First rejected now wanted의 모든 챕터: 챕터 31 - 챕터 40
71 챕터
Trouble for Leon
Vladimir's POV"What are you doing here? Leon, don't you know that the werewolves may be watching us?" I ask. I am furious at Leon for coming to our castle, and I do not want him to come here because I know that the werewolves will be watching Leon's every move. I do not understand why he has been so careless today."They have not followed me. They are busy with something else. They have attacked the laboratory, and I do not know if they got all the hidden secrets. I hope they do not find the secret room where I have stored all your stuff. I hope they do not find that room because my beloved is stored there, as I am looking for a way to bring her back to life. Her body is in a special liquid, so it would not turn to dust. When the hunters attacked her, I took her to my lab and made a solution to preserve her body so she would not turn into dust. I know one day, I will be able to bring her back to life. I left the stake they used inside her body. If I took it out, she would instantly t
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Maureen the Queen of the world?
Maureen's POV"You'll have to learn to move faster, Maureen. You are not weak. I know that you are strong, and I know what you can do. You have to get your head into the game. You are going to be the Queen of the world. We will be your minions. We will have to listen to you. If you tell us to destroy your enemy, we must do it. We will have no choice because you will be so strong that you can kill all of us. Look at me. Listen to me. That sword you hold in your hand is your great-grandfather's. He was a tough soldier. He thought in many wars. He killed many men with that sword. Use your feet to move fast. You have to learn to catch your opponent off guard. You must also remember that your enemy will not pay that if they can kill you," Vladimir shouts at me. I don't want to use my powers against the werewolves. "I am trying, but I do not believe I can fight the werewolves because they are the children of the moon goddess. I do not want to fight the children of the moon goddess, as I be
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A threat to the world
Dean's POVI don't know why Leon and the original vampires are not trying to get their stuff back, and I think it is because they are trying to train Maureen to take us on. They will also need a bigger army to take us on than the few vampires they have with them. We will need to protect the humans around this area against the vampires. If they are also here, they will try to assemble an army. And the only way they can get an army is by turning humans into vampires. We cannot allow that, as most humans around here are peaceful. We can also not allow them to have an army of vampires to fight us. If they want an army, we will make sure that they will have to go to Europe to get them so that we can train and get more wolves to help us. We cannot allow them to build an army here. We must force them to go to Europe or anywhere else. We cannot allow them to stay in America. I wonder if there is a way to protect all American citizens against the original vampires. I do not know. Perhaps, if T
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Hunting Maureen
Tamara's POVWe leave Gazelle and decide that we are going to go to the castle and see if we can call out Maureen. I agree with Gazelle that it will be better if we can kill Maureen as soon as possible. I do not want to kill her because we have known for a very long time. But we have no choice. Once Maureen discovers what a powerful creature she is, she will come after us and not stop. I cannot put my wolves in danger. I am getting along with Dean better. I still don't know if I want him as a mate. But I'm willing to give him a chance. Firstly, we must eliminate Maureen, the original vampires, and Leon. As we start running to the castle, Martin and Miriam join us. "Leon is a powerful gypsy, and we cannot let you fight him alone if he uses magic against you to protect Maureen. You will be weaker, and I must be there to counter his magical attack. Gazelle sent me and told me if I needed to kill Leon, I must do it because she would not be able to. She still loves Leon, although he is cr
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Plotting Revenge
Vladimir's POVI am furious. Leon and Maureen are dead. Maureen was supposed to be our secret weapon, but she got a big ego and decided to go on her own to fight the two first wolves. I warned her, but she did not want to listen. Now she has turned to dust. Leon was supposed to get up and get the spell book. I want to walk in the daylight like Maureen had. Everything has gone wrong. We will go back to Europe and come back with a bigger army. The werewolves will be ready for us if we attack them now. We will have to be very careful. We will attack them when they expect the least. I need to bigger army. There is nothing we can do now but wait. Stupid Leon, he ruined everything for us. We had everything planned out. The humans and hunters were supposed to take out the werewolves. They were the best equipped to do it. I knew we had trouble when I saw those two alphas had the first wolves. I wait till nightfall. I first want to go to that Packhouse and see if there is no way that we can g
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Trying to relax
Dean's POVI am looking at the body at the bottom of the cliff. Something is not right. I know Doreen was unhappy, but I cannot believe she would commit suicide. She was too much of a coward. And I think that the vampire has killed her. I feel there is something more to her death. I know that she hated us because of her husband and Maureen. She was always glaring at Tamara and me. I wonder what she did to the last few hours of her life. We do have security cameras in the Packhouse, but we never told anybody about them because we do not want our Pack to feel that we do not trust them. Still, we do have to have security footage in case somebody breaks into our Packhouse. Gazelle is still mourning Leon. She and the gypsies went to bury him in the little town where they came from. I know that the vampires have gone, and the lab is destroyed. The vampires are gone for now, but we cannot relax. We need to get all the wolves in this area to join us. One never knows when the original vampire
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Meeting the Alphas
Tamara's POVI am standing on the river bank, waiting for Dean to get out of the water. We are both wet, and we have so much fun. I know that the moon goddess gave him to me as a mate, and I can see why. Dean is tall and handsome. The muscles under the uniform that we are wearing are showing as he gets out of the water. He is stunning, and I can not take my eyes off his body. However, I do not want him to know I am in love with him. I put on my shoes and start running back to the Packhouse, and he runs after me trying to catch me. I dodge him as I do not want him to hug or kiss me, as I know I cannot resist him. I do not want to give in this easily. I want him to work hard for me. I want him to appreciate me the day he and I become mates. I am running away from my mate again. I don't hear him behind me anymore. I look over my shoulder to see if I can see him. But I run into something that feels like a wall. His arms go around me as he laughs."Gotcha. Did you think you could run away
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They cannot die.
Third Person's POVThe wolf has gathered around from all over America. They have friends in Europe, and most of them are in contact with their friends. The wolves in Europe have also made a big Pack. They know they will have to fight the originals everywhere they go because they cannot allow them to build and city where they can keep humans as cattle. Humans are not cattle, and humans are there to be protected by werewolves and hunters. They were the first creatures on this earth. They were the original children of the Moon Goddess, but they had forgotten about her. Humans forgot about the old gods, and Selene put gypsies among them to remind them about the gods. Gypsies had magical powers, and at first, they were enough to protect the humans as they did not have many enemies. Then came the vampires, hunters, and werewolves. Everybody knows the history from there. The sun cursed the vampires who started feeding on humans, hunters were made to protect humans, and when they got too weak
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The Moon Goddess
Third Person's POVTamara, Dean, and Gazella stare at the beautiful goddess for a while. The first Tamara saw her, she already thought she was beautiful, but now she's even more beautiful. The Moon Goddess looks like one of the gypsies but is very beautiful, and there is no such beauty on Earth. They are still on their knees in front of the goddess."Sorry. We are staring, but you are gorgeous. We came to talk to you and need your advice," Tamara says. "Get up from your knees. You don't have to stand on your knees all the time while we're talking. I know what you want to ask me. What will happen to you if the originals die? I know all the vampires are not evil. Some of them started praying to me and asking me to help them. Some of them have accepted me as their goddess. They are also afraid that if the original style, all of them will die. What will happen to them? The modern-day vampires are not as evil as the olden vampires were. They do not feed off humans anymore and do not want
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Dean's Past
Dean's POVI do not know how to tell Tamara about my past. I wouldn't say I like talking about it. I know I will have to tell her sooner or later so that she may understand me better. I know that we will not be happy if there are secrets between us. Tamara, Gizelle and I reach the Pack grounds, and Gazelle excuses herself, leaving us alone so that we can talk. I do not know where to start. "Ever since birth, my father thought I was weak. Your father knew better but did not want my father to be so hard on me. Your father was my hero ever since I was small. He tried to make a man out of me. So when I was young, he locked me up in the basement without food for hours. I was only three years old when he started leaving me in the basement at night in the dark, without light, food, or water. He wanted to teach me not to be scared of anything. Your father disapproved, but my father told him to mind his own business. He told your father that I was his son and that he would teach me to become
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