All Chapters of The Alpha and The Outcast: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
21 Blake’s Confrontation With Matt
Blake knew full well that venturing into this meeting, in response to Matt's cryptic late-night call, could very well be a perilous trap. Yet, he had no choice but to confront him. Twenty years had elapsed, and every single moment since the tragic loss of his parents, Blake had relentlessly pursued the truth. Now, standing face to face with the perpetrator, he must not under-estimate Matt."Look at you, Blake, growing up to resemble your father," Matt remarked, his voice tinged with a surprising blend of surprise and sentiment, as if he had not betrayed him in the past. “You looked much like me when I was your age,” he went on. A casual grin danced upon his lips, and Blake was wary of Matt concealing the treachery he had inflicted upon his sister and brother-in-law with some of his father's pack.Blake's gaze narrowed, “You must have ruined your brain from the torment of your guilt, and forgotten that I am your aggrieved nephew,” he told him, cautious of the facade Matt presented. "My
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22 Blake’s Mounting Frustrations and Lily’s Hurt Feelings
"Blake," Lily interjected, her voice filled with concern and her eyes displaying a mix of earnestness and worry, "I truly believe in his sincerity. But have you ever thought about detaining him for further investigation? We shouldn't underestimate the possibility that he might be revealing something genuinely important. What if we dismiss his claims now and later regret it deeply?"Blake's brow furrowed as he pondered Lily's unexpected interruption. Typically, he would become irritated when someone dared to suggest how he should handle a situation. In his mind, he questioned why she felt the need to interfere in his dealings with the traitor. His anger simmered like a hot iron suddenly doused with cold water, and he silently wished that Andrew would whisk her away from him at that moment. Blake, however, managed to suppress his frustration, opting not to express it, mindful of potentially hurting her feelings unintentionally. Surprisingly, her voice had a soothing effect on him, easin
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23 Blake’s personal struggles and Lily’s Hunger Strike
Frustration seethed within Blake, his mind consumed by the elusive figure of Matt, who had been vanished into the labyrinthine depths of the mansion's underground. A surge of impatience coursed through his veins, urging him to exact vengeance upon his traitorous uncle. Yet, the rational part of his being knew that he had to bide his time, that the opportune moment would come.In an attempt to quell the restless fire burning within him, Blake decided to channel his anger into a more productive outlet. Perhaps a vigorous run would exhaust the seething emotions that threatened to consume him. He stood and took off his coat and went out of the mansion. Without a moment's hesitation, he bolted forward, pushing his body to its limits as he sprinted towards the surrounding woods.Every muscle strained as he propelled himself forward, the rapid pounding of his footsteps echoing in his ears. The desire to fully transform into his primal form, to embrace the speed and agility of a wolf on all f
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24 George’s Private Talk with Blake
He shook his head, attempting to rationalize the situation. "It's impossible. A simple kiss can't impregnate her, right?" he muttered, his voice confused. What if Emily was right? He wondered. Could it be Jake’s? How much does he know of Lily?Emily's gaze softened, her concern shifting towards a more plausible explanation. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on Blake's arm, offering reassurance. "I understand your worry, but let's consider a more likely cause. I believe she passed out due to lack of nourishment. She hasn't eaten anything since that cup of coffee this morning," she reasoned, her voice laced with practicality.As she spoke, Emily's tone shifted slightly, her frustration seeping into her words. "She was gone this morning before I could even call her for breakfast. And then she skipped lunch because she thought you were mad at her. She even wanted to go home. Now it's late in the afternoon. Honestly, it's partly your fault. I think you should go and prepare her
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25 Matt's Evidence and Blake's Acceptance of Matt
George nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on Blake. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. I was with Matt among the onlookers during the inauguration. When the shoot-out occurred, resulting in the deaths of your parents, Greta’s parents, and their two right-hand individuals, Matt was taken aback and momentarily frozen. However, he quickly regained his composure and managed to identify the source of the attack. He rushed toward it but I stopped him. I don’t want him get involved in that shooting but his involvement with this group forced him to flee and go into hiding when one of the caught ally sold him as the mastermind of the shoot-out."Blake's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzle, his thoughts consumed by the revelation George had shared. He couldn't help but wonder if Lily was aware of this information. "Does Lily know about this?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity."No, neither Lily nor my wife were aware of this matter concerning
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26 Lily in the Mansion’s Basement
Emerging from the basement, Blake and George brought Matt to the lounge, carefully guiding him to a comfortable seat. With a gentle touch, Blake settled Matt down and inquired, "I'm going to get you some water. Is there anything else you'd like?""Just water, please," Matt replied, his frail appearance contrasting with the Matt Blake had known in his youth. Blake stepped out of the family room to fetch the water, leaving Matt with George, who observed silently as Blake transformed from a being filled with resentment to a concerned son."I couldn't help but wonder how you managed to convince Blake of the truth," Matt spoke to George, his voice filled with a sense of hopelessness that had lingered mere moments ago.George handed Matt a time-tattered envelope he had retrieved after Blake rushed to rescue Matt from the dungeon. "I showed him this," George explained.Curious, Matt inquired, "How did you come into possession of this?""Do you remember Blake's college graduation?" George ask
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27 No More Holding Back
Blake hurriedly finished his shower, anticipating that Lily would be waiting for him in his room. However, his heart sank when he discovered she was nowhere to be found. Quickly dressing himself, he rushed downstairs, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Lily. Outside, he spotted Andrew conversing with George, but Lily was conspicuously absent in every direction he looked. Determined to find her, he re-entered the house and checked the kitchen, where Emily and Anne were occupied, but they hadn't seen Lily. With a growing sense of unease, he decided to search Lily's room, finding the door unlocked. Stepping inside, he called out for Lily, but there was no response. Desperate for a glimpse of her, he approached the expansive window overlooking the garden and pool, yet she remained elusive. Continuing his search, he descended to the lower floor and search for Lily there until he reached the basement entrance. Recalling that he had been unable to secure it properly the last time he h
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28 Who Was Locked In the Basement
George and Blake took turns sharing the remarkable details that confirmed Matt's truthfulness and provided undeniable evidence that Blake was indeed his son. Their narratives flowed seamlessly, intertwining the accounts of their rescue mission in the mansion's underground. As the details unfolded, confirming Matt's authenticity and establishing Blake's connection as his father, a sense of awe and relief washed over the listeners.Listening to them, Lily's curiosity grew stronger as their narratives only proved it was not Matt that called her attention in the basement. She yearned to inquire about the identity of the person locked in one of the basement rooms. However, she wisely chose to keep her question to herself. She didn't want to involve her parents prematurely, preferring to gather more information and confirm her suspicions first. Lily felt determined to confront Blake directly and uncover the truth about who resided in that mysterious chamber."So, this is your daughter, Geor
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29 The Announcement
Steadfast and resolute, Mr. Forest, the trusted secretary of Marcus Moore, steered the enterprise with unwavering dedication, ensuring its steady course until the time Blake was ready to step in. The devastating shoot-out incident that claimed his parents' lives when he was just twelve thrust the weight of the company upon his young shoulders. Propelled by his triumphant acquisition of an MBA, Blake Moore, the visionary and sole owner, took over Moore Enterprises, forging an extraordinary path of success.As the city pulsed with vibrant energy, Moore Enterprises crackled with palpable anticipation, eagerly awaiting the imminent and pivotal company meeting. The meeting room, adorned with resplendent furnishings, bathed in a cascade of warm, natural light that embraced every corner through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Taking center stage at the head of the table, Blake exuded a commanding presence, ready to ignite the passion within his team of fiercely dedicated professionals. By his
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30 Caught and Escape
Blake realized the extent of the ordeal Lily was now facing and it crashed over him like a tidal wave. He knew that this will be hard for her. "We still can’t say. Alright, launch a thorough investigation and bring George to the mansion. We'll meet there," Blake directed, his voice laced with a mixture of determination and concern, concluding the call with Andrew.Returning to the meeting room, Blake's demeanor shifted, his tone transformed into an urgency as he addressed the team leaders. "Meeting adjourned. GM Forest, Lawson, assume command. Lily and I must depart without delay." The room descended into an intrigued silence as Blake and Lily swiftly exited, their footsteps echoing purposefully as they hastened toward the waiting elevator."Blake, where are we going?" Lily inquired, her voice curious about the sudden exit, as she tried to match Blake’s long stride."Home,” Blake replied. Then he asked, “Lily, have you checked your phone?" his words propelled by an unmistakable urgency
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