All Chapters of When Storm Meets Hail : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
132 Chapters
I took a few steps backwards as he approached me with sturdy steps, I clenched my fist. My mind raced, with trepidation as I searched for the right words. "Lucas, listen… I didn't want to cause more arguments. I was just trying to avoid any misunderstandings among your employees," I lied, desperately hoping he would buy my feeble excuse and stop closing in on the distance between us.He shook his head, his eyes narrowing with disbelief. "And when did you start caring about my employees?" He asked.I inhaled deeply, "I-I-I… I couldn't just stand whilst things went wrong… I mean I'm your wife,""Aha! The same title you dreaded to embrace, the same word you can't wait to drop when all these whole thing is over,""But we were in public… in your company Lucas, the walls have ears, we can't risk them finding out about this," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hands, "What about earlier with Audrey? You said we had something on our wedding ni
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Samantha jerked away from me abruptly when the door flung open and my secretary walked in holding a shopping bag in her hands. The flustered look on Samantha's face gave her away as she walked gingerly to the couch at the corner of the room and slumped like a tired five year old.The tension in the room was palpable, I could tell from the way Samantha stared blankly at the portrait that hung on the wall, to my secretary standing at loss for words."I'm so sorry for barging into your office Sir, I was carried away," she apologized.I shoved it aside with a wave of hands, "It's alright, not like you were interrupting anything overboard,we were having a discussion…" I added."So what do we have here?" I questioned, looking down at her hands.She smiled, "New pair of shirts, Sam–" She paused and glanced briefly at Samantha and back at me, "Your wife asked that we get new shirts," she said.I was a bit taken aback, but I composed myself in the presence of my secretary. I had to keep up the
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"I'm done," I jolted as Lucas' words hit my ears, causing the skin on the neck to rise with goosebumps."You didn't have to do that," I replied, a little startled. He had a playful smirk on his face and that got me disgusted. The shirt seemed to accentuate his structured body, hugging every part of his muscles that popped."I didn't have to do what?" He questioned, the smirk still plastered on his lips."You didn't have to whisper into my ear to tell me that," I retorted, my voice filled tinged with anger.Lucas's retort was swift, his tone laced with mockery. "Aha! Now you know how I felt when you lied about being intimate with Audrey."I rolled my eyes, "I thought we've moved past that?" I questioned, feeling a little but awkward that he referred to the incidence repeatedly.He sat on the couch and turned to face me, his knees slightly brushing on mine. "I don't think we have not quite,"I couldn't hold back my anger and frustration at his words. "You can't just throw that in my fac
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I sat at my desk, a surge of excitement coursed through me, I was grateful for the opportunities that had unfolded in my life–Working at Java Inc was a dream come true, I thought of how my life would turn out to be now, even though it was temporary I was going to enjoy it while it lasts.I didn't realize how carried away I was till my phone rang, jolting me back to reality. I gasped as I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Valerie calling "Goodness!" I gasped– I had totally forgotten she was still in the company, I was too excited to think about anything else.I held my breath and picked up the phone, my voice filled with urgency. "Valerie! I'm so sorry, I completely lost track of time. Are you still here at the office?"Valerie's voice on the other end of the line held a tinge of amusement. "It's okay Sam, I totally understand, not to worry I'm still waiting for you in the lobby.""Alright, I'll be with you in no time, don't go anywhere," I said in a rush and hung up.I almost
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I blew an exasperated breath and exhaled deeply when I saw the look on Lucas' face. I saw the anger in his eyes as he stared at me pointedly. The day had already been filled with enough drama to last for a long time, I was too at loss for words to make matters worse than it already is.I forced a grin across my face, and feigned surprise,"Lucas, hey! It's good to see you here… I…I just wanted to do a little catch up with Valerie," He looked over at Valerie then back at me, without uttering a word."They make some of the best coffee around here… you'd like it," I said, and regretted it after realizing how foolish I sounded.Lucas glanced at me, his expression softening slightly. "Sam, you should inform me whenever you're leaving the office…"I nodded,"I-I-I…I apologize for not letting you know. It won't happen again." I pleaded.I held my breath and waited for his response. Instead, he simply nodded and reached out to grip my hand firmly, pulling me up from my seat. My heart skipped fo
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I was too stunned to speak as we looked up and saw Andres standing by the car, a devilish smile plastered on his face. His stoic expression showed no remorse for what he had just done that had almost cost bruises on my skin. I turned to face Lucas, who was by now fuming with anger.I reached out and gently held Lucas's hands. I wanted to tell him to ignore Andres but the words weren't coming foth, so I clamp my mouth shut. Lucas wasn't having any of it, with a stern expression on his face, forcefully shoved my hands aside."Stay out of this, Samantha," he said firmly, his voice laced with anger as he focused his gaze on Andres. "This is something I need to handle myself."I watched as Lucas locked his gaze on Andres, with a clenched fist. Andres took two steps backwards and shook his head."Lucas, my dear brother," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I didn't mean to intrude. Just passing by and thought I'd say hello."I looked at Andres with contempt, his presence meant only one
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The morning sun created a warm glow through the curtains, painting the room with shades of gold. I groggily rubbed my eyes as my alarm rang and reached over to turn it off. I sat up and glanced back at the bed to see Lucas still deep in his sleep. I slipped out of bed and tiptoed towards the bathroom quiet enough not to wake him up.I turned on the faucet and stood under the warm spray of water. Two months had passed since the contract begun.I reminisced on all that had happened. The arguments and clashes, then finally giving in to being civil enough to condone each other's presence. I giggled when I remembered the first day he sneaked back into the room. Now, I like it when I roll over and hit his sturdy chest.After the shower, I stepped out of the bathroom. I stopped right in track at the sight of Lucas still wrapped under the duvet. It was unusual for him to sleep in till this time, it was only a few minutes past seven a.m, He was up and headed to take a shower at this time. I wo
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I stood there, my body frozen in place, as Lucas's angry words reverberated through the room. His outburst caught me off guard. Lucas had never raised his voice at me before. What had changed?I opened my mouth to defend myself, to make him understand that I had only been concerned and it was best to talk instead of bottling up emotions, my words failed me. My tongue felt heavy and twisted so I clamped my mouth shut.He wasn't done yet, he stomped his fist on the bar and a shifted backwards. I wanted to walk away but I didn't want things to become worse than they already are. "Who do you think you are?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the room. "Telling me how to live my life? You need to learn your place, Samantha, and stop meddling in my affairs!"I had never felt the pain of a sharp knife pierced through my heart, but if it felt like your heart was going to drop and your legs would stiffen unable to move, then I have… his words felt like a knife that dug through my heart ripp
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Five days passed since Lucas made the trip, every other day since he traveled I went about my duties like nothing happened– or so I thought.Except for the time Emily called my attention to a file I omitted, it wasn't entirely my fault– everyone omitted things every second!And the other time I had mistakenly taken freshly brewed coffee to his office, his secretary had looked at me awkwardly and had forced a smile on her face, "Umm, ma'am he isn't on seat because… he traveled," I had felt embarrassed but I nodded vaguely and trashed the cup with its contents at the ladies.It was a windy Sunday, I sat by the window in my room enjoying the cool breeze when my phone rang. I ignored it for a while. I wanted to be on my own, especially now I was getting used to being alone in his room.I sighed when the phone rang again, I got up and my heart skipped a beat when Lucas' name flashed on the screen. I slowly brought the phone to me ears,"I'm at the airport, come pick me up," he commanded fr
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I got down from the car immediately Samantha brought it to a halt and headed towards the house. I avoided her gaze, I avoided her stare. I didn't want her to see through me. Otherwise, I'll become even more weak than I already was.As I got into the house, I headed straight to the bar and pulled a bottle of vintage Cabernet Sauvignon wine and headed to my room. It was useless, nothing made sense anymore except getting drenched in liquor. I slumped into my chair trying to play the scene that took place at Audrey's house."I can't anymore Lucas," she had said, "I can't continue with this arrangement anymore, it's killing me,"I had reached for her hands but she drew back, "I'm sorry… I know this isn't easy but you can't just call the relationship off, Audrey think about what we shared,"She stood up and walked to the bar and had poured her drink, she gulped down its content in one gulp and exhaled deeply. She didn't look as troubled as I was in fact, she seemed calm about it.I wasn't.
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