All Chapters of Just Got Lucky (BOOK 1): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
212 Chapters
51LINDY'S POVAfter their two days stay in Dublin, they headed to Manchester then to Liverpool to Sheffield to Nottingham, and then to Birmingham for their continuation on their world tour. He was busy traveling and singing for their fans who have been dying to take a glimpse of him. Sometimes, I envy the fans who attend the concert because they can see him sing on the big stage.It makes me feel happy and immensely prouder of him. At the same time, it makes me feel sad because I won't be able to see him for a while as much as I want to. Despite his incredibly busy schedule and all these flights and time differences, we were still able to talk and I was patient. We usually FaceTime a lot, texting almost every hour of every day and calling each other throughout their tour but the time difference makes it hard for us to stay awake it makes me miss him so much more. When his concerts finish, it’s either I have fallen asleep or he has. Now, I'm at the cafeteria having lunch with Martha
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52LINDY'S POV"Of course, we are also here to talk about that Jasper.” Sharon laughs fakely as she smiles to Jasper and the other lads. “But we just can’t help but be curious about your personal lives.”Jasper pulled his head up and stared at the ceiling as he mutters a few words to himself which made Silas laugh as he sits next to him. He stared back at Silas as Lucius stares at Milo worriedly. “The whole world wants to know and all women are curious, is Milo Beckett still single, or are you secretly taken?" Sharon smiles at Milo.There was tension in the room and I can feel how Milo is looking so anxious as he sits on his chair. Avery and her friends were also on the edge of wanting to know about the truth as I stand here much more nervous than I should be. "Don't tell." I thought to myself.Milo just smiled at himself and I can tell he's getting annoyed by the repeated and intrusive question that Sharon has been asking her. It shows how hard he's trying to hide his feelings by
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53"Uhh, mine's probably... Strong for Perrie." Rowan answered straightforward.I smiled at his answer. It just showed how much he loves his girl so much and how proud he is to have her. I'm not really sure who's who of their girlfriends are but those girls sure are lucky to be seeing all their boyfriends showing them off."Good choice Rowan." Jasper commented with a smile on his face."Will you sing for us the part you want to sing for your lovely fiancée then?" The interviewer smiled as the girls from the audience cheered."So baby hold on to my heart. Need you to keep me from falling apart. I'll always hold on ‘cause you make me strong." Rowan just flushed me with his awesome voice. Damn, his voice is just so breathtaking and I love listening to him.The audience went wild and I felt happy for Rowan. He is clearly crazy over his fiancée so much and he isn't ashamed to tell the world about it. I wish we could do that too. I wish I could hear Milo saying he's proud of me on TV or may
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54LINDY'S POVAfter Liverpool, they'll be heading to Newcastle then Glasgow in Scotland which sounded a little exciting because the places he has been, I haven’t been. Milo has told me that it was going to be their last concert in Glasgow before they are going to take a break from touring for a month. It seemed like he was going to still be busy from touring since I am sure they will still be doing promotions or TV shows or radio shows and I don’t want to complain because that has been his lifestyle even before he met me and I am most utterly proud of him. I downloaded the song Milo sang a while ago and it was heartbreaking to listen to since it was talking about us. I was crying while I was listening to it especially when he sang his part on the song. Listening to the message of the song tremendously breaks my heart because it reminded me of how much he wanted to tell the world about me but I know he mustn’t.I don't wanna be the reason for his downfall in his career just because h
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55MILO'S POVUpon finishing at Newcastle, we headed straight to Glasgow which got me highly excited. I hear Scotland was an amazing place so all of the other lads were very much excited as well. After that interview, the world and social media had made up stories about what I said and have totally turned the entire thing around into massive scrutiny. I didn’t want to let it get through my head because I didn’t want those words to ruin what I have with Lindy. They needn’t to know about my relationship with her because what matters is what we have right now. As much as I wanted to tell the entire world that she's mine, I can't and I understand why. I just feel sad that I can't be proud of having her because of the fans and the management who are already suspicious of me. The fans have been even more intrigued and I've been getting negative comments about her already even though they still don't know her. The fans have already started posting random women who wore almost the same cloth
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56MILO’S POVAfter talking and having something to eat, we head out of the hotel to drive around Glasgow but my mind was bothered about what Silas had told me. One way or another I know I had to face the management when they will confront me about Lindy and I had to know what to answer them just in case. But I can put that off for now.I decided to enjoy my day with the lads as I have promised Lindy, we took pictures, walked around, met fans along the road, and just felt like tourists. We needed this.I needed this to get off my mind from things that would probably be bigger than life once they'll know about me and Lindy.Already on my way to school babe. -LindyI smiled at my phone while walking along with the lads.That's good to know! :) I'm touring around Glasgow with the boys before we head for soundcheck. Wish you were here with me now baby. -MillI sent a few photos of the views, my own selfies that I don't really take but managed to for her and a few photos of me and lads, t
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57LINDY'S POVI slowly opened my eyes twice as I stretched my arms up above my head. I rubbed my eyes and pulled myself up from the mattress as I see the bright sunlight entering my room. My hair was messy as I fixed it with my fingers. I grabbed my eyeglasses on the drawer near my bed and slipped my feet into my fluffy bunny slippers. I greeted Button and grabbed her with me as I went out of my room and head downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water before I started feeding Button for her breakfast. I sat down on the chair and stared at my mom making some pancakes. I moved my head to the clock, it was still 8AM."Oh. Good morning honey. You're up early on a Saturday." Mom tells me.I smiled at her as she says the word, Saturday. I love Saturday. Thank God it's Saturday! There are no classes during Satur-I gasped. "Today's Saturday?!" I exclaimed out loud making my mom jump in surprise."Why? What's wrong honey?" Mom asked."Because I'm seeing Mill tonight." I
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58MILO'S POVI was awaken by a phone call and I have not had proper sleep since I arrived and I had to be ready for tonight when I’m going to see Lindy. I think I have slept all day but why does it feel like I need more sleep. I ignored my phone but it rings again annoyingly. I groan half asleep as I reach for my phone on my drawer before I groggily answer the damned call."Hello?" I answer, sounding half awake and half asleep."Mill!!” A nonchalant voice calls out my name and busts my eardrum.“Jesus Christ, don’t be too loud.” I whined.“How's it going lad?”I groan inwardly as I pull myself up from bed while rubbing my eyes with my wrist, "Well you just woke me up." I say as a matter-of-factly."Bloody hell you just did it with her?!"I grin as I think of that in my head, “No, I haven’t you idiot.” I say jokingly. "And it's really none of your business to meddle with in the first place."“Cut me the slack" He whines before replying. "Well you sound pretty tired, is all.” I groan
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59LINDY'S POVI was busy packing some of my things inside my back and wondered where Milo is going to take me this time. I needed to make sure the clothes I will bring with me will fascinate Milo and at the same time won’t look too much and will no longer look much like me. My room was a mess after Milo told me to bring extra clothes! I was pressured in trying to look good. Piles and piles of clothes were literally everywhere and my entire room looked terribly messy I know for sure my mom will kill me once she will see this. Button is now playing with some of my clothes. I pulled my shoulder bag then placed a few clothes inside, two of my cute unused underwear and bras then I grabbed my lotion and perfume too, throwing them inside my bag one after the other as soon as I inspected them. Suddenly, I hear my phone vibrating on top of the table. I walked to it and read Milo's message as it says, Baby bring some swimwear or we'll have to go skinny dipping. Though I prefer the latter.I
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60My sweet Milo.My heart was indescribably happy seeing him again and the feelings were too overwhelming that I just can’t stop smiling at him. He stands from his rocking chair while placing his hands behind his back looking effortlessly handsome. He wore a black shirt, black skinny pants, and some white sneakers which were unusual since he is always in his boots. I ran to him with a delighted heart and jumped on his arms as soon as he opened it for me. I rested my head on his chest as he pulled me in closer to him while we hug for a while. I tug onto the back of his shirt as I feel him rubbing his palm against the back of my hair.I missed him so much. His scent. His tight warm hugs. His lips. And everything about him.“I fucking missed you Lindy.” he whispered to my ears.I smiled and just hugged him for a while not wanting to let him go. I can feel him kissing my hair and his embrace was getting tighter. Then I remembered Paul and the two others were still with us so I hurriedly
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