All Chapters of In the skin of a princess : Chapter 41 - Chapter 45
45 Chapters
Chapter 41
And then... She was already starting.- I only came to help you, Mirabelle.- Help me? Help me how? By locking you up with me... What a generous help! she said under her breath.She sighed and looked at the man in front of her for a moment. Why was she picking on him? He had come to give her a hand but she... she was already showing her shitty temper. For a brief moment, she felt sorry for him...Until she remembered recent events...- I didn't ask you to help me! she added harshly. You were passing by, you heard me, so it was your duty to help me, so... Don't look as if I owe you my life.Mirabelle gave him one last look before turning her back... They were locked in and alone... After a moment, this fact made her shudder. What was going to happen between them? Was he going to try to... kiss her or even make love to her? Thinking this, the young woman looked around, trying to spot a suitable place where they could possibly...make love. She'd watched so many stories like that. And
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Chapter 42
The man smiled in response to her request, but Kaya quickly caught a glint in his eye... He was so handsome and smelled so good... The young woman widened her smile and caught herself looking at his beautiful lips... She looked down, suddenly aware that she was going too far, but without warning, Elzar lifted her head and took his lips.Millions of butterflies fluttered in the young woman's stomach. She didn't respond to his kiss all at once. She could see him coming but... She didn't know. She...responded to his kiss just before she felt his fingers run through her hair. It was...magical. Kaya couldn't say how long the kiss had lasted, she could only say that it had lasted long enough for her to moan in disagreement when he abruptly ended it. The young woman gave him a dirty look but the man smiled and... stood up and took her hands...- Come here... he said, almost in a whisper.The young woman obeyed, swallowing and wondering what he had in mind. The man approached the wall wit
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Chapter 43
The next day passed quickly and evening came. When the bedroom door opened, Kaya already knew what to expect... He was probably going to scold her but she was going to... love it.- Good evening... She blurted out with a big smile, looking for a sudden alopecia on her head.- What do you want? Tell me...? Why are you so obnoxious as a person?The young woman looked mockingly annoyed. She didn't know why but she loved pissing him was so...satisfying.- You put glue in my hat! Can you imagine when it had to be removed in front of my associates?Kaya looked at the Sultan who was really pissed off but she couldn't help but converge into a smile before bursting out laughing.Her face...her expression...she was even trying to do the script in her head...And it was satisfying...- And that's what you can do...laugh? You know what, enough is enough!Kaya suddenly stopped laughing. He was really pissed off. She could see it... Was he going to take her back to her parents?She swallow
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Chapter 44
The next day when Kaya woke up, the Sun was already high in the sky and had already entered the room through the small crack in the window... She didn't need to run her hand along the side of the bed to know that she was alone. The Sultan had already left, She had felt him leave the bed this morning. It was much better for her because she didn't really want to see him...She still had the incident from the day before in her mind. She put her hand to her forehead and grimaced as she felt a huge headache as if someone were tapping her head. It was all because of him. He...had spent a good part of the night moving and the other part snoring...Kara even thought he had done it on purpose...It wouldn't have surprised her anyway.. .He was unbearable and that was in his nature.Taking a deep breath, she stretched before yawning lazily... She hoped her day was going to be good. She sits on the bed to regain her balance and during this time her request from the day before comes to mind...His b
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Chanter 45
Kara found herself in deep trouble... $20,000 ? She kept thinking about it. What was she going to be able to do with such a small amount? And it was a Sultan's birthday. And the possibility of a small, banal party was not to be considered. She had to do something grandiose, extraordinary... Something... royal. But did she have the budget for that? No.And Kara was sure he did it on purpose.He had put her in this situation on purpose. What if she... What if she didn't do anything. After all... He knew perfectly well that she wouldn't be able to do anything with so little money."Yes... After all. It's his birthday and too bad, I'm not the real princess. It's not something that will bother me. It's up to him to be ashamed of what he did."Kara was convinced her plan was perfect and yet...Kara knew it was a challenge he had thrown at her and this rebellious side tickled her to take it up.It would surely be enormously satisfying to see him turn pale as a ghost when he saw the grandiose
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