All Chapters of The girl next Door: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
Chapter 21: Mia
My attention snaps to him as I swallow down my nervousness. There's a fire burning in his bright green eyes. It kindles an answering flame deep in my core.My ankles hook around his waist, bringing me flush against his taut abdominals. Like the rest of him, they're rock solid. I'm tempted to explore the grooved musculature with my fingers, but don't dare. He stares at my mouth as his tongue darts out to lick at his lower lip.A punch of arousal slams me in the gut.All right, maybe it hits a little lower.With a pent-up breath, I wait for Beck to make the next move. Instead, he remains still, eyes focused patiently on me. Seconds tick by, and it becomes obvious that he isn't going to take control of the situation. A fresh wave of anxiety crashes over me. This is my dare, and Beck is going to force me to follow through with it.Okay. I can do this.Unsure how to proceed, I tilt my head, bringing my face closer until his breath can drift across my lips before mingling with my o
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Chapter 22: Beck
For years, I've fantasized about Mia touching my junk. Although, in my mind, it was more of a caress. Maybe there would be a little licking and sucking thrown in for good measure. In no way did I expect her to try popping them.Fuck me.My poor balls throb with a strange mixture of need spiked pain. Surprisingly, that last maneuver wasn't enough to kill the desire rampaging through my system. Although it took the edge off. All I have to do is think about Mia's curvy body pressed against mine, and I'm once again rising to the occasion.My tongue swipes across my lower lip, and a taste that is distinctly Mia explodes in my mouth. I don't want to dwell on how different the outcome would have been if Colton hadn't interrupted us.Stupid motherfucker.The moment he realized I had my hands full of the only girl I've ever wanted, he should have turned around and walked away. Fuck the chicks we're meeting up with. Instead, he took joy in pissing her off, and now I'm back to square one
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Chapter 23: Mia
August of senior year of college...I pull my Jeep over to the curb and hit the hazards before jumping out. A burst of hot air hits me as I search the thick crowd of people flowing in and out of the airport.The moment I see her blond head, I shout at the top of my lungs, "Alyssa!" There is so much noise and people that it takes a few minutes for her to notice me. "Over here!" I wave my arms like a crazy person to grab her attention.A bright smile lights up her face as she drags a pile of suitcases behind her. Alyssa doesn't understand what the concept of traveling light entails. Actually, for her, this is traveling light. I race toward her, maneuvering around weary passengers. As soon as she's within striking distance, I throw my arms around her, pulling her close and squeezing her tight. For a solid minute, we jump up and down with excitement."It's so freaking good to see you!" Unable to contain my giddiness, I hop from one foot to the other."It's good to be seen," she
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Chapter 24: Beck
I drop onto the bench after a two-hour practice under the blazing sun. I'm fucking exhausted and want to jump in the shower and wash away all the sweat and turf sticking to me. As I peel off my jersey and throw it in my locker, Colton does the same.We've been playing football together since we were kids. We know each other's quirks and tells. Half of the time, he knows which play I'm going to run before I do. I never have to seek him out on the field, he's always where I expect him to be. As far as football is concerned, we have some kind of weird mental connection.Which is exactly why the last couple of practices have been so concerning. No matter what I threw out there today, he wasn't where he was supposed to be. It's not uncommon to have an off day. We all have them. You have to stay focused and work through it. But this has turned into more of a slump and that, we can't have.Not with the season right around the corner.I've got plans this year. And they include brin
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Chapter 25: Mia
"Welcome home, bitch," I shout, attempting to be heard over the pulsing beat of techno music as we clink our shots of Fireball together and toss them back. The cinnamon-flavored liquor burns a fiery trail down my throat, killing any bacteria in its path."Holy shit, that's terrible!" I sputter, coughing as tears gather in my eyes. "No more shots. I'm tapping out."She laughs and orders another round.Alyssa is in her element, chatting with friends who have shown up to celebrate her return to Wesley. For the festivities, she bought a short sparkly silver dress that clings to every curve. Her hair has been curled and left loose so it can float around her bare shoulders. The girl looks seriously hot. And I'm not the only one who thinks so either. There's been a ton of guys sniffing around, and she's been flirting with all of them. Not that I've been keeping track, but my guess is that she's downed at least half a dozen shots. More impressive than that, she's standing upright an
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Chapter 26: Beck
Without hitting the lights, it's impossible to tell if we're in a storage closet or an office. Either way, I don't care. I need to get my hands on this girl before I explode.In my jeans."Beck-"I tug her close and seal my lips over hers. When her palms flatten against my chest, I half-expect her to push me away. Instead, her fingers dig into my shirt. My tongue sweeps over her mouth. When her lips remain sealed, I nip at her lower one. She yelps, and I plunge my tongue inside.The sound of her whimper reverberates inside my brain.It's the best fucking sound in the world.One I want to hear more of.It doesn't take long for Mia to melt. Her hands slide up my chest before wrapping around my neck and drawing me closer. I'm starving for the taste of her. For years we've been dancing around each other, and I can't take any more of it.Whether she realizes it or not, things are going to change.My hands drop from her waist to the roundness of her ass. I widen my fingers before
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Chapter 27: Mia
I shovel a spoonful of Honey Nut Cheerios into my mouth as the door to Alyssa's bedroom swings open, and she stumbles out. The sleek, sophisticated girl I picked up from the airport the other day is nowhere in sight. The transformation is almost impressive.Alyssa's blond hair is sticking up from every angle. It wouldn't surprise me if birds have nested in the disarrayed strands. Eyeliner and mascara are smudged under her eyes, giving her a raccoonish appearance.The girl is one hot mess, which hopefully means she had an amazing time at her party last night. I wasn't expecting Alyssa to show her face until at least noon. I left the club around two o'clock and promptly passed out on my bed. I have no idea when Alyssa made it back to the apartment. "Hey," my spoon pauses midair, "how are you feeling?" By the looks of her, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that question."Stop shouting." She winces before grabbing the sides of her head. "Please, I beg of you.""That good, h
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Chapter 28: Beck
I glance at my phone and maneuver my way through the crowd of students traveling across campus like cattle. These people need to move their asses, or I'm going to be late. Class starts in less than five minutes and walking in like I don't give a shit isn't the first impression I'm looking to make.Once I reach Mitchell Hall, where the English classes are held, I take the stairs two at a time. Less than a minute later, I'm sliding onto a chair. With a huff, I pull out my computer and wait for Dr. Hayes to get class underway.Devon Baker plunks his ass down next to me.Great.Like I need this distraction. Devon runs his mouth like he's getting paid by the minute. English isn't exactly what one would call a high-octane class. It will take every ounce of my focus to concentrate for a full fifty minutes.With a grin, he fist bumps me. "Dude, I didn't know you were in this class.""Last-minute change to the schedule." My advisor emailed me last week and dropped the bomb that Composi
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Chapter 29: Mia
"I'll see everyone on Wednesday," Dr. Hayes announces, dismissing class for the day. Before the last word leaves her mouth, people scatter like rats trying to abandon a sinking ship.I look around, careful to avoid eye contact with Beck. He's one of the few students who hasn't shoved their shit into their bag and taken off. I'd hoped that by ignoring him, he would get the hint and not wait around. It's not like we have anything to discuss.We made out a week ago.End of story.Other than glancing at him when Dr. Hayes introduced me as the TA, I've kept my back firmly turned to him. Although that doesn't mean I haven't felt his gaze burning holes through me. It was all I could do not to squirm on my chair and peek over my shoulder.Somehow, I resisted the urge.Barely.It's shitty luck that I've ended up TA'ing for Beck's class. What are the odds?I've tried so hard not to think about the way he touched me at the club, but it's always simmering in the back of my mind. I'm ashame
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Chapter 30: Beck
Grinders R Us is the best coffeehouse on campus. It's where everyone stops to grab their daily dose of caffeine. Sometimes more than once. As I walk past the small brick building, a familiar profile catches my attention, and my footsteps falter.There's been no movement on the Mia front. It's been a week since I asked her for a second chance and talked her into having lunch with me.All right, maybe forced would be a better word for it.No matter what I do, I can't seem to make headway with this girl. I've dropped by her apartment unannounced.She's not there.Or so Alyssa tells me.I've tried hanging around after class, but she's cagey. Sometimes she heads up to Dr. Hayes' office.I'm getting desperate. Getting?Ha!You trucked by desperate a couple of years ago.It takes a moment to snap out of my thoughts and to realize that I'm pressed up against the picture window, fogging up the glass like a serial stalker who's left his van running fifty feet away.As I take a quick step
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