All Chapters of Flying Death: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
63 Chapters
21 - Oh, Hello
~Hazel’s Point of View~ I gape in horror as Mags calmly sews a new patch on Travis’ vest while everyone eats breakfast around her. Like it’s just any other day. “Reeve.” Tears instantly pool in my eyes as I cover my mouth and spin to run out of the dining hall. I make it to our room and the floodgates burst, My eyes move on their own to a picture on a shelf. I blink rapidly, trying to focus on it. Travis is standing behind me, it’s about three years ago and we’re at an amusement park. He was trying to convince me to get on a roller coaster but I was terrified. I went though, and he held my hand the entire time. I felt like I could do it, because I had him. My gut sinks thinking about all our sweet moments. All the times he was just what I needed him to be and nothing else. Not this larger than life killing machine. This beast who jumps however high my dad asks him to. I know it's for the good of the pack, of our territory. But that is only a small comfort. After Roddy’s “heart at
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22 - The Good Son
~Punch’s Point of View~ *We need to get home, something feels weird, I don’t know what it is, but everything telling me to get home,* Mick says, panting. It’s gonna be damn near sunrise in a couple hours, and we’ve been out here running til our legs burned. Doze is being a dick about letting me go too far from the packhouse, but I don’t want to be at the there because I can’t fuck my adopted sister who is in my bed and hurt because I didn’t get to her in time. I also can’t take my frustrations out about losing Roddy on the piece of shit in our basement who likely is helping to funnel drugs into my territory. So all around, going home does NOT sound appealing. So I’ve been running my wolf for hours, outside of Dozer and Mona’s house. Afraid to go to the place that’s been my haven and sanctuary now for years. Might even just crash here. I also got some news about my fight that I’m not sure how to handle, what to make of it. I don’t like fighting males that I don’t feel are in my lea
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23 - Call Him Out
~Hazel’s Point of View~ When the sun comes up and Travis still hasn’t come to bed I give up trying to sleep and go through the motions of getting ready for the day. I shower carefully and put on a heavy blue cable knit sweater and some black sweats with snow boots cause I get the feeling I’m about to go outside. That nice day earlier this week was some kind of sick joke cause now it's back to freezing out. Something tells me Travis in the gym just to avoid me and it makes my blood boil. I was so damn concerned for him last night, I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling. I’m also desperate to know what happened with his mom and I know nobody else is gonna tell me. Since the bee attack, my emotions with him have been all over the place. He constantly does this hot and cold routine. He’ll dote on me, make me feel like the only female in the world with those damn eyes and his touch. When it’s just the two of us together in bed every night there are always a million things I want to say.
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24 - Thirsty
~Punch’s Point of View~ “That’s what you’re eating? Where’s the fun,” Hazel asks, as she falls next to me at the table. She’s got a cookie in her hand. I look down at my salmon, chicken and veggies. Mags knows what I need in the days before a fight. I eat like six meals a day, all high protein. I don’t get nervous so I don’t need my gut fucked up by some bad or greasy food. The fight is tomorrow and I’m not risking getting the shits just to enjoy a cheeseburger and fries. Rookies do that shit and I’ve been fighting for years now. “Looks that way,” I say, before shoving in a mouthful. *Be nice asshole,* Mick warns, as I swallow hard. It’s nearly eleven at night, and I’m fucking exhausted. Grouch is hardly in a position to box me, but that doesn’t stop him from standing on the side of the ring and yelling at me like he did this in his hay day. I’m sure at any age one punch from Punch would have knocked him out cold. He always gets like this before I fight cause he always bets a sh
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25 - Our Night
~Hazel’s Point of View~ “I locked the door,” I whisper, as his eyes turn to look at it. Like it would matter if someone really wants in. I whimper slightly as Travis ties a gag around my mouth. Hardly how I imagined this going but he has a point. Of course I’ve masturbated before when my parents haven’t been home, almost always thinking about this asshole of a male. I know I can get loud. It's all I can do to relax my body, try not to be so stiff though I’m so tense and desperate for release. If he doesn’t give it to me I just damn well might find someone who will. His dick is sticking up in his boxers but when I reach for it, he moves away. His fingers gently run over my body, completely igniting me. My nipples are rock hard and he certainly takes notice. He makes a show out of sucking on his finger before running it over the top of my clit and then plunging it into me. I lightly moan, loving the feeling of his thick and rough finger. Then his mouth is on my nipple as he plunges
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26 - Change Of Plans
~Punch’s Point of View~ “Punch? Are you okay,” Hatch asks, as I stop hitting the bag he’s holding. His little face looks full of concern and the last thing I want is these pups worrying about me. I wipe my face with my forearm and sigh. Yeah, everything's just peachy. I’ve literally never cared much at all about who I fight. But this is all so wrong, bad, fucked up. How’s it also look that Hazel was just dating the very kid at her FATHER’S request that I’m now about to beat into a pulp or worse? Mona loved the kid too, I can’t believe she’s okay with this. *Now’s the time,* Mick says, matter of fact and I have to agree. The clock is ticking. *Doze, you around? Can you come by the gym,* I ask, over mind-link. *Yeah son, lemme wash up, I’m in the garage,* he replies, and I grab a towel to better wipe my face. I give Hatch a pat on the shoulder and thank him for helping me. On fight days I don’t push myself too much, just a light workout to warm up and keep me fluid. I know Mona a
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27 - Honor Your Word
~Hazel’s Point of View~ “Hey girl, sorry I’ve been kind of a mute for awhile,” I say, as I pull my hair up into a high ponytail. “Your mom texted me about the bees! Haze holy shit! I’m so glad you’re okay,” Ginny says, in her overly dramatic voice. Our moms are on the bowling team together and we’d always been so close before I got sent away to that stupid school. My heart sinks thinking about all the crazy shit I need to tell her, and I realize I have no idea what’s going on in her life. I should have called her while I was just laying in bed hurt and feeling sorry for myself. “Hey uhm, what are you doing for dinner? Wanna pick me up,” I say, looking down at my all black romper and feeling kind of cute. I’m a lot more healed and even my stupid lazy eye isn’t so bad. “Yeeees! I can be over in five,” she says, with a trill to her voice. I cringe. “Oh uhm, about that. I’m actually… At the packhouse,” I admit, since I didn’t want to leave today. That’ll be a bit more of a drive for
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28 - Space
~Punch’s Point of View~ Mick roars through me, sprouting fur in different places when her name comes out of his mouth. My instinct is to look at Dozer but I can’t. My wolf won’t let me as he takes over my eyes. The donkey with the mic says something else as the crowd goes wild. I was going to try and play this just enough for the bookies to make their money. For our pack to make their money. But he had to say her name. He doesn’t even know what he just did. So he thinks this fight is for Hazel? Is THAT the bullshit his father fed him?? I can only laugh, especially when my face was buried in her pussy last night. When it was MY name being screamed out of her lips. When her naked, soft and warm body was in my arms this morning. When she’s begging for me every time she opens her mouth. When it’s my cock that will be pounding her virgin heat tonight. Yeah I’ll have to wear a rubber until she gets her wolf, but after that… we’re making babies. She won’t even remember this fuck’s name
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29 - It Has To Be
~Hazel’s Point of View~ When Hector’s head hits the platform, I involuntarily cover my mouth and look away. Travis looks possessed right now, he looks so intense it makes my stomach heave. He gets off on this? On hurting people like this? The deafening thud of his skull cracking off the floor echoes through my bones. How… How and why is Travis like this? He’s calm, he’s collected. Not in the least bit phased by the blood, the broken bones. He’s the Reeve, Hazel. Remember what he said to you. He thinks his heart is black. Maybe it is. How the hell could I want to mate a male like this? Have pups?? He belongs in a psych ward in a straight jacket! I grip the thick curtain that reeks of smoke and a heavy musty odor, as tears roll down my face, completely soaking my t-shirt. Am I crying for Hector or for the black heart of my mate? When I close my eyes only regret hits me. Absolute regret for coming here. I suddenly feel like I’m a foot tall, lost in a sea of absolute chaos. When the
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30 - Don't Look
~Punch’s Point of View~ I stare at the brilliant crescent moon as the world whizzes by. Good people, safe in their homes. Believing that this place is safe, it’s a haven for their families. That the almighty Flying Death are their fierce protectors. I’ve never really had the “what does it all mean” bullshit swirl in my brain. But tonight couldn’t possibly be more unlike any other night. How I went from feeling completely untouchable, completely on top of the world to feeling more lost than ever… I’m still trying to grasp. The rumble of the truck beneath me reminds me I’m not alone, though I feel as if I’m floating so far off that I doubt anyone can bring me back. Fingers drives at a calm and average pace through our territory, trying to act normal. Nothing like his usual mad dash of driving as though he’s in a monster truck show. Normal, tsk. *You okay brother,* Shock asks, over mind-link. He’s in the truck with Fingers and it took both of them to rip me away from Red’s mangled
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