All Chapters of PROTECTED BY THE WEREWOLF: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
I went home. My mother was lying on the sofa, staring unblinkingly at the ceiling, an open album in her hands.- Hi Mom. “I kissed her on the forehead. 'I brought you a Cornish pastry and a new tarot deck.' I thought you and Cynthia would like to try my luck.She didn't answer, her eyes barely registering my presence. My gaze fell on the photo album and I was surprised to realize the photographs weren't of my father. It was me and Ben. Pictures of us smiling under the family Christmas tree, walking along Hadrian's Wall last summer, marching in a student protest against the Iraq War. From each image, Ben's animated face smiled at me. My heart pounded. Why was she doing this to herself?“Pietra. Mom blinked. Fresh tears rolled down her face. She reached out and hugged me with thin, weak arms. - Are you well? Did you come home to be with me?"I'm just here to take a shower and pick up a few things." I'm living at the farm for the next three weeks, remember?—Oh! ’ Her face fell. She clea
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“I won't be home for dinner,” I said through clenched teeth.— Oh.I held the door open, letting the icy wind blow in, waiting for her to say something else.Goodbye, daughter. Enjoy the dig. I hope you have fun. Did you discover something wonderful? Have you met any sexy werewolves?But she didn't say anything.I closed the door behind me, locking it from the inside. I debated calling Cynthia and telling her to come over and stay with Mom, but thought better of it. Mom probably wouldn't even answer the door.Behind the wheel of the Mini, my mind whirred through everything I discovered through Clara. This other wolf, he had to be there because of the caves. Would things get dangerous? As I approached the forest, my stomach fluttered nervously. I wasn't sure what I'd find when I got back, and I worried about Josh alone, unaware that there were other wolves in the territory.When I finally reached the site and pulled up beside Frances's beat-up jeep, I noticed two unfamiliar vans. White
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“Why is Ruth in front of the camera?” I hissed at Frances."I thought she might have a chance to get involved," she replied. “Ruth is so excited about this discovery. Cave paintings are your specialty, you know. His master's thesis was on the caves at Lascaux.Cave paintings are her specialty, and she still hasn't figured out they're less than a hundred years old , I thought, but didn't say.The camera started to roll again. I watched as Ruth gestured to the rocks as she explained how the caves had formed from water flowing over the ridges. Water trickled over the edge of the tent and down the back of my sweater, the cold water sliding over my skin.Enough !, I said to myself, as a large drip landed in the center of my head. I've already seized the moment, missed opportunities because I'm too kind to talk. I'm tired of being so busy surviving the various tragedies in my life and taking care of everyone else. It's time to take care of me.One way or another, without hurting Josh's feel
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When someone shifts into wolf form, the first need is always breakfast.I caught the scent of a rabbit that had crossed in front of me and followed it for a mile until I was able to track the creature. A quick bite of the jugular, and I had satisfied the hunger rumbling in my stomach.My thoughts changed as instinct hummed through my body. But unlike previous times, if I focused on Pietra, I was able to retain my independent human thought. So I found myself in a sheltered place in the hollow of a rotten tree trunk and thought of her.Last night… meant so much more to me than just sex.My body burning for her, the image of her face flashing across my vision. I could barely concentrate on the task I gave myself. I gave the camera crew a cursory glance before heading off into the woods.Now that I was in my wolf form, I knew I wouldn't attack her. The thought of doing that turned my stomach. But still, asking her to find me was a risk. She could be followed and we'd both be discovered. B
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“So… I don't think it's a coincidence. He could be here because of the caves. You have to be careful…The wolf lifted its head, baring its teeth. His eyes bore into mine, the deep brown irises of a killer holding the focus on his prey.That wasn't Josh.My stomach plummeted. Shit .The wolf charged, galloping towards me with strong paws. Time seemed to slow down. His shoulder muscles rippled as he narrowed the space between us. My throat closed up. Its jaws parted, revealing those rows of sharp teeth.Run.I willed my legs to move. I turned and ran back to camp. I seemed to move in slow motion, my legs dragging through the air like I was trying to run on honey. I shoved my hands in front of me, diving through the trees without a clue as to where I was going. The lantern light waved wildly around me, lighting up the forest like a fire. The wolf slammed behind me, panting as he approached. In the distance, someone was screaming. It took me a few moments to realize that that someone was
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- Okay. That is good. I took a deep breath. The wolf even smelled like Josh. That deep, primal scent that took me over the edge. At the moment, it was the most delicious smell in the world. "Josh," I whispered against his fur. “It's been such an intense day for me. Listen, I'm really sorry about the way I reacted this morning. I know you know my dad died. He was killed in a factory accident. But what you don't know is that five months ago my boyfriend died here in the woods. He went hiking with a friend, and they decided to hike over one of the rocky ravines beyond. Ben slipped and fell into a crevice. He broke several bones and his head. The friend couldn't get him out, and when he returned with help, Ben was dead.Tears welled up in my eyes. Josh licked them, his tongue rough like sandpaper against my skin.“Last night… it was the first time since Ben. And it was amazing. I really like you, Josh, but it's hard for me to be here in the woods without him. My mom withdrew into herself,
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Josh tilted his head to the side and placed a heavy paw on top of my hand. I smiled despite the tears.“The clock is ticking for me to accept postgraduate placements. I was accepted to Yale, Auckland and Cambridge. They're all in exciting, faraway places that aren't here, but when I think about telling my mom I'm leaving… I just can't. I sighed. “I'll stay in Crookshollow forever, trapped here by the ghosts of the dead.Josh pressed his nose against my hand and whimpered. That's exactly how I felt when I thought about the pile of acceptance letters burning on my desk at home. His weight pressed against me, warm and reassuring, and my anxiety about the future disappeared. Calm washed over me. That would work.I had Josh now. With his strong body and sharp mind by my side, I knew that, one way or another, I would work things out.“Good night, Josh. I kissed the soft fur on top of her head. He tapped my chin with his wet nose, then curled up next to me, a reassuring weight beside me. He
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“I'll be fine,” I promised, pushing off his paw and pulling off the shirt I'd worn to bed. I put my arms in my bra and did that, then pulled my pink thermal shirt over the top. “That wolf is unlikely to attack the site in broad daylight, especially now that he knows you're around. And I promise I won't go anywhere else without you. I know you won't be far from me if I need you.Josh looked at me for a few moments, then slowly shook his head.- Good boy. I scratched behind his ears. Josh stood up and swayed his body down. I admired the toned muscles in his legs, the beautiful shape of his jaw, the powerful slope of his back. Even in wolf form, he was an impressive creature.I opened the flap and a blast of cold air hit my face. Josh left, his beautiful tail flying behind him. I watched as he bolted towards the bushes.“Josh? I poked my head into the frigid air. He turned his head, those big green eyes swimming in my vision. - Be careful.Josh nodded and walked away, his tail disappeari
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This thing was getting too dangerous. My father had told me that there were other packs who wanted the caves and paintings to remain hidden. The alpha of Bleddyn's pack wanted to marry my grandmother, but she chose my grandfather. If they knew the caves had been discovered, and my grandmother's paintings brought to light, they might come here to claim the territory they thought was rightfully theirs.And then there would be the wolves who wanted to act on behalf of shifters everywhere in order to keep the true origin of the paintings a secret. It wouldn't take long for an archaeologist or a reporter to uncover the local legends about the caves, and then stories of werewolves would appear in every tabloid across the country. There were packs that would kill everyone involved to stop that from happening.Dad, I wish you were here. I fell under a tree, feeling defeated. I licked my skin, cleaning off some of the mud that had dried there . I don't know what to do about all this. Now it's
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PietraFFrances had completely abandoned work on the Neolithic cave. I was almost relieved. The thought of going back to cataloging fox bones and stone chips after everything that had happened filled me with dread. Instead, she and Ruth spent most of the day in the caves, delicate brushes in hand, cleaning dirt and dust from the paintings, ready for the university's professional photographer, who would arrive tomorrow. The cave was narrow and couldn't accommodate more than two people at a time, or so Ruth had happily explained when she'd ordered me to stay behind at camp.Fine by me. Rain clouds rolled over the forest, sending enough water to restart a biblical flood. Instead of walking through the cold caves, I sat in the trailer, wrapped in a wool shirt, scarf, and gloves, reading Heinlein while sipping my third hot tea of the day.It was my job to talk to the Daily Post reporters, who would arrive later that morning. Meanwhile, I was enjoying one of the rare downtimes on the site.
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