All Chapters of The She Alpha Forbidden Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
Chapter 51: A Great Warlock
As Arthur opened his mouth to speak, the door suddenly swung open, and Aunt Agatha swept into the room with an air of purpose."I will go with the princess and ensure her safety," she declared, bowing respectfully to my father and the elders assembled in the hall."Aunt Agatha!" I exclaimed, surprise mingling with gratitude in my voice.She turned to me with a reassuring smile before addressing my father. "Alpha, please allow me to go with the princess. I conducted some research on the mysterious hybrids, and according to my findings, they are humans transformed by a dark warlock with both vampire and werewolf blood coursing through their veins."Her revelation sent shockwaves through the room, leaving us all speechless. "A Tribrid?!" Arthur exclaimed, his disbelief echoing my thoughts."But tribrids have been extinct for centuries... How is this possible?" one of the envoys interjected, voicing the questions swirling in all our minds."Not all," Aunt Agatha countered, her voice calm
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Chapter 52: Possesed
As the swirling colours of the portal enveloped us, Aunt Agatha and I emerged on the other side, greeted by the sight of the barrier looming before us. The air crackled with energy, a palpable sense of tension hanging in the air as we approached our post.Glancing at Aunt Agatha, I found her expression unreadable, her eyes scanning the horizon with a sense of vigilance that mirrored my own. Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't shake the image of Ruby's tear-streaked face from my mind, her words echoing in my ears like a solemn vow.But as we surveyed the desolate desert landscape, a sense of unease crept over me. Where were the werewolves we had sent to protect the barrier? There was no sign of them anywhere, their absence like a gaping hole in the fabric of our defences."Something is not right," I murmured, my confusion mounting. "I sent two hundred wolves to protect the barrier. How come none of them are present?""I know," Aunt Agatha replied cryptically, handing me a
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Chapter 53: Old Friend
The dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, a heavy silence descended upon the desert landscape. I stood amidst the aftermath, my chest heaving with exertion, my sword slick with the blood of my fallen comrades."How do we bring them back to their senses?". I turned to Aunt Agatha. The weight of Aunt Agatha's words settled over me like a suffocating blanket, despair threatened to consume me. How could we be powerless to save our comrades, to bring them back from the grip of darkness that held them captive? Anguish clawed at my heart as I grappled with the harsh reality of our situation."We can't!" Aunt Agatha's voice cut through the silence, her words a bitter truth that I struggled to accept. My eyes widened in disbelief, a sense of helplessness washing over me like a tidal wave. "So we are going to lose 200 wolves like that?" I demanded, my voice rising with desperation."Their souls have long been burned. There's nothing we can do, Little Flower," Aunt Agatha'
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Chapter 54: Flower Spirit
I stood in awe as the cottage came into view, its weathered walls and thatched roof bathed in the gentle glow of Aunt Agatha's magic. As Aunt Agatha led me into the cottage, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that tingled in the air. The cosy interior enveloped us in a sense of warmth and tranquillity, yet there was an underlying current of mystery that left me on edge.Suddenly, a voice echoed through the room, its timbre ancient and wise, yet tinged with a hint of mischief. "You are finally here!" it exclaimed, and I couldn't help but glance around in confusion, searching for the source of the sound.To my astonishment, there was no one else in the cottage besides Aunt Agatha and me. Where could the voice be coming from?"Yes, sorry to keep you waiting," Aunt Agatha replied, her tone betraying no hint of surprise. It was as if she had been expecting this all along."I see you brought her... She has grown," the voice continued, and a shiver ran down my spine as I realized
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Chapter 55: Shattered Veil
As I forced my heavy eyelids apart, the pounding in my head matched the relentless drumming of rain against the windowpane. Disoriented, I scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, only to realize I had passed out in the bathroom, clothes clinging uncomfortably to my skin like a second layer of regret.Dragging myself up from the cold, hard tiles, I shed my sodden attire with a sharp, decisive motion, each movement sending a jolt of pain through my throbbing skull. With trembling hands, I seized the shower knob, demanding the icy sting of the water to jolt me awake from the hazy fog of last night's excesses.With every passing moment, the chill of the water seeped deeper into my bones, a stark reminder of the emptiness that gnawed at my core. But amidst the biting cold and the relentless ache, there was a flicker of something else_ Regret.The icy water rolled down my skin, each rivulet a cruel reminder of the chaos that had consumed me the night before. Memories flooded in with merciless
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Chapter 56: In Her Memory Part I
At the training ground, I made a beeline for the battle drum, a massive instrument that stirred the spirits of warriors. With determination, I pounded the drum, the resounding beats capturing the attention of every warrior on the field. "Greetings, Crown Prince!" they bellowed in unison, and I nodded in acknowledgement before delivering Father's orders to them. Initially apprehensive, their fear gave way to excitement upon learning that I would be leading them into battle. Their newfound enthusiasm bolstered my own courage. After giving them time to gather necessities, we set off on foot. With our numbers, using the portal stone wasn't an option. It would be a long journey, and we anticipated reaching the barrier around noon tomorrow. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but we were prepared to face whatever challenges awaited us. We marched through treacherous terrain, and the once-familiar landscape became cloaked in an eerie stillness, broken only by the haunting whispers of the wind
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Chapter 57: In Her Memory Part II
Her form was bathed in a soft, iridescent glow, casting shimmering reflections that danced across the chamber like the flickering flames of a mystical fire. As I gazed upon her, a torrent of questions flooded my mind, each one more urgent than the last. Who was she, this enigmatic being who seemed to defy all mortal comprehension? Was she a goddess, a celestial being sent from the heavens to grace us with her divine presence? But try as I might, I could find no answers within the depths of my own understanding. She was like a puzzle, her enigmatic presence shrouded in mystery, her true nature veiled behind a curtain of ethereal light. And yet, despite the uncertainty that lingered in the air, there was no denying the power of her presence, the magnetic pull that drew all who beheld her into her orbit. In that moment, I knew that I stood on the threshold of something truly extraordinary, a journey into realms of magic and wonder that transcended the boundaries of mortal imagination.
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Chapter 58: In Her Memory Part III
"Master, nothing is wrong, I'm just bothered that you have not given Xander and me your blessings. We truly love each other," pleaded Iris, her voice trembling with emotion. I watched with bated breath, my curiosity piqued as I wondered who this mysterious Xander could be. As the scene unfolded before me, I found myself drawn into a world of forbidden love and divine opposition. It turns out Xander is a Vampire Warrior, the first of his kind and the right hand of the moon goddess. Iris and Xander are in love and wish to be together but the moon goddess opposes without a reason. The tension in the air was palpable as the Moon Goddess's wrath erupted like a tempest, her fury shaking the very foundations of the chamber. I watched in awe as Iris was sent flying by the force of her anger, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. "Why did she have to anger a goddess?" I muttered to myself, my mind racing with questions and doubts. But bef
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Chapter 59: In Her Memory Part IV
As the blinding light faded and my eyes adjusted to the dimness of Iris's chamber, I found myself transfixed by the scene before me. Iris sat perched on the edge of her bed, her leg restless and her eyes darting anxiously towards the door as if anticipating the arrival of someone—or something. The air was heavy with tension, thick with the weight of unanswered questions and unspoken truths. And as I watched Iris, I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity gnawing at the edges of my mind. How could she be a werewolf when everything I had ever known about her pointed to her being a gentle flower spirit? The room itself seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls like specters in the night. Strange symbols adorned the walls, their meaning lost to me but their presence adding to the sense of mystique that permeated the chamber. As I continued to observe, my gaze was drawn to Iris's face, her features etched with a mixture of longing
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Chapter 60: In Her Memory Part V
Despite the vulnerability of their exposed state, there was a resolute determination in Xander's stance, his muscles coiled like a drawn bowstring as he braced himself to confront the divine fury hurtling towards them. With Iris sheltered behind him, he stood as a bastion of strength, ready to bear the full force of the Moon Goddess's wrath. As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, their hearts pounded in unison, a symphony of fear and defiance echoing in the hushed silence. And yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was a flicker of hope in their eyes, a silent vow to stand together against whatever trials lay ahead. With each passing moment, the air crackled with the anticipation of impending judgment, the weight of destiny bearing down upon them like a heavy shroud. But in that fleeting moment of solidarity, they found solace in each other's arms, united in their determination to face whatever trials fate had in store. "How dare you two!!!!!". As the Moon Goddess's
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