All Chapters of Alpha Son's Fated But Rejected Mate(A Cursed Luna): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
128 Chapters
A Brutal Encounter
chapter 11: The Brutal Encounter As the moon cast its silvery glow upon the rugged terrain, the trio of wolves stood before me. One of them, a formidable dark gray wolf, was the largest among them. He abruptly sprinted away, leaving me alone with the other two. "So, he's making you do his dirty work?" I sneered, disdain dripping from my voice."Imagine the tales you'll pass down to your grandchildren. 'Hey, remember the time we killed Uncle Ray's mate?' You two are nothing but pathetic." My words carried a mixture of anger and defiance, culminating in a defiant spit in the direction of the wolf closest to me. In response, the creature emitted a low growl before lunging for my arm, clamping its teeth down with relentless force. Pain surged through me as I screamed, futilely attempting to wrench my arm free.However, my struggles only intensified the torment. Suddenly, the second wolf sank its teeth into my o
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Descent Into Darkness
As the wolves released their vice-like grip, I found myself unceremoniously sprawled upon the unforgiving ground. My entire being throbbed with unrelenting pain, limbs aflame with searing torment, and my head pulsating in an agonizing rhythm.  Blood and sweat had congealed on my skin, forming a repulsive, viscous layer, while the dirt, with cruel intent, invaded the open wounds that now marred my battered frame. The insidious threat of infection loomed ominously over me, a spectral harbinger of doom that would persist long after the immediate ordeal was over. Despite the excruciating pain that coursed through me, I refused to resign myself to death's clutches. I clung to a desperate glimmer of hope, telling myself that my wrist wasn't shattered, my back wasn't torn, and my arms bore no bite marks. It had to be my imagination running wild, right? Admittedly, I still felt as though I were teetering on
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Desperation's Glimmer
I had no intention of letting Ray believe he was the victim in this twisted scenario. "First of all, Ray isn't the pack alpha. Second, he doesn't bear the damn mark, or he'd have flaunted it by now." "Nobody else in the pack has the mark, so by birthright, he'll assume the alpha role," Billy argued. "You're a real piece of work, you know that?" I retorted, my words dripping with disdain. "You act as if you're trying to help me, but you're just as complicit as them." "You know that's not true," he protested. "I'm nothing like them." "Is that so?" I shot back. "Then why were you absent when I was ten and Ray left me with two black eyes? Where were you when Julian shoved me down the stairs or cracked my ribs? Or that time you stood idly by as Ray held me underwater in the lake until I lost consciousness?" 
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Unwanted Bonds
As I conducted this frantic self-examination, a wave of disbelief washed over me. I had expected the pain from my prior injuries to linger for days, but there was no physical evidence of the torment I'd endured. Shifters were known for their remarkable regenerative abilities, but the speed at which my body had healed astonished me. However, I couldn't afford to dwell on this newfound resilience; I had more pressing questions. "How long have I been here?" I inquired, my voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and unease, as I turned to Danielle for answers. Her confirmation that I'd been unconscious for nearly a full day caught me off guard. It seemed like mere hours had passed since I'd been in that cave, struggling for my life. My next question held even greater significance, "How long ago was the full moon?" The answer would determine if I had somehow evaded detection by my old pack, or if I was s
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Under The Starlit Canopy
"No, you won't," Tony asserted firmly. "It's a three-day walk to the nearest town, and that's for someone who's healthy and has proper supplies.""I'll be fine, but I appreciate your concern," I replied."If you say so," Tony said, his tone nonchalant.I shook my head as I turned away, only to step on something sharp immediately. "Fuck me."I quickly grabbed my injured foot, wincing as I pulled the stick out of my skin. Could I ever go more than twenty-four hours without bleeding?"Like I said, you're not going to make it on your own," Tony remarked."Thank you for the astute observation," I retorted. Limping, I carefully took a step forward, determined not to turn back to the group."Tony, do the right thing," Danielle pleaded."She's practically the poster child for our community," Malcom added."Get back here," Tony sighed.Accepting help from strangers was the last thing I wanted, but I wasn't prepared to go out into the woods alone. I turned and looked at the trio. "You're not go
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Beneath The Moonlit Secrets
Disappointment colored my thoughts as I blinked my eyes open, taking in the dim surroundings. Tony sat perched on a weathered log, his gaze locked onto the enigmatic depths of the forest. The notion of slumber eluded me as long as he remained alert.Summoning my resolve, I ventured over and cautiously took a seat on the log, maintaining a respectful distance. "I understand you may doubt me, but I want to assure you that I'll leave as soon as I'm capable."With his attention still focused on the darkness ahead, Tony responded, "You won't be prepared for a while. You're stuck with us."The vague response left me irked, and I pressed for clarification. "What exactly do you mean by that?"He finally turned to face me and explained, "You're a shifter who doesn't know how to shift, and you have one of the most formidable packs actively searching for you."Disputing his claim, I asserted, "They're not looking for me. They believe I'm dead."His gaze fixed on me, Tony asked, "Did you sever th
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A Feral Revelation
  "Wolf Bay is the only magically sealed shifter pack in the world," Malcom remarked. "Y'all are like a cult." I quickly retorted, "Not by choice, I assure you. If I could have left, I would have." Our group continued our journey in a contemplative silence, each step taken with care to avoid any potential injuries, even though my newfound ability to heal faster offered some reassurance. There was a lot on my mind, and growing up secluded from the rest of society had left me blissfully ignorant of so much. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but inquire, "What's your pack like?" Danielle responded, "We're more of a group of like-minded individuals than a true pack." My confusion was palpable as I pressed for clarification, "What the hell do
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Embracing The Unknown
  Grateful for Danielle's hospitality, I followed her deeper into the cluster of tents. As we approached, I noticed that the tents were elevated on platforms, connected by well-maintained dirt paths, forming a makeshift village. Although the tents had ample space around them, they were arranged in a general circular pattern, encircling a larger open area. Around this central space, I observed multiple fire pits, a few charcoal grills, and several picnic tables scattered across a grassy common ground. Even in the early morning, a few inhabitants were already active. A small group brewed coffee over an open fire, its enticing aroma triggering my hunger. My stomach couldn't help but protest with a loud grumble, reminding me of how long it had been since I'd eaten. "You could use some breakfast,
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Alpha's Attraction
  "Why are you here?" I inquired. Danielle rolled up her sleeve, revealing an angry, circular scar. "I was chosen. Or something like that. But my pack said women can't be chosen. So they burned it off." "A crescent mark?" I'd never heard of a woman receiving a mark from the goddess. She explained, "The mark of a protector. Ironic, isn't it, that I ended up discarded after it appeared." "I'm so sorry," I expressed my sympathy. "It's better this way. I didn't need their nonsense. I'm happy here. I've found a home and a kind of family. Sure, people come and go, but some of us will never leave. We have each other's backs," she shared. Curiosity led me to inquire, "What about Tony? What's his story?" 
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Meeting The Camp Grandmother
  "I didn't do anything in that regard; he was already asking around on your behalf," she said. "Probably ready to be rid of me," I remarked. She shrugged nonchalantly. "Could be. But I heard he was trying to find you a cot, too. So, he must not be counting on you leaving too quickly." "Well, that's very kind of him," I said. "He's got a nice guy streak. He just doesn't let it out often. Especially not around people he just met. You've made quite the impression on him," she said playfully. I responded with a hint of skepticism, "I'm not sure I like what you're insinuating." "You do know sex is normal, especially after a shift," she commented. "Plus, there's the whole perk of being a shifter and not having to worry abou
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13 Protection Status