylor and Anastasia have been researching as much as they can. It is dangerous outside of the pack so they don't venture to far for their information. They usually take Nathan and aunt Judith with them when they do go for protection. No one really knows what we look like so we aren't in much danger yet. Matthew and I have been dating for just under two years now but he doesn't want to be intimate with me until I feel the mate bond because he wants me to be sure. I know that I love him so muc
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Testing the Bonds
TaylorI know that Nathan is a good guy and since it has been confirmed we are mates I definitely feel drawn to him. I am still living with Dominic right now while Gunther and Jerome move their family out of my suite and once they move out Nathan and I will move in together. I am very nervous about it. Almost everyone that I know is in a male-male pair so I don't have many people to talk to about sex. Nathan's parents are a traditional pairing but I don't know them very well so I haven't felt comfortable. I was kind of hoping Maribelle would have been mated so I could ask her but she hasn't found a mate yet so no luck. Jeremiah and I are going today with our mates to see Anastasia to see what kind of mate bond we have. We need to know so we can plan for the future. I am hoping to have a normal bond because we grew up in a scary place and I want my children to grow up more normal. I am going to do everything I can to protect this new type of wolf we seem to be but if my children aren't
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AustinTo say that Andrew and I were proud of our children and our pack would be an understatement. To say that we were worried about them as this war we have been expecting and preparing for is finally here would be an even bigger one. Elijah, Gunther, and I have been working closely with Jeremiah, Dominic, and Taylor for years to prepare them but we just feel like it isn't enough. Our mates have been working closely with various members of the pack to prepare them as well. We have made sure that all those in our pack knew what they were getting into and any that didn't feel comfortable were quietly moved to packs far away. We had a pack that believed that this was the path forward for our kind and wanted this for our species. They trusted our children immensely and saw how they made everything better. Only one of our older pack members had even heard of a Super Alpha existing in his lifetime let alone to have one in his midst so they felt honoured to have Jeremiah as their Alpha. Th
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JeremiahIt has been a few months since the war finally came to a close. It was weeks of battles. Dad was a mess after he came back from that first big battle realizing his father was one of the higher ups working against us. Apparently "uncle" Xavier's parents started this war to try and bring down what they thought was different and to spread their hate. They recruited like minded people that left their packs willingly or were kicked out for having the same feelings. We discovered that there were over 20 white mates bonds just in our region with almost 50 Super Alpha/Beta/Omega children and more were coming forward regularly. Most have asked to join our pack where they feel safe. The four surrounding packs have asked to join our pack to make one mega pack with us so we are currently making a new structure where I am the main Alpha with my mate as my Second Alpha and we will have sub Alphas running out outlining communities. Some elders and council members have been fighting all of
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