All Chapters of HeartLess: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
82 Chapters
Chapter 41: Skye
I peer through one of the long thin windows that flank the front door, but don't see any movement inside. After thirty seconds, I rap my fist again and wait. Dad's silver Volvo is parked in the drive while Brandi's white Mercedes is conspicuously absent. It's not like I'm keeping track of my stepmother's daily itinerary, but I know enough to realize that she's usually at the gym around this time, which is why I swing by. The less contact I have with Brandi, the better off we all are.The lunch I was forced into attending a couple of weeks ago is something I won't be repeating any time soon. Dad is going to have to accept that wife number three and I will never be besties.If I can live with that, so can he.My forehead scrunches with concern as I peer through the glass. If someone doesn't answer the door soon, I'll be forced to walk in, and I really don't want to do that. Even though I lived with Dad and Brandi after Mom moved to Wisconsin in eighth grade, this place no longer f
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Chapter 42: Skye
"You were right, this was a great idea." Lanie kicks off her sandals and stretches out beside me on the rolling green lawn in the middle of campus.I smile and pull our sandwiches from the brown paper bag. Lanie ordered ham and swiss minus the mayo. Believe it or not, she doesn't like mayonnaise. She's lucky I still consider her a friend. I have an Italian loaded down with salami, prosciutto, and provolone. The deli at the Union has the best subs. It only takes a few moments before the wrappers are off and we're digging into our lunch.Lanie keeps up a steady stream of conversation as we plow our way through the hoagies. There's a gentle October breeze that wafts over us. Everyone seems to have the same idea this afternoon. People are tossing around Frisbees and footballs. Some are lying in the grass and studying. Or, like us, they've opted to bring lunch outside and are sitting in small groups.Maybe after my last class this afternoon, I'll come back and study here instead
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Chapter 43: Hunter
"Catch you on the field, Price," Sam says, giving me a fist bump as we part ways.I quickly jog up the wide stone steps of Hastings Hall before finding the room for health. My body goes on high alert the moment I stroll through the door. Without glancing around, I already know Skye has beaten me here. The tiny hairs at the back of my neck rise.It sucks to be so attuned to her presence.As I slide onto my seat, I resist the temptation to turn around and look her way. Instead, I pull out my book and notepad. Then I sit back and tap my fingers on my desk and wonder when Bennet is going to begin class. I glance at the clock on the wall, and the chick next to me smiles. I should be all over that, but the truth of the matter is that I have zero interest. Skye is the only girl I want.One hundred and sixty-two seconds is exactly how long I'm able to resist the urge before swiveling in her direction. I can't not look at her. She's like a fucking drug pumping through my system. How
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Chapter 44: Hunter
I rush through the doors of the emergency entrance at Claremont Medical before skidding to a halt at the front desk. An intimidating woman who looks more ripped than I am is manning the operation. It's entirely possible she's not a nurse at all, but security. My money is on her to take someone down to the ground if it becomes necessary."Excuse me," I say, capturing her attention from the computer screen she's staring at. "My brother was brought in about an hour ago."When she glances up, her entire expression transforms as she goes all fangirl on me."Hunter Price!" Her hand flies to her nonexistent chest. "You're even more handsome in person than you are on TV."I shift from one foot to the other. "Oh...well, thank you."Before I can ask about my brother, she says, "My husband, Roger, is a huge fan! He's not going to believe it when I tell him that you were here tonight.""Umm, right." I glance around for someone else who can help me, but the place is empty. "About that...m
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Chapter 45: Hunter
"Hey, Mr. Sinclair." I step forward and shake his hand. "How are you doing?"His lips curve into a ghost of a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Can't complain. How's football going?""The season is off to a good start. We're five and one." I notice the gauze-covered tape on his arm and wonder what he's doing at the hospital. Is it a simple blood draw or more than that?"Yeah, I've been watching." He glances at my leg. "How's the knee feeling? I heard about the ACL injury last season. That was a tough break."I shrug and gloss over the gory details. "It's as good as new. The surgeon was one of the best in the country, so I'm confident there won't be issues down the road.""That's great news. I was concerned when I heard about the injury. I thought about reaching out." He shrugs. We both know why he didn't. "You must be excited about the draft after missing out last year.""I am. I'm focused on getting through the next couple of months and keeping my knee healt
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Chapter 46: Hunter
"Is it bad?" my brother asks, interrupting my thoughts."Stage four."He blows out a breath. "Fuck."I drop onto the chair and lace my fingers together in front of me before staring at them. "That was my reaction, too.""Guess that would be the reason Skye transferred to Claremont."I remain silent as Mason shifts against the pillow, trying to get comfortable. "I'm sorry about her father, but I'm glad she didn't come back for you."Bewildered by the comment, my head jerks up. "Jeez, Mase, that's a shitty thing to say."He shrugs as his gaze skitters away. "Yeah, but it's the truth.""You know, there was a time when you actually liked her, and we all had fun together. What changed?""Life," he snaps before closing his eyes and huffing out a breath. "That's what. Do we really have to talk about this now? My head is fucking killing me. Skye Sinclair is the last person I want to think about. That girl is part of your past. Leave her where she belongs.""And what if she's not?"
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Chapter 47: Hunter
I push my legs harder until the burn consumes me. Slowly it spreads from my legs, to my torso, to my chest before infecting my entire body like a virus. It drowns out the loud buzzing in my head. The only problem is that it's not a long-term solution. The moment I stop, it all comes rushing back at me, threatening to suck me under.It's been days since I discovered the truth, and I'm still as pissed off as I was at the hospital. It never occurred to me that Mason could be behind our breakup.Why the hell would I suspect that was a possibility?He knew how much I loved her. It took months for me to get over the loss. That summer sucked ass. I moped around the entire time, locking myself in my room. How ironic that it was Mason who consoled me. He sat beside me, saw the pain that was eating me alive, and said nothing.How could he do that?How could he be so fucking coldhearted?He's been calling and texting nonstop, but I can't bring myself to pick up the phone. I have nothin
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Chapter 48: Skye
Even though I tell myself that Dad is getting better-or at the very least, staying the same-deep down, I know the disease is getting progressively worse. The chemo makes him sick and he continues to shed weight. It's painful to watch. There's nothing I can do to make it better. I've never felt this powerless in my life. It seems like we're always waiting for the next test results and what it will tell us. We're always hopeful that it will be positive and let down when it turns out to be more bad news. The numbers continue to steadily creep up. The doctors want to give it more time in hopes that the medicine will finally do what it's supposed to. But that hasn't happened. And there's no guarantee it will.Not a day goes by when I don't pop over for a visit. I try to bring a smoothie or a new protein cookie for him to try. Anything with nutritional value I can get in him feels like a small victory in this battle being waged against cancer.Today I've brought chicken noodle so
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Chapter 49: Hunter
I slide onto my seat for health and throw a quick glance over my shoulder only to find Skye's desk vacant. This is the second time this week she's been absent.Where the hell is she?In the pit of my gut, I know something is wrong. It's not like her to blow off class for any reason. Even when we were in high school, and I'd try to persuade her to skip class, she would refuse.I've shot her a few texts, but it's been stereo silence from her end. And yeah, I get it. Skye wants me to leave her alone, but how can I do that when I'm being eaten up by concern? She might not want me to care, but I still do. I've just done a shit job of showing her that.Midway through class, I catch Jaxon's gaze and jerk my head toward the unoccupied seat next to him. He shrugs and looks away, purposely avoiding my eyes. Jax knows exactly what's going on, but he isn't going to tell me. I've been a douche, and we both know it.Bennet drones on, and I find myself clock-watching, which makes this class
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Chapter 50: Hunter
Skye stumbles back a step as I push the door open. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but you need to leave!"I shake my head and hold my ground. "I'm not going anywhere."With a grunt of anger, she flies forward and throws all her weight against the door, but her strength is no match for mine. It doesn't take much to overpower her.Even though Skye must know this battle is futile, it doesn't stop her from trying with all her might. "Go away and leave me alone," she growls."I'm sorry, I can't do that." She may not want me, but she needs me. Somehow, I have to do the impossible and prove that I won't hurt her again.When her strength wanes, she lets go with a soft cry, and the door flies open, bouncing off the rubber stopper.Skye screws her eyes shut as if it's possible to block out the world. Or maybe just me. "Please, Hunter, I can't do this with you right now." A pathetic sob breaks free. "I just can't.""I know." I step inside the townhouse and quietly close the
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