All Chapters of Fated to the Beast: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
117 Chapters
31| Our bodies are united in the same shirt
Rain was very curious. She stopped following Erica and turned to check the door once more. Rain was sure she had just seen a shadow peeking through the crack in the door. Rain walked back towards the queen's room. After only taking a few steps, Erica grabbed her shoulders hard enough that Rain almost fell. "We don't have time anymore," Erica hissed. "Why are you still playing around here?" Rain just gaped. She was speechless in self-defense. Erica walked back towards the queen's room and tightly closed the slightly ajar door. Erica secretly breathed a sigh of relief without Rain's knowledge. "Did you see anything Erica?" "Yeah, of course I see you're wasting your time here. We don't have much time left. It's getting dark. I hope you have a well-thought-out plan for dealing with this problem." Rain rolled her eyes in annoyance. Without another word, she adjusted the tablecloth on her shoulder, which contained the cosmetic supplies for the town hall dinner. Rain returned to the
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32| The Prince's Return
A horse-drawn carriage driven by two men in all-white suits arrived at the gates of the large city hall with high iron railings. As the train stopped for inspection, two little girls came over with a basket of flowers. "Sir… Madam… Buy our flowers to complement your party tonight!" The carriage window was slightly ajar. A beautiful woman with a flower hat on her head glanced at the two little girls. "Tsk, naughty children! How dare you say my appearance tonight isn't perfect?" Crack. The female guest closed the carriage window quickly and resumed driving after the gatekeeper opened the gate. The two little girls who came from the woods of Darkwood still stayed in Westlake Town to sell wild black roses. At first, they wandered around the station, but because they heard there was a celebration at the town hall, they finally went there. Carrying a basket of wild roses, they stood in front of the town hall fence guarded by two officers. The gatekeepers were already trying to get ri
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33| Black Lake City
Rain limped and almost fell down the stairs. With her dress which is quite troublesome, as well as high heels that are too pointy, Rain had to run to catch up with Jace Dauntess. Rain does not know what happened. When they danced, suddenly Jace just ran away as if chasing something. Rain kept running after Jace until she didn't know which way to go. She entered a large park not far from the city hall a long time ago. Rain running garnered a lot of attention from the people on the street. She tried to avoid the crowds and left the park until she ran into Erica, who was waiting in their carriage. "Tell me!" Erica shouted as Rain got into the horse carriage. "I saw Jace run after stepping on a black rose on the dance floor." Rain panted. The peaks of her slightly poking breasts rose and fell as she breathed. "When I ran to follow him, I saw Jace chasing someone up to the second floor. You know, Erica?" "I don't know, Rain. Tell me!" shouted Erica stifled. "I have to climb up those
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34| Snarl of Predator
Rain's position with the creature was too close. Rain could hear a low growl that reached her ears as if rumbling across the plank floor. "There's another tonight, another monster," Rain said in her heart. "Jace Dauntess is indeed a monster, but the person before me is more of a monster than Jace himself. Who exactly is this figure?" The growl sounded again. "For the sake of the saints!" shouted Rain. "This creature is hungry! And he looked at me. He thinks I'm his food tonight." Erica shouted and gave Randall and Samantha quick instructions. "He's on the roof of the bell tower! Hurry and catch him before he makes a mess!" In the past, Erica had found Jace Dauntess too late. She only caught Jace's location after the monster had hunted and eaten. "It's true that Jace has never killed a human while turning into a monster." Erica reminded herself, then corrected, "To our knowledge!" However, that night Erica seemed to feel that someone would become prey. "No way!" shouted Rain ref
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35| The Prince's Two Wings
Thousands of thoughts filled Rain's thread. "I should have brought a gun. I shouldn't rely on mere self-confidence. I shouldn't believe that I'm not afraid to die. I shouldn't believe that Jace Dauntess won't hurt me just because we work under the same roof." The bell tower door slammed open, and in came Erica, who Randall followed. "Let her go!" shouted Randall at the monster. Rain didn't understand. Somehow suddenly, a double scythe flew from Randall's hand. Rain immediately lowered her head and almost fell to the floor with her hair in the monster's grip. In the next second, the double scythe flew over Rain's head. Rain was sure Randall wasn't carrying weapons when he showed up at the bell tower door. The hood of the mantle still covered his face. From under his coat, Randall took out a hand shrouded in mist. From that fog, with great speed, creating a giant double scythe. The scythe that Randal threw hit the monster. One scythe stabbed into the monster's shoulder, and the o
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36| City, I'm Back
Rain's body was crushed. Her muscles felt stiff and tense like a crowd had just beaten her. It was excruciating pain even to breathe. Rain was trying to squirm in her bed when she faintly heard the sound of birds chirping in the distance. Rain suddenly woke up. Her eyes opened wide even though her body was stiff and she couldn't move. Rain had only heard birds chirping in the morning for the first time since she came to Darkwood Palace. "Wait, am I still dreaming?" she thought. Rain wasn't sure she had heard the birds chirping. Even though Darkwood Palace was on top of a mountain and surrounded by dense forests, Rain felt like she was in a void. In Darkwood Palace, no one could hear the cooing and squawking of the beasts, apart from animals and birds on certain nights. Rain felt very lazy. She realized the sun was already quite high that morning, though the dressing was still the same—grey. Rain refused to move from her soft and warm bed. The experience she had gone through last n
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37| Line Cleaning
A man with oval glasses wearing a dark suit walked unsteadily by the side of the road. He pulled his tie loose, and his hair looked disheveled. In his right hand, he is carrying a briefcase, while in his left hand, he is holding a piece of paper that is tattered from being opened and closed too often. A light breeze brushed against the skinny man's face and body. The traffic beside him was full of the glittering vehicle and street lights."Die... die... die...." The man whispered, following the voices in his head.He continued walking along the sidewalk until he reached the bridge connecting Hambara Town and Haridra Town. In his head kept flashing the image of the boss's cursing and anger this afternoon at the office. He failed to reach the sales target that month.The man dropped his briefcase onto the sidewalk. The termination paper in his left hand was blown away by the wind and fell onto the wide surface of the Hambara River under the bridge. The man's eyes
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38| Phoenix Messenger
"Are you sure, Erica?" asked Samantha, who suddenly appeared under Erica's feet and formed a shadow of her body. "Last night, the Prince just had a tantrum and lost control. Now you're allowing him to travel even deep into the middle of nowhere that we have no control over?""Of course I'm not that stupid, Sam! I can't just let it go without a well-thought-out plan," Erica answered confidently."So what's your plan, you know-it-all miss?" quipped Samantha."I have prepared all forms of security in the city they are going to. I've got everything ready.""Then, what are we going to do alone in this gloomy and pitiful palace?" Samantha complained."Of course, we'll follow them," Erica smirked. "Come on!" Erica gave a long whistle, and a very dashing jet-black mare appeared with a long, beautiful mane."You are terrible Erica! I thought you wouldn't be able to just let the Prince off your guard."Erica jumped first onto the horse's back.
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39| Pollution
Once they survived the old warlock's attack, Rain hugged Jace tightly because she was so scared. A few moments later, Jace's body suddenly felt unsteady, previously as solid as a rock. Rain had to support Jace's heavyweight even though he looked pretty slender.Rain struggled to support Jace's weight and sat in the carriage seat. Jace lost consciousness. He collapsed with a body that felt very weak and shivering with cold."Jace?" Rain whispered into the man's ear. "Can you hear me? Are you hurt?"Rain caressed Jace's cheek, which felt very cold. Jace's body seemed to freeze. Rain immediately took off her coat and wrapped it around Jace's body. She took the spare blanket in the upper cabin and quickly wrapped Jace's body.Rain had forgotten about the train attendant who fell and passed out in the middle of the carriage. There were no other passengers besides Rain and Jace. Nothing can help the poor man. Rain was still busy trying to warm up Jace's body, w
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40| You Doubt Me?
Jace and Rain stood outside Haridra City station. Jace sat on his trunk with a slight bow and folded his arms across his chest. A black coat covered Jace's body until his head. Rain stood a little further from Jace at the curb and looked down the busy street."Are you sure I can count on you?" quipped Jace.Rain pouted and rolled her eyes upwards. She wanted to show that she was distraught."Then should I rely on you who never came out of the Darkwood forests and caves?" Rain quipped back."Okay, then what are you waiting for?" replied Jace."Can't you see I'm trying to wait for a taxi? Too bad in Haridra City there is no horse carriage that will take you everywhere. Okay? Here we have to take a taxi."Jace just shrugged. "You underestimate me too much, Miss Orwell. You think I don't know what a taxi is?" Jace looked offended. "Actually I want to offer a more practical and more convenient way than having to wait for a taxi on the side of the
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