All Chapters of Love of the Lycan : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
133 Chapters
"Why not? It's not as if I'm going to reveal to Giovanni everything you shared with me. Absolutely not! I'll simply remain silent," Isabella retorted, her voice filled with determination.Layla, the maid who had been entrusted with Isabella's care, responded gently, "No, dear. If you truly desire an answer to that question, you should ask him directly! My role here is solely to attend to your needs and prepare meals for you. That's all." Her words caused Isabella to let out a sigh of resignation."Alright... but please, do tell me... what was your initial reaction when he informed you about my existence?" Isabella inquired, her curiosity apparent. Layla nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders in response, portraying a sense of uncertainty."As I mentioned before, I am in no position to pass judgment on anyone or anything. From what I have observed, Giovanni is a thoughtful individual who carefully considers his decisions before making them. If he has chosen a particular course of action,
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"I am aware that I caused you immense pain, and I acknowledge the depth of the hurt I inflicted upon you," Thomas expressed remorsefully, his voice laden with regret. In response, Giovanni let out a bitter chuckle, devoid of any trace of amusement or forgiveness."No. I refuse to grant you understanding or empathy," Giovanni declared firmly, his voice trembling with anger and grief. "I stated it once before, and I will continue to reiterate it without hesitation... you are a murdere. You callously took the life of my mother, solely for your own selfish gains!"Giovanni's words reverberated in the room, fueling the tension that hung heavily in the air. The weight of his accusation bore down upon Thomas, intensifying the gravity of the situation. However, before the silence could consume the space completely, a sudden voice shattered the stillness, demanding attention from all present."Enough, Giovanni!" the commanding voice erupted, slicing through the emotional turmoil like a blade.
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Grace spoke up, her voice laced with concern and a hint of desperation. "He chose you. He made you his responsibility. Do you really want him to take your life while you are still in her womb, and let her live her life without you?"Giovanni pondered over Grace's words for a moment before responding with a grim sense of acceptance. "That might have been a much better outcome, I think," he replied, his tone heavy with resignation.Thomas, who had been listening silently until now, couldn't contain his anger any longer. He called out to Giovanni sharply, his voice tinged with frustration and annoyance. "Giovanni!" he exclaimed, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and disappointment.Grace's voice carried a note of admonishment as she urged Giovanni to consider the impact of his words. "Please, Giovanni, think before you speak. Your words have the power to inflict deep wounds on others."In response, Giovanni let out a bitter laugh, his demeanor laced with a hint of defiance. He direct
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Giovanni was clearly agitated as he addressed the group, "Tell me now... I am the Lycan King of this Pack! You can't deny it, can you? After all, everyone knows that I am not the original successor of this pack!"Grace, who was listening attentively, let out a deep sigh before responding. She understood that Giovanni was struggling with his identity and position as the pack leader. "It doesn't matter what others think about you," she said, trying to calm him down. "Your brother is dead, a long time ago. You are the king of this Pack, and that's final. Your children will be next in line for the throne, not your brother's son."Susan, who had been observing the conversation, was taken aback by her mother-in-law's words. It was clear that the topic of succession was a sensitive issue for Giovanni and his family. Susan's voice trembled with shock as she reacted to Grace's statement. "What?" she asked, her eyes widening in disbelief. She turned to her mother-in-law, Grace, who maintained
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Grace's voice resonated with authority as she confronted Giovanni, her tone laced with defiance, "You won't dare to do that!"Undeterred by her challenge, Giovanni met her gaze with unwavering confidence. His voice carried the weight of his position as he proclaimed, "I will and I can! I am the Lycan King of this pack, and no one else possesses the right to oppose me. Not even you, Grandmother."The weight of Giovanni's words hung in the air, causing Grace to inhale deeply, steeling herself for the impending clash. Her response, laced with unyielding determination, was swift and resolute, "You will not follow through with that course of action. As a former queen of this esteemed Pack, I possess every right to stand against you!"A smirk danced across Giovanni's lips, amusement evident in his eyes as he chuckled softly at Grace's unwavering spirit. Sensing an opportunity to test the boundaries further, he proposed a startling alternative, one that caught Grace off guard and widened her
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Giovanni spun around, his attention now fully focused on Grace. A mixture of surprise and curiosity was evident in his expression as he queried, "What?" The sudden interruption had caught him off guard, and he awaited an explanation from Grace.With an air of determination, Grace retorted sharply, her voice laced with authority, "You heard me!" The sternness in her tone emphasized her seriousness, yet Giovanni couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. A chuckle escaped his lips, slightly alleviating the tension that had arisen between them.Confusion still lingered on Giovanni's face as he sought clarification, his voice tinged with bewilderment. "What does my child have to do with any of this?" he questioned, his gaze fixed upon Grace. He struggled to connect the dots, failing to comprehend the relevance of their conversation to his own offspring.In response, Grace inhaled deeply. She proceeded to lay out her condition, her voice carrying a firm resolve. "Because he will be
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"Ryle... Ryle... Where are you?" Giovanni's panicked voice echoed through the dense woods as he desperately searched for his young nephew, Ryle. His heart pounded in his chest, fear gripping him tightly as the darkness of the surroundings seemed to close in on him."Ryle... Please... Where are you?" Giovanni called out again, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and concern. He scanned the shadowy forest, the towering trees obscuring his view, making it even more challenging to locate his nephew. The sounds of his own footsteps seemed to reverberate ominously through the silent wilderness.Suddenly, Giovanni's ears perked up at the sound of sobbing, carried by the still night air. His heart skipped a beat, a glimmer of hope sparking within him. He followed the anguished cries, pushing through the underbrush, branches scratching against his skin, as he made his way towards the source.As Giovanni reached a small clearing, his gaze fell upon Ryle, his 10-year-old nephew, huddl
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Giovanni's heart sank as he realized the impact of his negligence on his nephew. The news that Ryle had heard from others, something he shouldn't have been exposed to, pierced Giovanni's soul. If only he had been more careful, if only he had shielded Ryle from the harsh realities of the world, this pain could have been prevented.The weight of responsibility bore down heavily on Giovanni's shoulders as he contemplated the hurt that had befallen his beloved nephew. He understood the vulnerability that Ryle must be feeling, the confusion and anguish swirling within his young heart. Giovanni had always strived to create a safe haven for Ryle, shielding him from the harshness of the world. But this time, Giovanni's vigilance had faltered, and it pained him deeply to see the consequences.For the first time, Giovanni witnessed a side of Ryle he had never wanted him to experience. The innocence that once radiated from Ryle's eyes was now clouded by hurt and confusion. It tore at Giovanni's
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Giovanni, concerned and perplexed, posed a question to Ryle. "Why not? Why don't you want to go there?" Ryle shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes, unable to articulate his feelings clearly."I don't want to. No one wants me there... No one loves me. How can I live there all alone?" Ryle's voice quivered with a mixture of sorrow and vulnerability. Giovanni, understanding the depth of Ryle's pain, enveloped the young boy in a tight embrace, holding him close."Ryle, everyone loves you. You're such a wonderful kid. No one hates you there," Giovanni reassured him, attempting to alleviate his fears. But Ryle continued to shake his head, tears streaming down his face."Ryle, please don't cry. I'm here with you. I love you with all my heart," Giovanni whispered, his voice filled with genuine affection, as he gently wiped away the tears from Ryle's cheeks."Then, don't take me there. I don't want to go home anymore. Everyone hates me there... They don't like me at all," Ryle expressed
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Susan's voice trembled with concern as she anxiously posed a question over the phone, "So, what are we going to do now? If he doesn't come home, where is he going to stay?" Her worry was palpable, mirroring the urgency of the situation at hand.Giovanni, feeling the weight of the responsibility, responded nervously, "Can I take him to my home?" He knew the gravity of the decision he was about to make, fully aware of the potential consequences it might have on his personal life.However, Susan hesitated, knowing the complications it could bring. "You can, but... Jasmine..." Her voice trailed off, implying the presence of an obstacle they had to overcome. Jasmine, presumably Giovanni's partner, was a factor that couldn't be disregarded in this delicate situation.Giovanni reassured Susan, trying to assuage her concerns, "Don't worry about Jasmine. I will take him somewhere else, a place unknown to her. I will stay by his side and ensure his well-being. So, please don't worry." He was de
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