All Chapters of Beauty And The Lycan Beast: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
89 Chapters
Chapter 30
Sierra pov.As I lay down, the sound of William and Henry's voices drifted through the air. I listened intently to their conversation, but I hesitated to open my eyes just yet. I wanted to stay cocooned in my own thoughts a little while longer.After a few moments, the room fell silent, and I heard the faint click of the door locking. Slowly, I rose to my feet, feeling a bit better than I had before.As I approached the door, I noticed that it was slightly ajar - Henry hadn't locked it properly. I slipped out into the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible. I decided that it was safest to head to the library and stay there for a while.Suddenly, a loud voice shattered the quiet, coming from the direction of the kitchen. I recognized it immediately as Alex's, and wondered why she was always so cruel.Cautiously, I peeked into the kitchen and saw Alex holding a dirty plate, with food remnants still clinging to it. She approached Henry and handed him the plate. Then, without warning,
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chapter 31
Sierra pov.I still can't believe that I kissed Henry. What was I thinking?I started packing a few clothes into my bag. I was feeling better now, and I thought it would be best if I just went to Nora's place.The smell of musty air in this castle was becoming unbearable, and I couldn't stand to see it happen.I ran around my room, searching for what I could wear in a week after I arrived at Nora's place. I knew Henry would be alone, but I just needed a place to cool off a bit. Seeing William all the time made me regret ever being here in the first place.After I was done packing, I let out a heavy breath and tried to think, looking around to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything else.I picked up my bag and opened the door to walk out, only to see Henry standing in the doorway."Do you have to go?" he asked, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. I smiled and moved a bit closer to him, staring into his eyes before speaking."I'm only staying at Nora's for a week, Henry. It's not l
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chapter 32
Sierra pov.I watch as everyone in the castle runs out to see what's going on. I look at William with anger in my eyes as I stand and approach him."What's your problem?" I yell at his face, frustrated with the situation that just happened.I can see regret in his eyes, but he should have kept his anger to himself.I notice how the maids murmur among themselves, some even laughing. Alex probably deserves this, but it could have waited until after she gave birth.I walk away from William and rush to pick up Alex, who is on the ground, crying and holding her stomach.I lift her up and see blood stains on the ground. I look up at William with fear in my eyes, then back down at Alex who is still in tears.As William starts to walk closer to us, I yell at him to stop right there."Please, Sierra, let me take her to the hospital," he pleads.I don't listen to him as I look around, and my eyes spot Henry."Henry!" I yell his name, but he just stands there, staring."Henry, help!" This time I
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Chapter 33
Sierra pov.The news was devastating, Alex had lost her child. The weight of it all felt like it was crushing me into tiny pieces. I felt scared and confused, unsure of what to think or feel.The doctor left the and Nora and Henry came closer to me. Everything felt like it was turning upside down and I was on the verge of breaking apart any second.I felt Nora's hand on my shoulder and looked up to see her concerned expression. Tears were streaming down my face, and I knew deep down that everything was my fault."Why are you crying?" Nora asked, her voice almost a yell. "You should be happy that she deserves what she got. Instead of celebrating, you're busy crying. Come on, Sierra, most times you need to stop blaming yourself for everything."Her words hit me like a slap in the face. Was she trying to tell me that none of this was my fault? I stood up, feeling numb as I walked out of the hospital. Just as I was about to open the car door, it shut back and I looked up to see Henry."Wh
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Chapter 34
Sierra pov.The world around me grew quieter and quieter, until all I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I knew, in that moment, that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. My eyes darted around the castle, taking in the furious expressions of the men who were now advancing towards me.But just as they were about to unleash their anger, William stood up and faced them. "It's okay," he said. "She didn't mean it."Though his words seemed to pacify them somewhat, their scowls did not fade entirely. And then, suddenly, one of the men spoke out. "In the history of all werewolves," he began, "it has never been said for a woman to lay a hand on a man, especially when he's an Alpha."I tried to speak up, to explain myself, but they raised their hands in protest, silencing me. "You were chosen to be his mate," they continued, "but you failed in your duty to provide him with a child. And then, you went so far as to kill the child of Luna Alex. And now, you stand before us, having slap
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chapter 35
Sierra pov.For days, I haven't seen Henry, and the fear of what he might be going through grips me. My life has become a never-ending nightmare. Each passing day, I close my eyes and wish the earth could swallow me whole. I feel lost, completely unaware of my surroundings.Like a puppet, I am in the hands of someone I once called a friend. William no longer looks at me, and it's as if my existence doesn't matter to him.I was once the girl who saved a beast and became a luna, but now my story has taken a different turn. I am a slave in the hands of the people I trusted.I yearn to go home, to be in the comforting arms of my mother and cry my eyes out, but I'm forbidden from leaving.My mother can't visit me in the castle anymore, and Nora, my fellow luna, is not allowed to make any decisions as she's not part of the lycan community.Every night, I wander out into the garden, searching for any sign of Henry. My heart aches with sadness as I look around, knowing he's not there.I gaze
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chapter 36
Sierra pov.As I caught sight of William standing there, my heart raced with fear. I hastily moved away, my eyes downcast, hoping to avoid any confrontation.Gradually, I lifted my gaze and saw that William had fixed his eyes on Henry. William strode over to Henry, who stood motionless, unflinching in the face of danger."What are you doing here?" William bellowed at Henry, his voice as cold and fierce as a beast's.I wanted to intervene and explain that what he saw was a mistake, but before I could speak, Henry spoke up."Why do you look so angry, William?" he said, completely unfazed by the looming threat.William glanced at me, and I instinctively recoiled, hiding behind Henry's back, unsure if he would protect me.I could sense William's rage, his eyes fixed on me, and I felt like I was about to wet myself."I showed you mercy by letting you go, and you still have the audacity to come here and flirt with my mate," he snarled.I looked up at William, my heart aching with sadness. D
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Chapter 37
Sierra pov.He didn't care to check on me; he didn't even bother to know how I was feeling. He just left me there. The sight of his retreating figure made my heart sink, and the smell of his aftershave lingered in the air, taunting me with memories of happier times. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of my own sobs.Most of the time during the daytime, I sat close to the small window, as I lay my head down, trying to forget the pain that was boiling inside of me. The bright sunlight filtered through the dusty panes, casting a warm glow on my tear-stained cheeks. I could smell the scent of fresh flowers from the garden, a stark contrast to the musty air of the small room.I felt lost, as if my heart was about to turn into a stone. The weight of my despair was suffocating, and my body felt heavy as if I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I longed for the touch of a comforting hand, but I knew that I was alone.The maids always brought food for me, and
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Chapter 38
Sierra pov.After two long hours of working, I felt as though my life had been drained out of me. My stomach grumbled loudly, and I knew that I needed to find something to eat soon.Exhausted, I sat on the floor, surveying the room. Despite having made progress, I still had a long way to go. The weight of my fatigue was bearing down on me, and if I didn't eat soon, I felt like I would collapse.I lay down on the ground, my body coated in grime and dust. As I looked up at the ceiling, the world seemed to be spinning around me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.The sound of my growling stomach filled the silent room, and the pain in my gut intensified. I knew I had to find something to eat soon, or I wouldn't be able to continue my work.I stood up, unable to sit any longer. As I thought about my next move, I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. I knew that I had to eat something before I could continue.I opened the door slowly and looked out into the empty hallway. Hopi
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chapter 39
Sierra pov.I look up and meet William's eyes, wondering if he was addressing me or someone else. I divert my attention back to the food on the floor and begin to eat. Whether or not he was observing me didn't matter to me.Suddenly, I feel myself being lifted off the ground, and as I put the last morsel of food in my mouth, I quickly cover it with my hand and look up at him."What the heck are you doing?" he demands, but I remain silent, gazing at him. "Why would you eat from the floor?" he yells, yet I say nothing.He releases me, and I stand there, attempting to calm my irritation at him for ruining my meal."Why?" he asks, and I look at him, trying to discern his meaning. "Why do you have to be this way, mate?"I approach him cautiously, my eyes fixed on him. Was he actually calling me mate? I raise my hand as if to touch him but quickly withdraw it and walk away."You need to leave. I have a lot of work to do."Just as I reach for the broom, he turns me around, and I fall onto hi
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