All Chapters of Slave of your body: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
137 Chapters
Slave to your body
With a heavy heart, I left that place. I say "heavy heart" because Harry, the shameless guy, was walking out with a huge smile on his face, knowing that my boss was watching us. My boss hadn't left yet, and I think he wanted to wait and see how far Harry's jealousy would go. I can't believe it. That man is not who he appears to be. Deep down, I knew that this outing wasn't a good idea, especially with the alcohol I was drinking. Oh, God!! I'm so stupid. I didn't see this coming. Harry is holding my hand, and I don't want to make a scene. He's doing all of this because of the provocations of the man who is still watching us. I don't want to look down, but I feel uncomfortable. I can't help it. "You don't have to be ashamed. We're not doing anything wrong," he says. His tone of voice is so confident that it scares me where things are going. "That son of a bitch has power over you, and I've handed it to him on a silver platter. I can't transfer you to another department because that
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Create a movie
+ Another night in Harry's company, but the difference this time is that it's not my house, it's his apartment. I'm afraid that his absence will affect me, but tonight was different from all the others. We watched the movie Fifty Shades of Grey, and we loved it so much that we practiced it - not everything, but we talked about practicing every part of it, making our own movie and calling it "Harry's Shades". Now that I think back to yesterday, thank God my aunt responded to the message I left her. I felt relieved because she replied, "Take care!" It was strange, but also nice. While I was telling Harry about it, I asked him what he said to my aunt that made her like him so much. The jerk smiled and told me that all he did was be honest, and that might be one of the reasons why my aunt feels good around him. What's worrying me is that my boss might try to do something to provoke Harry. Oh, this is getting out of hand. I can't help but worry and consider a drastic decision - quittin
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Uniting ties
I spread out the towel to allow me to wrap it around my voluptuous bust, I open the bathroom door and take slow steps out, connecting to the bedroom. Behind me, I hear Harry's footsteps, causing me to pause in my steps. I turn my head halfway and over my shoulders I see the sensual and naked body of that man. He is laughing sensually and calling all my feminine instincts, but for today, I will let my head guide me and not the palpitations that signal to all parts of my body. I smile flirtatiously at him and make a simple gesture with my finger, moving it from side to side, indicating no. He smiles at my response and I continue my steps, not staying at his mercy of lust. I open the wide and spacious mahogany wardrobe with the sole intention of getting Harry's clothing out, while mine is still scattered on the floor. I have taken everything I need from the wardrobe and laid it on the bed. While I exercise, Harry is drying his attractive body. In less than five minutes, I put on my clo
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The coach
+ Managed to leave the gym one more day, this time I had to do abs, chest and shoulders. All that in two hours, no..., I feel like I'm wearing myself out, my bones are burning, my body is shaking more and more. Ah, I almost cried, not because the exercises were killing me, I almost cried because I was dying of anger, since the trainer kept telling me over and over again that I could do it, that this was nothing, and that it was all mental. Damn him, bastard, how could he tell me that the pain is mental, my body and breathing were telling me something else. After taking a breath and returning to reality, I dared to take a shower, but inside the gym, all because I had to see my direct boss, Miss Ray... Ash, I forget her last name, and this time it's not that I remember things that suit me, I think that last name makes my days a headache. In less than twenty minutes, I was ready, and I left the gym with a huge smile, every time I come here I cursed and stressed out, however, I have t
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A moment with the boss
"That's what I want the most," I stutter, closing my eyes and cursing loudly, wishing all of this would end. "Why don't you come with me?" "No, that's too much work." "Then let me complain. My bones ache and at the same time burn," I sigh as I remember, "I even want to go home, throw myself on the bed because I need to sleep for a while." Oh, the best thing would be if Harry were here to comfort me, to tell me that everything will pass and that I don't need to go to the gym anymore. Hey! I'm like this because I'm not used to it yet. "Haha," she bursts out laughing, "don't say crazy things, you're young, and you can do a lot." "I don't understand your mockery," I snap, "you're my boss, but that doesn't mean you can laugh at me." "It's...that...he..." she's laughing uncontrollably, "you have an enviable body, what if the trainer is in love with you? You're the only one who's not crazy about him," she passes her index finger, wiping away the tears from laughing. "What?" I raise an
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It has ended"
"I'm not going to leave you," he says, pressing his entire front against my back as his mouth opens next to my ear. "I'm going to take off this mini-dress of yours." I can barely nod, but he senses my response and begins nibbling on my earlobe, increasing the relentless pressure I already feel within me. "Harry, my aunt..." "You're too beautiful, and that's why so many want what's mine," he purrs as he brushes his lips against my ear. "Oh, God... You can't be serious," I lean into him and feel his throbbing erection against my back through his jeans. "Feel that?" He begins to circle his hips and I moan. "I'm going to possess you." His words are charged with absolute conviction. I feel completely enslaved by them, but I can't let this go, he's taken by the notion that any man can have me. I feel his index finger begin to slowly ascend from the end of my back to the center of my spine and my head starts spinning out of control. I close my eyes tightly and try as hard as I can to
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The hours passed, and I decided to leave the bathroom, only to be surprised that he was still there. For minutes and hours, I had thought he had left. "You said you would leave me alone." I couldn't help it, I looked into his eyes. I blinked a few times and relaxed because he had stayed. Does he really love me? Why does he pursue me like this? Damn, he couldn't leave because he can't even handle his own body. "I'm sorry, I can't do it." What? Damn it, I can't allow him to not value me. What kind of relationship is this? I don't understand. The idea that my heart may not resist, that this feeling will continue to grow and I won't be able to control it, that I can't bear the idea that he will never love me, that it's all because... Ah, just thinking about it makes my heart ache. "That's enough. I don't want us to keep going through the same thing. You should see that you hurt me. Why did you drink?" I raised my voice. "We're not kids." Yes, I have to make it clear what I think an
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The memory of what could have ended
Oh my God, it can't be that just a couple of hours ago, everything I had with Harry was about to end. [Flashback] I spent two hours in the cafeteria with my boss, said goodbye to her, and then locked myself in my room. I tried calling Harry, but his phone was off, and I was sent to voicemail. I had the intention of looking for him, but that exceeded the limits I should pass, I shouldn't stalk him, so I decided to stay home. The afternoon, almost night, arrived and my aunt came up to my room to leave me a glass of milk with a couple of saltine crackers. I thanked her for the detail and also apologized for deciding to stay locked up. She told me there would be no problem, that she would do the same, but to watch one of her soap operas. I couldn't help but smile, which caused me a bit of amusement, I got up from the bed and said goodnight with a strong hug, then turned around and ran to the dresser. I don't want my aunt to suspect that I'm feeling down, all because Harry doesn't answe
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Minutes of reconciliation
Smile and start unbuttoning, with your gaze fixed on me. It's taking all my willpower not to rush forward and rip it off in one go. Why is he dragging it out so much? I know what he wants. He wants to make me wait. He likes to torture me. When he finally gets to the last button, he shrugs his shoulders back and takes it off. For a brief moment, as I see the muscles in his chest tense and relax when he throws both arms back, I think I might faint. He takes off his shoes and then frees himself from his pants. I scan his perfect physique and my mouth waters until I come to the horrible mark on his abdomen. My gaze lingers on it for a moment, but he steps back between my legs and makes me forget my curiosity. I try to control the urge to grab him. The pressure I feel between my legs makes me wriggle on the counter to relieve the tremendous spasms that torment me. He's not relaxed, either. His immense erection, trapped under his pants, thrusts forcefully against my thigh. He places his
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True feelings!"
+ "Good morning," whispers, near my ear, "my love..." "Mmm... Please, Auntie, give me a couple more minutes, my body hurts so much," I complain. "Anything else you need," I hear a chuckle from a distance. "Let me sleep," I shout. "I'm dreaming about Harry, Auntie, I don't want to miss what happens after staying with him at his house." "I don't think you're dreaming," she mutters. I open my eyes and slowly my cheeks turn red... Red with embarrassment! It can't be! I'm so stupid, and now where do I put my face in shame? "Don't make fun of me because you're the one to blame," I sentence him before I have a heart attack from the embarrassment I feel. "You have no idea how much I want to be with you every night to know what you dream about," my face is horrified at the thought of the sexy man being with me. No way would I let him stay with me every night because then he would realize how crazy I am. My aunt would propose that I marry him. "First, you have to buy a psychiatric cl
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