All Chapters of The Human Hunter and two mates : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
124 Chapters
As the night went on, she tossed and turned in bed, unable to shake off the events of the day. She kept replaying the scene in her mind, the moment when Derek had pushed Keith away from her. She couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were. Was he just trying to protect her, or did he have ulterior motives? She had heard stories of vampires using their seductive powers to lure humans in, and she didn't want to fall for any of it.She tried to distract herself by thinking of her revenge plan. She had been planning it for years, and she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of it. Not even the distraction of a handsome vampire who seemed to have a protective streak toward her. No, she couldn't let her guard down. She had to stay focused.But despite her attempts to push him out of her mind, she found herself thinking about Derek more and more. He was unlike any other vampire she had encountered. He didn't seem to be driven by the same bloodlust that others were. And he was un
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I woke up early the next day, my mind already set on what I had to do. I needed to find a way to get into the Order of the Phoenix Hunters. These were the specialists in killing supernaturals for centuries, and I knew they could help me get my revenge on Keith and his vampire accomplices. But to do that, I needed to gain the trust of Gerald, their leader.I got dressed, packed my bag, and headed out. As I drove, the worry of being followed kept nagging at me. What if Derek or Marcus were on my trail, trying to stop me from getting to the hunters? I shook off the thought and continued on my journey.When I arrived at the hunter's hideout, Deaton was outside patrolling the area. He spotted me and walked over, looking puzzled."Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked me."I need to see Gerald. It's urgent," I replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible."Is everything okay?" he asked, his eyes scrutinizing me."I need to tell him something," I said, meeting his gaze."Okay, I can
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I stood there, looking at Marcus and Derek with a mix of annoyance and suspicion as Marcus grabbed my arm. "What is it? And were you guys following me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them.Marcus let out a heavy sigh. "Whatever you're thinking, don't do it. It's dangerous," he warned, his expression serious.I rolled my eyes, feeling frustration building up inside me. "What are you talking about? And what's so dangerous?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest."We know you're planning to join the Order of the Phoenix, but it's risky. You might lose your life," Marcus said, his voice tinged with concern.I let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you care? You guys are spying on me," I accused, feeling a twinge of betrayal.Derek, who was sitting on the hood of my car, playing with a ball, spoke up. "We care because we're connected to you. We can feel when you're in danger and we can't rest until we know you're safe," he explained, his tone gentle."And you expect me to believe that
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I stepped out of Blake's office, my heart racing with a mix of fear and determination. I knew this was a suicide mission, but it was the only way I could prove myself worthy of joining their group. The thought of avenging my parents' deaths kept me going. The werewolves and vampires that killed them had to pay, and the Order of the Phoenix was my only hope of finding them.I climbed into my car, my hands shaking with adrenaline as I fumbled with the keys. My mind was racing with thoughts of what lay ahead of me. The location of the rogue vampires was a well-kept secret, and I knew it wouldn't be easy to find them. But I was determined to do whatever it took to avenge my parents' deaths and join the Order of the Phoenix.As I drove towards the location, my mind was filled with images of the rogue vampires. I had heard stories about them before, but I never truly understood the depth of their depravity until now. They were merciless killers who took pleasure in the pain and suffering of
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As I stepped out of the cab and made my way towards the entrance of my apartment building, I noticed a familiar figure standing outside. It was Keith, the same man who had attacked me before I went on my mission to hunt the rogue vampires.My first instinct was to turn around and run in the opposite direction, but Keith called out to me. "Wait, please," he said, his voice trembling slightly.I hesitated for a moment before approaching him, keeping a safe distance. "What do you want, Keith?" I asked, trying to sound as composed as possible."I wanted to apologize for what I did to you," he said, his eyes downcast. "I know I was wrong, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have attacked you like that."I was taken aback by his sudden apology, but at the same time, I felt a sense of relief. I had been on edge since the attack, constantly looking over my shoulder and wondering when the next threat would come."I appreciate your apology," I said cautiously. "But why did you do it in the first place?"
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I woke up the next morning and realized that I wasn't in my house, but somewhere else. I sat up on the bed, my head spinning as I tried to remember where I was. It was then that it dawned on me that I had agreed to stay over at Derek's place for a while. I took a deep breath and got up, making my way over to the window. I parted the curtains and looked outside, taking in the view of the city. It was strange to be in a vampire's house, especially since I was a hunter.I hesitated for a moment, considering leaving right then and there. As a hunter, I had been taught to be cautious of vampires and their kind. But then again, Derek had saved my life more than once, and I knew he wouldn't let anything harm me while I was under his protection.I walked around the room, taking in the details of the place. It looked really nice, with its modern decor and well-lit ambiance. I made my way into the bathroom and noticed how big and spacious it was. It had a walk-in shower and a large bathtub, and
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I tried to shake off the feeling of being followed by taking a few turns and changing lanes, but the car behind me remained persistent. It was clear that they were not going to give up easily.As I approached Derek's place, I noticed that the car behind me slowed down and eventually parked at a distance. I quickly parked my car and got out, keeping an eye on the other car. I couldn't see who was inside, but I had a feeling that it was someone from Blake's team.I walked towards Derek's house, trying to act as casual as possible, but my mind was racing with thoughts. I wondered how long they had been following me, and what information they had gathered. Were they watching Derek's house right now? Did they know about his true nature as a vampire?I knew that I had to be careful and keep a low profile, but I also knew that I couldn't let Blake and his team get in the way of my mission. I had to find out what they were up to and stop them before it was too late.As I entered Derek's house
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The men advanced on us, their expressions grim and determined. I could see the weapons they carried - guns, knives, and other deadly tools. But I was determined not to let them get the best of us.I lunged at the first man, aiming a punch at his jaw. He stumbled backward, but his partner was quick to take his place, aiming a kick at my stomach. I blocked it with my arm, then spun around, delivering a swift kick to his chest. He went down, but before I could celebrate, another man was on me, aiming a knife at my chest.I dodged to the side, then grabbed his wrist and twisted it until he dropped the weapon. Before he could recover, I kicked him in the stomach, sending him sprawling to the ground. Derek was fighting his own battles, taking on two men at once. He moved quickly, ducking and dodging as they aimed punches and kicks at him. But he was no ordinary human - he was a vampire, with heightened senses and reflexes.He landed a powerful blow to one man's jaw, sending him reeling back
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Back at Blake's office, the tension was palpable. Blake was livid that I had been working with vampires instead of hunting and killing them. I could feel the weight of his anger bearing down on me as he paced back and forth, shouting into the phone at someone on the other end.I could hear Gerald's voice coming through the receiver, trying to explain that I had a good reason for working with the vampires, but Blake wasn't having any of it. He was convinced that I was a spy, and that I was endangering their entire operation."Get the hunters on the line," he barked into the phone, "we need to take care of this now. I want that traitor and his vampire friends dead."My heart sank as I realized the gravity of the situation. Blake was not to be trifled with, and if he had ordered the hunters after us, we were in serious trouble.Unknown to them, Deaton had been eavesdropping on their conversation from outside the door. Deaton was one of Gerald's trusted employees, and he knew that somethi
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Marcus took a deep breath before speaking. "We need your help with a situation involving vampires. There's a group of hunters who are after us, and we're in danger. We were hoping you could use your powers to protect us."Selena sipped her tea before responding. "I see. And why should I help you? Vampires and hunters have been enemies for centuries. It's not my place to get involved in their battles."I could see the frustration on Marcus' face, but he managed to keep his composure. "We understand that, but we're not like other vampires. We don't kill humans for food. We just want to live our lives peacefully without having to constantly watch our backs."Selena's expression softened a bit. "I understand where you're coming from. But you have to understand that getting involved in supernatural politics can be dangerous. I have to be careful about who I align myself with."Marcus leaned forward. "We know that, and we're willing to take that risk. We just need someone who can help us."
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