All Chapters of Being Yours : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
239 Chapters
She set the water on the desk and wrapped her arms around herself. “It might seem incredibly stupid to you now, but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing.”“Stupid doesn’t even come close to what I think about it. Dammit, Dani. What in the hell were you thinking? In the first place, we’d only known each other a short time by then. There was no thought of anything long-term between us, at least not on my part.”“You’re right. There wasn’t.” By then she’d already fallen in love with him, but that was something she didn’t want him to know. “It’s just that I didn’t want to stick around and see what happened. I decided the longer we were together, the more our inevitable parting would hurt.” She swallowed against the rising nausea. “Nathan, try to put yourself in my position. That accident that Gil and I had was the greatest trauma of my life. It not only robbed me of Gil and our future, and the child I was carrying, it also, according to the doctors, robbed me of my chance of
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“Much better, diank you, but you didn’t have to hang up on your call.”“My cousin and I were just going over some numbers for a project, but we’d finished.”Yaz—his beautiful cousin Yasmine, she translated to herself, the one she’d seen with him at their charity ball. She remembered wondering what it would be like to be the recipient of such uncensored warmth and genuine, uncomplicated love from him. She still wondered.“Why didn’t you wake me up when we arrived here?”He smiled. “You were out cold. You obviously needed the rest.”There was no disputing that. She’d spent most of the last few nights wrestling over the decision of whether or not to tell him about the baby. “Still, there was no reason for you to stay.”“There was every reason. Earlier today you told me you were having my baby. In my book that means we have a great deal to talk about.”She stifled a sigh. “I don’t want to argue with you again.”“We’re not going to argue. We’re going to discuss. But first, you should try t
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If one more overdressed, intoxicated, holly-jolly male patted her cheek, or any odier part of her anatomy, Justine Miller was going to scream. In fact, if anything else went wrong today, she’d explode.Any normal person who had just gone through what she had would feel this way, she reassured herself. She forced yet another smile and moved through the boisterous Christmas-party crowd, skirting around the huge tree that twinkled merrily with lights. No, she corrected grimly, any “normal” person would have broken down by now and cried. But Justine didn’t break down or cry easily, and she wasn’t about to start.“Sis.”Her already tense body tightened as the need to escape nearly overwhelmed her. The grip she had on a still full glass of champagne became perilous. But she’d never run from a problem. Never. Besides, this was her beloved brother. He hadn’t meant to hurt her. Slowly she turned to face the tall young man with the too-serious blue eyes that matched her own. “Devlin.”“Hi.” His
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Then Justine blinked, and the hurt and mistrust came back in a flash.“Is it true?” she said to Devlin, her petite hands listed at her sides. “You sold the Daily News to him ?” She jerked her shoulder toward the “him” in question.“Well . . .”“Devlin!”“It’s true,” Mitch said. Gently, he took her bare elbow and turned her back to face him. Simply touching her made his hand shake. Her skin felt incredibly soft. She wore the same scent, that irresistible blend of innocence and sensuality that drove him wild. “The paper is mine. But I only bought it because—”“I asked my brother." Each word was grated out through clenched teeth. The glass at their feet crunched as she yanked her arm free and backed up a step. Her chest heaved with each breath, and the already plunging neckline of her dress sank even lower, making him wonder just how secure she was in that gown.“Ask me , Jussie,” he said, aching at the hurt on her face. “I’m standing right here. You can’t ignore me forever.”“Why not?”
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“It has to be off the record.”“Why?” she demanded. “Still hate publicity? It’s a little late for that, after the entrance you made.”He couldn’t handle the hostility in her eyes. “I want to talk to you, not the entire population of Heather Bay.”“Then why did you show up like that? You knew everyone would be there, you knew we’d draw a crowd.”“I had to see you right away.”He didn’t add that he’d come to her as soon as he could. The threat to him was gone, and Hopkins had released him from both the Federal Witness Protection Program and his obligation as a special agent for the FBI. Reluctantly, but he’d done it. “I knew if I showed up at your house or at work, you’d refuse to listen.”“You have no idea how I’d react to anything. Not anvmore.”There was a hitch in her breathing he was afraid to analyze. “Jussie—”“No. We’re over.” Her voice wavered and he leaped on that.“I can explain—”“I know,” she said sadly. “And the worst thing is, I’d probably believe you, fool that I am. I u
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More to continue touching her than anything else, Mitch held on and decided to bear the fury that flashed in her eyes. He’d worked through that temper plenty of times in the past, and he could only hope he still had the knack for soothing it. “You look good, Jussie.” With his other hand, he cupped her cheek. “Real good.”She blinked, clearly flustered. Then she slapped his hand away. “Don’t.”“Don’t what?” he asked pleasantly. “Don’t look at you? Or don’t say nice things?”“Either,” she said, scowling when he laughed. “And while you’re at it, go away. I’ve got work to do.” She paled a bit. “If I still have a job.”His good humor slipped. “You think I can know how much the paper means to you, and take away your job?”“I don’t know what to think,” she said quietly.Mitch looked at her carefully, seeing the faint purple circles beneath her eyes, the wariness etched in her eyes.Exhaustion, he thought with remorse. His fault. And Hopkins’s as well. His ex-superior had tried to placate Mit
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He’d see about that. “And you’ll work with me?” Please , God.She dragged her lower lip across her teeth as she contemplated him, and Mitch’s gaze hungrily followed die movement. He’d wondered whether their unbelievable sexual sizzle would still be there when he saw her again. His painfully aroused body gave him his answer.“Yes, I’ll work with you.” The words were unrelentingly hard. “But only because I refuse to quit, and I can’t afford to buy this paper back from you. Yet”He smiled easily and felt like jumping for joy. It was a small victory, but he’d take it.* *“I won’t kiss you,” she promised, eyeing him as if he was planning on jumping her. “Not ever again.”“Maybe you should reserve judgment until after I’ve told you again where I’ve been.”“You’ve told me enough. The rest doesn’t matter to me one little bit.”“Don’t lie,” he said quietly.“Fine,” she exploded, raising her hands. Her chest heaved. “ Fine . It matters. Too much. But I just can’t—I don’t w r ant to—please. I n
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“I’ve listened.”“But you don’t believe.”Surging to her feet, she paced the room. “Tell me.” She rounded on him so fast, he blinked. “You want me to know so badly, let’s hear it. All of it.”“I think Mitch should—”“You tell me,” she said emphatically, crossing her arms and glaring at him in the way she knew would make him squirm.He did. “Okay, but only a little, because I promised. “You know that he’d been planning to leave the SEALs, but that they weren’t thrilled with him going, that they were trying to keep him.”“Yes. Don’t you dare tell me some story about diem kidnapping him and keeping him these two years.”“What happened isn’t all that different, believe me.”“Dev.”“All right. You know he wanted to be a private investigator. He wanted to be home more, for you and the kids you’d have.”It’d been their dream. Mitch would leave the high-risk world for a calmer one, while still doing what he did best. Justine would do what she’d always wanted to do— run the paper. “Yes.” The f
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Sleep hadn’t come as easily for him, but rage had. He’d spent most of those years filled with it, promising vengeance on the man he felt had destroyed his mother’s happiness.Mitch had vowed this, even as he continued to blame himself for what had happened to his happy little family. He knew damn well it would have killed his mother to know how much he believed the fault to be his. That he believed his father had left because of him.But by then she’d sunk so far into her own loneliness and depression, she didn’t, or couldn’t notice.Mitch had stayed angry and filled with the need for revenge for as long as he could, but the anger had eventually succumbed to sheer aloneness. He tried, desperately, to get his mother to crack the shell she’d put up around herself, to no avail.In the end he’d been left to fend for himself, but he’d learned quickly enough. He’d gotten good at being alone, had even liked it.Until Jussie had come into his life; sweet, caring, beautiful Jussie.She’d reope
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Mitch thought of Jussie, and the life he hoped to have with her. "I’ve never been so sure of anything in all my life.”He’d finagled the parking spot right next to hers, Justine discovered a short time later. It came as a shock, seeing the convertible that looked so like his old one, only this car had been completely cherried out.It wasn’t the one from their youth, but it was close enough to have her squirming with the memories.Mitch had taught her to drive in that car, among other things. Heat flooded her face as she remembered some of those other things now, and despite the cold morning breeze, she felt hot. Unable to help herself, she glanced at the backseat, remembering more than a few dark nights. Long, drugging kisses. Steamy embraces that had led to fumbling for leg room. Muffled laughter, and then more fumbling . . . God.She closed her eyes and tried for calm, but it was nowhere to be found. Nowhere.Maybe it was someone else’s car, she thought hopefully, but she knew bette
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