All Chapters of Loved by the Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
112 Chapters
Chapter 21
“The judge’s decision may take days.” Xavier sat next to Giovana and tried to convince her to go back home. “unfortunately, Antony will stay here.”She was disappointed, and guilt wouldn’t let her rest.“Isn’t there anything else that can be done?” she asked impatiently.“We’ve done everything we could,” Xavier stood up, ready to leave. “I advise you to go back home and wait.”Giovana didn’t say anything for a while as Xavier anxiously waited for her to decide whether she would return home or not. Giovana felt her feet aching, and her stomach was growling with hunger. Sometimes she forgot she was pregnant and didn’t worry too much about going for hours without eating, but Xavier was always ready to remind her of her true situation.“Let me remind you that you’re pregnant and need to rest,” she stood up impatiently, trying to prevent him from continuing that conversation.“I appreciate your concern,” she whispered, “but let’s not talk about it here. I don’t want Antony to find out.”Xa
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Chapter 22
After insisting a lot for Xavier to come down and spend a few minutes with her, Giovana got out of the car and headed home alone. It was different for her to know that Xavier was the only close friend she had. He was always willing to help her, even if she didn’t pay him his fees, and even if Nicolau was alive to order him to do those things.Xavier promised to take care of Giovana without any reward. And he was keeping his promise well. He took care of Giovana as if she were his own daughter.Did Xavier have children? A wife, a family to take care of and protect? Giovana realized that she knew nothing about him, which was a lack of sensitivity that she wasn’t used to.She was thinking about this as she approached the door and only noticed a box, wrapped like a gift, when she reached the porch.Giovana found it very strange. She observed the surroundings. There was no one nearby. First, they broke into her house, destroyed almost everything, spray-painted threatening messages on her b
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Chapter 23
“What are you doing here, Roberta?” The woman still had her arms wrapped around his neck, squeezing so tightly that Oliver felt short of breath.“I missed you so much, my love,” she kissed him passionately.But Antony wasn’t pleased with the situation. He held onto Roberta’s arms, preventing her from continuing with the entire scene. Finally, managing to push her away and look into her eyes, Roberta was crying uncontrollably. He seemed lost for words, his mouth hanging open for seconds.“I know I left suddenly, without saying goodbye,” she rushed her words while wiping her tears, “and you haven’t heard from me in years. But I couldn’t bear to see you married to that woman.”“And why did you come back?” Antony’s expression showed that he wasn’t happy to see her return.“Aren’t you happy to see me, Antony?” she stepped back, disappointment in her eyes.But Antony couldn’t respond. He had spent the entire day in that prison. He felt too tired and stressed for new emotions. Likewise, he l
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Chapter 24
“What are you doing here?” when she noticed Antony’s different gaze towards her. She hurried behind the door, intending to protect herself from him.Even Antony didn’t understand why he was there. He should have gone home to rest after the hard day he had because of Giovana. She didn’t deserve his consideration, let alone his respect. However, he found himself standing at the door of her house, not knowing what to say, just admiring how beautiful his ex-wife still was.“I think you’ve gained some weight,” he commented, leaving Giovana dumbfounded.“I can’t believe you came here just to tell me that,” she assessed her own body, but she believed Antony was exaggerating. “Since when do you pay attention to me?”“I didn’t pay attention,” he looked back into her eyes, “but I remember this nightgown perfectly and your body inside it. There’s something different about you.”Giovana looked into his eyes, finding the conversation strange and dangerous, considering the direction it was taking.
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Chapter 25
“I can’t believe you managed to do business with Irma to harm me,” Giovana’s voice almost faltered. Her gaze was lost as she began to pace around the kitchen with her hands on her head, as if trying to gather and rearrange her thoughts.“I didn’t do any business with Irma,” Antony continued to eat nonchalantly. He seemed completely indifferent, looking at Giovana’s distress.“How come? You just said you did.”“I refused, Giovana,” his voice raised. “I told her I wouldn’t help her put you in jail.”“Are you trying to convince me that she told you where I lived for nothing in return?”Antony put the plate aside, focusing on her. He hadn’t come there to argue with his ex-wife. He got up, ready to leave, and put an end to the discussion.“That’s exactly what happened,” he said, sitting on the sofa and putting on his shoes. “I didn’t make any deals with your mother. Do you really think I’d do all that?”Antony referred to what was happening at Giovana’s house. As he was still putting on hi
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Chapter 26
Giovanna’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Antony get into the car and disappear, leaving her with a big problem. Then she turned her gaze to Matteo, who seemed disappointed.“You could have let me know you were coming,” she murmured softly, showing how embarrassed she was.“It was to give Antony time to leave without me seeing him.” There was no resentment in Matteo’s voice, and Giovana noticed that. “Sorry, I have nothing to do with your personal life.”He lowered his head and relaxed his arms, letting the flowers fall.“Nothing happened between me and Antony,” she squatted down, picking up the fallen flowers, “he wanted to talk to me about the strange things that have been happening to me, and it was already late. You know this house used to be his, right?”Matteo’s eyebrows arched. He was quite confused.“What?” Matteo was curious upon hearing the information. “What strange things have been happening to you?”Giovana ran her hand over her face, unsure if she was willing to tel
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Chapter 27
When Antony entered the office, it was as if the world outside had disconnected. Ricardo followed closely behind him, talking about meetings and company matters that Antony had missed on the last day when he was absent. But Antony had a distant look, as if only his body was present, and his mind was wandering far away.He recalled the previous night when he was with Giovanna and the protective feeling he had towards her. However, when his thoughts turned to Matteo and his words about the dinner he would have with his ex-wife, the feeling inside him changed completely.“Antony,” Ricardo’s deep and loud voice brought him back to reality, “are you listening to what I’m saying?”Antony looked at him wide-eyed and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.“What happened between you and Giovanna last night?” The question made him agitated. Antony stood up, showing impatience. “Don’t tell me you’re going to do what I told you and try to win her back?”“What are you talking abo
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Chapter 28
Antony saw Matteo rushing out of the company, and even though he had other things to attend to, he left before his usual time and drove towards his home at high speed. The employees at the mansion found it odd that he arrived so early, especially in such a hurry.He quickly took a shower and came downstairs, announcing that he wouldn’t be having dinner at home that day. His routine had always been like this, even when he was married to Giovanna. He used to come home late and rarely slept at home at all.When he parked his car in front of Roberta’s house, she was already waiting at the door, eager to see him. It was strange for Antony to look at that woman and feel absolutely nothing. He briefly remembered how deeply in love he had once been with her, so much so that he had even considered defying Nicolaus’s whims just to satisfy his heart’s desires. When Roberta disappeared, saying she couldn’t bear to see him with another woman, Antony thought he would die. From that day on, he hated
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Chapter 29
Giovana looked at Antony from a safe distance, wondering what his true intentions were to be there. She would not believe, even if he told a million times, that his presence was a coincidence of fate. He had done it on purpose, with what intentions she would never have known.“Have you chosen what you want for tonight, Giovana?” Matteo asked, just to make her look at it.The inconvenience completely took the environment between them. Giovana could not disguise what Antony’s presence caused in his body. He responded, like magnetic waves, with every look he threw at her.“Forgive me, Matteo,” he put his hand on his forehead, gently smoothing it, perhaps trying to disguise the wrinkles of worry that predominated, “I will want the same as you.”It was clear that she was not paying attention to anything that happened around her, except in the presence of Antony. If I did, I’d know that Matteo didn’t pick one particular dish. Matteo glanced at Antony, who looked at Giovana as if to devour h
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Chapter 30
His hot lips made her lose touch with reality. His tongue invaded hers, and Giovanna almost surrendered completely.Matteo, frozen in the middle of the room, watched the scene, feeling his blood boiling almost to the boiling point. He wanted to run to where they were and punch Antony in the face until he learned not to come between him and Giovanna. But as if Giovanna herself could read his thoughts, her body moved away, and she raised her hand to slap Antony’s face.The entire restaurant heard the sound the slap made. Antony blushed and glanced at Giovanna, showing a hint of regret, but not enough for her to seek forgiveness.“What do you think you’re doing?” Her eyes teared up quickly, not sure if it was from shame or the pain that kiss was causing her heart. “I’m no longer your wife, Antony, so you no longer have the right to touch me.”A mocking smile, mixed with desperation, formed on his handsome lips.“Thank goodness you’re no longer my wife,” he replied firmly, taking a few st
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