All Chapters of CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO ALPHA RIVALS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
142 Chapters
20(B): The White Hair
LAYLAA laughter that could’ve caused my belly to erupt filled my chambers as Nadia just completed one of her famous expressions or imitations of different people in the palace. I didn't know how she managed to pull it off, but Nadia had a talent for improvisation and she always lifted my spirits with her witty behavior when she executed any of her funny habits.After my laughter had finally subsided, I rolled over to the edge of the bed and leaned forward so that I’d be able to clearly see Nadia who was on a mat beside my bed. I was never comfortable with the fact she’d always chosen to sleep on the mat despite how much room there was on the huge bed I’d been given.“Nads, you know you can just sleep on the bed beside me, right?” I rose my brows at her as I awaited her usual decline whenever it came to this particular offer.“Look here,” She sat up on the mat so that she was now facing me, “You already know that's a No. Why do you always offer despite that?”I watched her brows wrinkl
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21: Love is a Fickle Thing
ARNOLD ‘How the mighty hath fallen!’ That quote was now permanently bored into my mind’s eye after I’d seen it play out before my very eyes as I grew up. In the instance I’d been opportune to witness, “the mighty” was my ailing father who had grown weaker by the day from my teenage years and it’d shocked me each time I saw him. My father was one of the most feared and revered Alphas of his time, he was what you'd refer to as a man of valor because of how he conducted himself and always put his pack first. I still considered myself as incredibly lucky to have grown up under the wing of a man who led his pack as brilliantly as he did, because not everyone got such an outstanding mentor from birth like I did. Growing up, I admired my father’s resilience and strength as he sorted matters of the royal court and the pack in general. Every single time that he’d set out to conquer a territory and merge it with ours, the palace prepared a celebratory feast because we knew that he’d never lo
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22: How An Alpha Should Be
ARNOLD My father’s words had reignited an unusual anger within me as he compared me to Ethan as though I’d accomplished absolutely nothing as an Alpha since I’d taken his stead. The anger I’d felt toward his utterance was borne from a place I couldn’t quite place a finger on, it was an inexplicable surge of rage that seemed to have emerged from the pits of my belly on hearing Ethan’s name. For some unknown reason, Ethan’s name seemed to be on everyone’s lips these days and it’d begun to irritate me more than I was willing to let on. First, it’d been Layla who’d questioned me about his so-called curse, and now, it was my father who dared to compare me to him like we were nothing but common roadside commodities. What enraged me, even more, was the fact that my father showed no remorse for the insulting statement he’d just made about my inability to serve effectively as an Alpha. The unbelievable part was that I’d been successfully holding down the forte and ensuring that peace and pro
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23: A Monster On The Loose
ARNOLD “And where’s this trouble you speak of?” I asked the guard who’d now almost run out of breath in front of me. “In the swamps, Alpha” He rushed out and his eyes still appeared as though he’d been a witness to a gruesome sight which made me begin to understand the urgency of the matter he’d reported. “Is the carriage ready?” I knew that I’d need to have the situation checked as quickly as possible because of how shaken up he seemed. ”Yes, Alpha” Came his sharp response as though he couldn't wait to drag me to the source of the trouble he’d spoken of. “Alright, take me to it” I ordered him and he bowed in acknowledgment of my request before he escorted me outside the palace where the carriage had been waiting. The carriage door was promptly opened for me by the guard and I hopped in quickly and signaled for the rider to begin the trip. The journey to the swamps had felt longer than usual because of how curious I was about what the trouble could've been and the intensity as we
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24: Failed Spell
Hera’s POV The moon goddess had granted me another wonderful morning like that beginning of the one where I’d expected Layla to have passed. However, this time my confidence in the fact that she’d died overnight had tripled and I had absolutely no doubts that my spells could possibly fail me. This time around, I woke up humming a melody that’d never failed to lift my spirits instantly as I sat up in bed. As usual, the streams of sunlight from my window that poured into my room were signs of my final victory over Layla’s manipulative ass. A smile covered my face as I stretched contentedly from the amazing sleep I’d enjoyed the night before. Every inch of my body felt amazing and I was certain that at the moment Layla’s body must’ve succumbed to my spell such that she’d be lying lifeless in her bed. I’d made sure that the spell I incanted last night was one with a burning sensation, one that worked by burning her uncontrollably on the inside until all her organs became unresponsive.
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25: Posessed
I’d never lost control of my body as quickly as I did when Layla’s hair and eyes became an unrecognizable color right before my very eyes. I wanted to get as far away from her as I possibly could, so on instinct, I staggered backward and tried to find anything that I could possibly support my weight with but to no avail. The shock that’d overwhelmed me at first still had a strong hold on every nerve in my body and as I staggered backward without anything to fall back on, I landed on the cold hard floor with my ass and back taking the toughest impacts of the fall I’d suffered. Somehow, I couldn't even focus on the pain I felt because of how badly I wanted to believe that my eyes had been deceiving me. But since there was no evidence to support that, I soon went into full shock and became transfixed in the spot where I’d landed. And just then, my eyes found her again and I noticed how her eyes changed back to their regular brown and her hair had switched from the piercing white to her
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26: Bullied by the Maids
Layla’s POV Nadia had taken her sweet time to explain how everything had played out, from how she’d frantically tried to wake me up to how Hera had suddenly appeared and voluntarily checked my vitals a while before I suddenly woke up. She made sure to add dramatics and extreme visuals as she recounted the experience and ultimately I just felt genuinely apologetic that I’d unintentionally caused her to worry so much. “I thought I’d lose my mind trying to wake you up, I was this close,” She held up her index finger and thumb so close that they were almost touching to demonstrate what she meant. “ wailing and calling on all the sorcerers and spell casters to come and help wake you up” She picked up my hand and rubbed my wrist affectionately. After a while, I noticed that she’d been carefully studying my wrist instead of just harmlessly rubbing it like she was doing earlier, and I knew exactly why she was doing so. “Nads, are you trying to check my pulse right now?” I asked her
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27: Around The Palace
Layla’s POV They were doing it stealthily, but I was convinced that they’d been referring to me with the cause comments they kept making. I was well aware of that fact because they made it a point to glance in my direction every now and then while they referred to a whore whose only desire was to sleep her way to the top of the palace. I couldn't wrap my head around how most of the workers in the palace seemed to hate me without knowing anything about me, why did they prefer to conceive ill thoughts about me and my intentions in the palace when I was probably the least harmless person they’d ever come across? It absolutely baffled me. “Who knows? Maybe she also got here by seducing you know who” A maid said and the others nodded in agreement, and we probably all knew that they’d been referring to Alpha Arnold. At this point, since the ground had refused to swallow me, I just wanted to get away from them badly but I couldn't will my legs to carry me away for some odd reason. My anxi
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28: Melodious sounds
ARNOLDA peace that surpassed human comprehension was what I felt whenever I was inches near Layla, and even in the horrific mess I was entangled in figuring out at the moment, being in her presence still managed to bring me an unimaginable amount of peace and quiet.Even my wolf was incredibly at peace with her, and it was the best feeling ever because he was so tough to tame when he was uneasy but her presence did it in the snap of fingers.She might've thought that I was exaggerating by saying that her presence had calmed me, but I sincerely wasn't. Even when I wasn't in turmoil as I was a few moments ago, her company was the most refreshing thing ever, and now that I was in a fix, her presence served as a form of revitalizing therapy.Yet, the one thing that still weighed on me was the fact that the family that’d died by the hands of the monster was that of the child and mother that she’d so beautifully bonded with when we went on the last charity run.I didn't think that I could e
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29: Scared out of her Mind
Layla’s POVForty-eight hours and counting, and I still couldn't think of anything other than the evening of unmatched ecstasy that I’d enjoyed with Alpha Arnold. It was almost as though his hands were magical the second they hit my skin, I thought I’d be antsy but he found a way to relax me and give me a mind-blowing experience.Ugh, his magical fingers.I had no idea that a person’s fingers could leave me in such a pleasurable daze as he did, and I loved how affectionate and adoring he was the entire time. Before the experience I’d shared with him, I had no idea how arousal felt like but he’d managed to stir up parts of me that I didn't think existed.Yet, it bothered me a tad bit that I hadn't been able to get a hold of him since that evening, but I was fully aware of the fact that he’d been busy with affairs of the court because he never failed to send Castle with news of his tight schedules to me. It was really beautiful how he remained so mindful of my feelings and intentional wi
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