All Chapters of The Mafia's Angel: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
88 Chapters
Chapter Thirty
Amelia was a gem but yet fragile as glass, he could easily break her, she wasn't used to living his own kind of life, his life was not for people like Amelia, she would always be an easy target and the fact that his feelings for her were getting more pronounced was something that worried him, he actually wished he could feel for her less. She could be his downfall and she didn't even know it, but he promised himself to never let it all reach that point."For your designs, well I approve them"Xavier didn't understand why he did anything to see that bright smile on her face.She beamed "seriously?, I'll create my own designs?""Of course""Thank you very much, you don't know what this means to me, this had been my dream"He was happy to see her happy, he wished it could be like this, always. But life wasn't all candies, soon he would have to return back to his world where the sky were always grey and blood stained the floors, his world were women were raped and sold, his world where he
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Chapter Thirty One
CHAPTER THIRTY ONEHe had been nice. She never thought she would ever see this humanly part of him. A bright smile was on her face, but it immediately fell when she walked in to the room she shared with him. He sat on the bed staring at nothing, his eyes were coal black, the little emotion she saw in his eyes just a few hours ago were gone.“Is there anything wrong Xavier”Finally he looked up at her, watching her. “You look so innocent but of course looks could deceive”That hurt bad. He was bipolar indeed.“I don’t understand…”“You don’t know what you did wrong?”, He laughed, it was a bitter laugh, “Adding to that you are a very good liar too- but the thing is that I hate liars”“What did I ever do to you Xavier, why do you hate me so much?, we were just fine a few moments ago”“I hate deceivers so don’t take it personally”“I never deceived you”, He laughed again.“Then what was this special kiss you shared with Kelvin just some time ago?” he asked, walking to her, his steps were
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Chapter Thirty Two
CHAPTER THIRTY TWOHe had wanted to hurt her so bad, he wanted her to feel just a little of how he felt, he never realized how wrongly he had judged her and now he felt like the biggest fool of the century. He knew an apology was not enough, but if it wasn't then what was?He didn't know what to say or do, he had never been so confused in his life, yet he was amazed that she could give him something so valuable, just to prove her point to him, just to show him that he had been wrong about her, she had gone through the shame and disgrace just to prove herself and he envied her bravery, she could have walked away, let him think what he wanted of her, she would have stopped midway, but she went through it. Never had a girl made him confused and at the same time worried. Shawn only made it worse. Shawn was hardly angry, he never showed his anger and Xavier didn't even know that there was this part of him until now."Can't you see what you are doing to her, she's your wife for fuck's sake
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Chapter Thirty Three
She limped into the bathroom, three days had past, the pain had subsidized but it wasn't yet gone, Xavier had come to plead, Shawn had also tried convincing her to at least unlock the door but she didn't want to. Today she would be going to work, she wouldn't let this get to her. She had washed the bedsheets a day ago, she just couldn't just lie there in her own blood. After the long relaxing bath, she slipped into some comfy and elegant light blue gown, she did her hair up in a bun, applied a little makeup. She would be wearing scandals, no more heels for now.She walked out of the room to the piercing gazes of three men."You finally choose to grace us with your presence?" Shawn said with a bright smile that was contagious."I know you missed me, can you drive me to work?""You wanna go to work, like as in today?""Yep""Wouldn't you eat something?""Nah, I'll eat over there""I'll drive you"It was Xavier, just his voice was enough to cause butterflies errupt in the pit of her stom
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Chapter Thirty Four
The car was moving too fast, her heart was pounding, she was screaming, the road were a blur but he was still calm.He did a sharp bend that almost caused her to almost slam her face against the car glass. He glanced at her as he reached for her seat belt to strap her in, his eyes weren't on the road and she panicked. But he was driving even without looking, strapping her in before finally looking to the road, a car was heading for them, at the very last minute he dodged driving on. He wasn't following the right route, this wasn't the road to Neon Fashion Trends. He went through a public garage, driving through the opening, going in circles, she had screamed till her voice was sore and she still continued to scream, unable to stop herself, she looked in the review mirror. The black car was still chasing them, getting closer and closer and then Xavier stopped the car, reversing and driving backwards to the car that was approaching."What the hell are you doing!" She screamed at him.He
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Chapter Thirty Five
CHAPTER THIRTY FIVEThey had finally arrived at their destination. “Amelia” Xavier called just before she walked out of the car.“I won’t hold away your own inheritance, I’ll give it to you, I don’t know why your father wanted me to hold it away from you , but it belongs to you and I don’t see any reason to hold it back”“Don’t worry Xavier, that was his dying wish, I don’t mind honouring it, the money I get paid monthly is more than enough for me.”She didn’t know if this would be what Mel wanted, but she did know that this was the right thing to do.His eyes glinted with something that look like respect.He walked out of the car with her, he didn’t walk past her like he usually did, this time he walked side by side with her.Then the stares.Some practically gasped, staring openly, not even caring when she caught them staring. Kristen was there too, she looked shocked. Amelia had wondered how the video of she and Kelvin kissing got to Xavier because he hadn’t known then, it must ha
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Chapter Thirty Six
Xavier walked down to the ‘Dark Rooms’ as Shawn called it. The mansion was a beauty, but beneath it all was a hidden room, this was why he had told Amelia to stay away from the western wing, he couldn’t risk her finding out about the dark room, this was where blood was split, people were tormented and deeds where done, she would be mortified.“Who sent you?” Shawn asked the man who was sitting chained up before him. As soon as he had sent a signal to Shawn and Blake, just when they were being pursued, he had to make sure Amelia was safe. She hadn’t notice it, the black car didn’t stop chasing them because they drove into the main streets, this people didn’t care what others thought so they would have chased on, but Shawn and Blake had arrived just in time, as soon as he had taken Amelia to safety, he went back and by then the work was already done, the opponent’s black car was on fire and the only survivor captured and taken for interrogations.Amelia hadn’t believed him when he told
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Chapter Thirty Seven
She drove in a limousine with Xavier.There was this way he looked at her that caused butterflies to erupt in her.“I don’t know why I’ve never noticed it but you have very beautiful eyes” Xavier complemented.The second complement she had ever received from Xavier and now she discovered how much his opinion mattered to her.“Thank you, and you look good” she complemented back, but when doesn’t Xavier Daniels McClain look good.“Have you ever been on a date before?”“No” she answered even before she could think on what she had just said, of course Mel had been on countless dates, “My father just never knew all those, I always pretended that everything was fine- my relationship with men i mean”“Amelia, can you tell me about your mother?”Shit. She didn’t know about Mel’s mother, Mel hardly spoke about her, the only thing she knew was that Mel’s mother had been dead for a very long time.“She died, I can’t remember so much and my father never talks about it”Everything was all a lie, s
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Chapter Thirty Eight
Six days to the upcoming party. It was weird, on a Sunday the house was completely empty, the smile on her face was getting prominent. She wondered where Shawn, Blake and Xavier went to, she hadn’t even seen them arrive last night after they all went out and she was getting worried.So she left the room she now shared with Xavier, she had never done a tour around the house and she wondered why Xavier was strict about her movements in the house, she had suspected it was because of the men around, but today she had decided that she would be sneaking through the rooms in the house.The first room she wanted to check was Xavier’s own personal room, she had never been there and she wondered why he preferred both of them staying in the other room, instead of his own room, of course she respected his privacy but…She sneaked into his room surprised that the door wasn’t even locked, the lights were turned on but he wasn’t there.They were pictures on the table, a little girl with black hair
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Chapter Thirty Nine
She struggled against his hold, too shocked to scream as Xavier took her into a room, Shawn followed. Blake stood at the door. “Stay away from me, don’t touch me”, she whispered the tears falling down her eyes in fresh waves. “Amelia, calm down” Shawn was saying, she wasn’t listening. “Don’t you tell me to calm down, you all are murders…. Sickos” Shawn looked hurt, but she couldn’t bring herself to care- she had watched him chop of someone’s finger with a smile on his face – he hadn’t cared then, she wondered how they had being able to deceive her for this long. ‘Shawn couldn’t hurt a fly’- when she said it to Xavier, he laughed and when she said it to Shawn, he too laughed, he said looks could deceive- it was like he was pointing the truth to her and she couldn’t match the dots, he had gave her clues that she had overlooked. Mel had told her that Xavier was into some dark stuff, that his name- his family name McClain was feared among many- among many what?, she never asked, she n
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