All Chapters of BITTEN BY THE DOMINANT ALPHA; I Am A Nymphomaniac.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 Chapters
You Asked For This, Brit…Britney's POV.As his strong, veiny arms enveloped my cheeks, a rush of desire surged through my veins, setting my body ablaze. Our eyes locked, an electric connection sparking between us, as if time itself stood still in the intensity of the moment. I could feel the heat radiating from his gaze, searing into the depths of my being.With a breathless gasp, my lips parted in pure ecstasy, aching for the touch of his. The anticipation built within me, a heady mix of longing and urgency, as I yearned for the fusion of our mouths, the collision of passion that awaited us. The weight of his gaze was intoxicating, drawing me deeper into a trance of desire.Drawing impossibly closer, he closed the distance between us, his proximity causing a symphony of sensations to ripple through my entire being. His warm breath danced tantalisingly across my face, teasing every nerve ending with its fervent caress. It was a sensory overload, a sweet torment that sent shiver
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Gaze Into My Eyes While I Take Over Your Body.Britney's POV.I could no longer contain the insatiable hunger that roared within me as I kissed Noah deeply.With a voice trembling with desire, I pleaded wordlessly for more. It was an unspoken request, a silent plea conveyed through the primal language of our entangled bodies. I yearned for his touch to consume me completely, to be taken to the furthest reaches of pleasure and beyond.Each breath mingled with desire, each touch a testament to the power of our connection. At that moment, amidst the whirlwind of desire and pleasure, a pang of regret coursed through me like an electric shock. My body, injured and unable to fully engage in the carnal dance that my mind yearned for, left me with a lingering sense of frustration. Oh, how I longed for the uninhibited freedom to wrap my legs around his neck, to surrender my body to the depths of pleasure, and to feel the raw, primal connection that could only be forged through physical in
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His Warm Suck On My Hardened Nipple.Britney's POV.With my hands firmly planted on the bed, anchoring me to the present, I arched my body backwards, a visual display of the pleasure that consumed me. My face turned toward the ceiling, basking in the glow of anticipation, while my chest rose and fell in rhythm with the rapid beating of my heart. Every inch of my being quivered with excitement, my chest thrusting towards Noah, as if urging him to continue teasing and playing with my clit.A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, mirroring the delight that danced within Noah's eyes. In his gaze, I found solace and affirmation, a silent acknowledgment of the profound connection we shared. It was in moments like these that our desires merged, our souls intertwined, creating a symphony of pleasure and delight.Caught in the throes of pleasure, I had succumbed to the instinctual urge to avert my gaze, to shield myself from the intensity of the moment. But Noah, the conductor of our sh
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Who Is She? Britney's POV.As Noah and I continued to share a passionate kiss, the world around us faded into a blur of pleasure and desire. Our bodies intertwined, our hearts racing in sync. But in that moment of ecstasy, a deafening bang shattered the Peace and quietness, piercing through the thick air of the hospital room.Both Noah and I jolted back, our lips abruptly parting. My heart raced with a mixture of fear and guilt, a potent cocktail of emotions flooding my veins. I was torn between the intoxicating touch of my ex, an Alpha, and the uncertainty of who could be on the other side of that locked door.My voice failed me, and I remained silent, my wide eyes betraying my inner turmoil. Every muscle in my body tensed, as if preparing for an imminent danger. Suddenly, Liam's commanding voice sliced through the suffocating silence, reverberating with authority and urgency."Open the damn door, Britney!! Now!" his voice boomed, echoing through the room and shaking the fragi
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Noah's Gentle Kiss On My Racing Heart.Britney's POV.Thinking that Noah and I would be caught together in the same room, our actions labelled as acts of adultery, a voice called out on Liam, disrupting the tense atmosphere."Hey, Liam!"The sound of that voice cut through the air, and a flicker of recognition stirred within me. I was certain I had heard it before, but in the heat of the moment, I couldn't quite place where or when. My mind raced, trying to connect the dots, to unravel the mystery that unfolded before us."Could she be the one?" I pondered, my mind hovering and slamming with different thoughts from only God knows where.Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even realised that Liam had stopped knocking on the door and that he had left my room. It was Noah who snapped me back to the present, his words laced with urgency and impatience."Are you just going to keep pondering on who she is while sitting on the bed?" Noah's tone was sharp, a mixture of frustration and concern.
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What If They Had Sex?.Britney's POV.I remained seated on my bed after Noah had left the room, his command echoing in my mind, his words etched into my thoughts."Don't leave this room!"The sound of his voice reverberated within me, resonating with a sense of urgency and caution. Even though he was no longer physically present, it felt as if he lingered in the room, his presence looming large. His words carried weight, and they struck a chord deep within me.It was as if Noah's voice had taken on a life of its own, ringing clear and true in my ears. The intensity of his warning permeated the air, urging me to stay put, to resist the temptation to venture beyond the safety of my room.The emotional turmoil that had gripped me seemed to intensify in the wake of his departure. Noah's command, though simple, had ignited a sense of urgency, a heightened awareness of the potential dangers that awaited outside my room doors. His voice became my taming force, a beacon of caution amidst
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LIAM? ( The Compelling Force!).
Liam!? (The Compelling Force).Britney's POV.The fear of the unknown gnawed at me, leaving me restless and desperate for answers.As I stood at the threshold of that last room, uncertainty loomed heavy in the air. The absence of any indication of their presence filled me with a torrent of unsettling thoughts.Doubts and insecurities crept into my mind, clouding my judgement and fueling my imagination.A disturbing thought suddenly slammed into my consciousness, causing my heart to skip a beat. What if they were engaged in a hot sexual encounter at this very moment? What if Liam was giving her everything she desired, sharing a passionate connection that I could not get from him? What if she was holding his head at this point and moaning his name?The mere idea pierced my heart with a mix of confusion and fear, tearing at the fabric of my insecurities."No, that can't be true!" I shook my head vehemently, as if by denying the possibility, I could banish the thought from my mind. T
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Have Sex With Noah! (Liam's Cheat)
Have Sex With Noah! (Liam's Cheat)Britney's POV. Standing before the door, my clutches clutched tightly in my hand, I felt a mix of fear and hope. The long search for my husband had led me to this very moment, and this room was the last place I hadn't yet checked."Will he be here?" A sense of dread gnawed at my gut as I contemplated what I might find on the other side of the door."I hope and pray he isn't here!" I whispered under my breath, my words barely audible. With a deep breath, I extended my trembling hand towards the cold metal doorknob, my heart pounding in my chest. The room held the answer to my relentless search for my husband, but it also held the weight of uncertainty.Just as my fingers grazed the doorknob, his voice pierced through the silence, sending shivers down my spine. The desperation and pleading in his words froze me in place, my hand suspended in mid-air. His plea echoed in my ears, reverberating through the corridor and into the depths of my being."
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