Semua Bab The Last Lycan: The Alpha's Bride: Bab 51 - Bab 60
119 Bab
Natasha's POV
Standing in front of the grand hall, I take in the sight of numerous parked cars and a throng of presenters and reporters, their cameras and microphones poised to capture every moment of this conference. However, their intrusion is swiftly halted by Adam, his imposing presence and deep voice demanding their retreat. With my arm entwined with Lucien’s, we confidently stride down the red carpet, making our way into the expansive conference room.The room itself is a masterpiece of modern design, exuding an air of power and authority. The walls are adorned with sleek panels of glass, allowing natural light to filter in and illuminate the space. The ceiling is adorned with dazzling chandeliers, casting a warm glow over the polished marble floors. Rows upon rows of plush seats fill the room, occupied by influential figures and esteemed guests.As we make our entrance, all eyes are drawn to Lucien, and a hush falls over the room. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation, and even the subtle
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Natasha's POV
As we step into our home, the familiar ambiance envelopes us, offering a temporary respite from the outside world. But before I can fully relax, Lucien playfully spanks me, “my little pet” he says, accompanied by his mischievous grin. Irritation prickles beneath my skin, but I suppress it, forced to accept his demeaning remark.However, the weight of my suppressed emotions becomes unbearable, and I turn to face Lucien, my voice laced with anger. “I’m not your pet, Lucien,” I assert, my tone sharp and resolute. “I’m not thrilled about being married to the man who took my father’s life and imprisoned my mother.”Lauren, who has just quietly entered the room, freezes at my words. The greatest surprise is boldly written on her face, as if she had stumbled upon a well-kept secret, unraveling the truth that had been concealed for so long.Lucien’s mischievous grin vanishes, replaced by a flicker of concern in his eyes. He takes a step closer, his voice softening. “Natasha, I understand your
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Adam's POV
Unknown to both Lucien and Natasha seeing how suspicious she’s been acting as she likes and her movements are uncoordinated in the premises I put a few guards on a trail to monitor and trace her every step waiting patiently for when she does make a mistake. I make my way to the monitoring room, a dimly lit space filled with an array of screens displaying different camera feeds. The atmosphere is heavy with tension as I spot the guard sitting hunched over the console, his eyes fixed on Natasha’s activities.“Hey, you,” I call out sternly, my voice laced with authority. The guard jumps in his seat, clearly startled by my sudden presence. He quickly stands up, saluting me in his guard’s uniform.“S-Sir,” he stammers, his voice trembling with fear. “I’ve been keeping an eye on Natasha as instructed.”I narrow my eyes, my frustration mounting. “And what have you discovered? Any valuable information?”The guard hesitates, his gaze shifting uneasily. “Well, sir… it’s been difficult to get c
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Natasha's POV
As I sit alone in the room, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, I can’t help but notice the strange physical sensations that have been plaguing me. The nausea, the food cravings, and the aversion to watermelon—all these signs seem to point to something beyond my comprehension. I find myself talking to myself, trying to make sense of it all.“Why do I feel like this? What’s happening to me?” I whisper to no one in particular, my voice barely audible in the quiet room. The unease in my gut grows, and I can’t shake off the feeling that something is off.Just then, Lucien enters the room, his expression devoid of any emotion. His pale face stands out against the dark backdrop of the room. I can’t help but feel a mix of anger and resentment as he approaches me. His touch, gentle yet invasive, sends a shiver down my spine.His finger brushes against my cheek, and I instinctively recoil, my anger simmering just beneath the surface. “Why are you here?” I ask, my voice la
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Natasha's POV
“Congratulations,” he says, his voice filled with cheerfulness. “You’re pregnant.”My eyes widen in shock, and tears well up in my eyes. These are not tears of joy, but tears of fear and disbelief. How could this be happening? I never wanted this, especially not with Lucien, the man who forced me into this marriage.As the reality sinks in, I feel a mix of emotions swirling within me. Anger, sadness, and a deep sense of despair grip my heart. This is undoubtedly the worst day of my life.Beside me, Lucien remains seated, his expression adorned with a mischievous grin. He reaches out and gently caresses my belly with his right arm, reveling in the news. His touch sends shivers down my spine, a reminder of the violation I endured.He leans closer, his voice dripping with dark humor. “Imagine that, darling,” he says, his words laced with a twisted sense of amusement. “Our little bundle of joy, just like me.”I recoil at his words, my mind consumed with fear and anxiety. I’m carrying a li
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Lucien's POV
Never have I planned to have kids with Natasha nor did I ever have any plans to have a child at all but I cannot believe that there’s now a child that’s coming into this world who is a product of my seed. That alone brings me so much joy more than I can ever even imagine. As the days pass by, I find myself spending more time with Natasha. I maintain my usual cold facade, but deep down, there’s a growing sense of protectiveness towards her. I make it a point to keep her company and ensure her well-being.Though Natasha still carries the weight of our forced marriage, I want to give her some freedom within the confines of my compound. I instruct Silver and the other maids to assist her whenever necessary, allowing her to explore the gardens and fields at her leisure. Sometimes, I join her on these strolls, silently watching over her as she takes in the beauty of her surroundings.One sunny afternoon, three weeks after our visit to the hospital, I decide to surprise Natasha with a gift.
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Lucien's POV
“She’s fast asleep now, it’s best not to disturb her.” Silver says with a soft tone as she comes out of Natasha’s room. I’ve been pacing back and forth in the corridor of her room ever since we came back from the hospital. Scared for what I cannot control, “thank you for all you do Silver.”I finally take a moment to thank Silver, it’s been months or even years since I ever appreciated her efforts. My attention catches Adam who’s intense glare has been piercing me all night long but I have been ignoring him completely. Adam’s voice interrupts my thoughts, pulling me away from my solitude. “Lucien, there’s an important gathering coming up. It’s the Alpha Rendezvous, where alphas from different packs and respected council members will be present.”I scoff, my tone dripping with disdain. “Why would I waste my time with such meaningless gatherings, Adam? You know I have no interest in their shallow games and power plays.”Adam’s eyes meet mine, his expression serious yet determined. “I
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Lucien's POV
As Alpha Ragnarok continues his drunken ramblings, boasting about his accomplishments and heroic deeds, my eyes narrow and turn a fiery shade of red. Every word that escapes his lips stokes the fire of my anger, and I feel the primal urge to attack him, to put him in his place. But I reign in my emotions, maintaining a composed facade.Just as the tension in the room threatens to boil over, a large hand lands on my shoulder, sending a chilling sensation down my spine. I turn to see Alpha Dan, one of the youngest and most accomplished alphas in the gathering. Dressed in a black drape coat that accentuates his imposing presence, he grins at me, his eyes gleaming with both mischief and curiosity.“Lucien, my friend, I must say you’ve become quite the legend yourself,” Dan remarks, his voice carrying an air of authority. “Driving out the witches from your pack and assembling such a formidable group of fighters. Impressive.”I offer a curt nod, acknowledging his words while remaining guard
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Adam's POV
“It’s kind of disappointing how I don’t end up facing the Tiger, the beta who humiliated me so openly last year” I growl lowly to myself as I pull off my shirt walking towards the stage, I prepared all year for this losing myself in the process of training, enduring being left in the cold for 24 hours and keeping up with a lot of harsh trainings even more than Lucien himself must have been subjected to only to face this halfwit beta whom I’ve never even heard of. “I better end this fast and reserve my strength if I still want to challenge Tiger for that duel” I say in a low tone. As my opponent and I climb onto the stage, we exchange introductions, but his name slips through the cracks of my mind. It matters little to me, for my focus is solely fixed on one thing: breaking his jaws as swiftly as possible. The fire of determination burns within me, propelling me forward into the fight that lies ahead.We shake hands, a mere formality, and bow to the spectators who fill the arena. The
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Adam's POV
He makes an uncalculated and rushed move that gives a good opening for my final strike to the side of his cheek following up the blow with a strong uppercut to his chin, he is sent flying and he lands hard on his back. With my opponent lying helpless on the ground, I close in, ready to deliver the final blow. But before I can strike, a white flag is thrown into the ring, signaling the end of the fight. I pause, my eyes scanning the crowd, and I spot Dan, the Alpha of my opponent, as the one who had made the decision. A mischievous grin tugs at the corners of my lips as I revel in the victory.“Oh, what’s this?” I chuckle, my voice dripping with amusement. “Dan couldn’t bear to see his weakling of a beta get pummeled any further. Wise move, I must say.” I raise an eyebrow mockingly as I glance back at my defeated opponent, lying defenseless on the ground. “Looks like he’ll live to fight another day, though I doubt he’ll fare any better.”As the crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and
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