All Chapters of Alexander's Unforgettable Lover: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
123 Chapters
Back to New York
The man paused and didn't say a word and Alexander felt that was the most tensed moment of his life.Then, like the sun coming out from behind the clouds after a rainy day, he broke into a smile and Alexander's heart leaped in joy."We have decided to continue with our negotiations." He said and Alexander's face brightened up with a smile."What can I say? Thank you so much for giving me a chance." He said and the men laughed."The video went viral. It's really insane what a man can do all because of jealousy. The video and sincere apology of the criminal has received a lot of positive comments towards your hotel, people seem to think it is the best place after home and as we speak, a lot of people are checking in, into your hotel." Mr Smith said and Alexander couldn't help but feel relieved. He had talked with the police men at length after the video had been uploaded and he had rewarded them. They had refused it at first but he told them he was giving them personally. After that, he
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When it all goes wrong
Ivy walked to the house with all the things she had bought, she had made sure to buy sweet things for both Piper and Liam to eat, since gifts weren't complete without sweet things to eat.She rang the door bell and Liam came to answer it. "Who's there?" He asked trying to see who it was and then he screamed upon recognizing Ivy.Ivy smiled.Then she heard Piper shout."Liam! What's that!?"Ivy smiled as Liam opened the door and jumped on her, causing her to stumble backwards."Mum is back!" He shouted in reply."Ivy? Oh my God!" She heard Piper scream."Did you miss me? Little pumpkin?" She asked Liam and he smiled."The word missing cannot express how I felt." He said and she laughed."You've changed a lot, you became so big." Ivy said and started to tickle Liam who burst out giggling.Then Piper emerged from the door in an apron and she embraced the both of them in a tight hug."It's so good to see you. How has it been?" She asked and Ivy smiled. "I heard about all those horrible n
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Hard choices
"Mummy, was that a fight?" Liam asked as he watched Alexander leave."No, he just has a loud voice. He's talking about work." She said and Liam nodded."Mummy you're not taking me to school?" He asked and Ivy shook her head sadly."I'm afraid I'm running late already, I have to leave quickly okay? Aunt Piper will take you sweetie." She said and he smiled."I'll only let you go because of the super hero outfit you got me." He said and she laughed."Oh really. You're so nice spiderman." She said and he opened up his arms."A hug?" He asked and she nodded."Definitely." She said and embraced him.As Ivy took the taxi to work, she began to wonder about the photo, where had he gotten the photo from and why was he always accusing her whenever photos like that came up. She had no idea about it but he spoke to her as though she was the one who took the photo. She had been so shocked that night, a man had been chasing her, it made no sense that she had time to make a person take a photo.She
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Wrong or right choice
He sat in his office with his elbows on the desk and his face in his hands. Milllions of thoughts flooded through his mind and he didn't know what to do about it.One thing was for sure. Someone was watching him, stalking and following him.Someone knew his every move. He'd have loved to fix another appointment with Mr Wayne to show him the messages but there were two things that made it impossible.One was, Mr Wayne was a very busy person and it took a while before his schedule was free.The second was, he'd have to show Mr Wayne the photos used to blackmail him and he was afraid that would change the way Mr Wayne saw him.Then his secretary came in."Here are the reports of everything that happened in the company while you were away." He said giving Alexander the reports. Alexander looked at them."You can leave." He said and began to check though the reports but as he feared, he was unable to concentrate.Then he got a call from Bethany. He sighed and picked it."Hi Sweetie. I k
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Ivy's eyes opened wide as she saw the photos and there were lots of negative comments all over it. They called Alexander names and they didn't leave her out of it.She was also insulted and slammed for having an affair with her Boss' Fiance."No this is bad." She said as she stared at the screen."How did all these happen?" Piper asked but Ivy was speechless."I have no idea! This is all a lie!! " Ivy shouted in rage."What do we do about this Ivy? Even if you go out, everyone would recognize you and some of these crazy people might try to harm you." Piper said worried.Ivy put a hand to her head.She wondered how Alexander was doing on his side. He had been so anxious for her to help him when he told her about it.Back then, she didn't even know she was going to be dragged into it. If she had known, she wouldn't even have rejected it in the first place.She stood up, took her bath and left the house with a cap and a hoodie on her work outfit.How was she to face Bethany? She went to
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Forty eight hours
"Bethany! Bethany!!" Alexander screamed but only heard the fraudster's maniacal laugh. "Are you scared now?" He asked and Alexander lost it."I'm going to get you! I'll get you and put behind bars!! If you dare touch a hair on her head, I'm going to..." He threatened but was interrupted by the fraudster."Oh my. It's such a pity you can't see me right now. I just plucked about five hairs off her pretty head. Now what are you going to do?" He asked and ended his sentence with a laugh."I'm going to find you. Don't think you're safe. I have the best people to use and trust me, you wouldn't survive it when I get you. The only safe choice is for you to bring Bethany back and I'll let you go. " Alexander said seething with rage."Oh, you'll let me go? I thought that was up to the police. I'm scared to bring her back you know. They'll catch me." He said in mockery."Where the hell are you!?" Alexander bellowed in rage."You should watch the tone. I might get angry. Is that how your momma t
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Everyone had seemed to hear the scream on the phone as they all turned to Alexander."Okay! Just wait!! I'm not involving the police, just don't do anything to harm her." Alexander said in a worried hush."You broke the rules." He said and Alexander took in a deep breath."Your only rule was forty-eight hours. You didn't mention anything about the police." Alexander said as he paced around."Speaker. Loud." The detective mouthed to him and he immediately put the call on speaker." You should always know in a kidnapping case that the police are not allowed. I see everything you do, Mr Grayson. You made me hurt her real bad just now. And it's all your fault. I'm watching you Mr Grayson. The police are not to be involved." He said and ended the call. "That's the fraudster. Give me the number." He said and Alexander gave him the phone.The detective tried tracking it but didn't seem to be getting the results he wanted and so he dialed the number and it told him the number didn't exist.
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Bethany found
Ivy put her hands over her mouth. Bethany was in the basement. They had not gone out through the back door, that had just been to mislead them. She looked through the little space she had opened up, but all she saw was the darkness. She tried to close it gently but discovered they had stopped talking. She waited, because it suddenly felt like she had been overthinking things. As she moved closer, the door suddenly opened wide and a lady dressed in tight grey pants and a sleeveless white top came out.Ivy tried to turn and run but the lady took hold of her neck and pushed her into the basement.Ivy rolled down the stairs painfully, groaning as her head hit each step hardly. The basement was so dark, she couldn't see. Then she heard the door close. "Who's the new one?" She heard the voice of a man say."Someone snooping around where she isn't supposed to snoop. Wrong place at the wrong time." The lady said coming down the steps. The man flashed a torch at Ivy."Oh my. This is her. T
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The rescue
It was night when Alexander arrived at the police station."Mr Grayson." The man called but Alexander didn't wait for greetings."Ivy has been taken." He said and they looked at him."How sure are you?" The detective asked.Alexander felt they were wasting time but decided to explain nevertheless.He explained to the last detail."That's good news." He heard the Detective said and he immediately sat behind his system and began to click away."Why's that good news?" Alexander asked."Is her cellphone switched off? If you could remember clearly, when I suggested her as bait, I installed a tracker to her phone. And that means, if we can find Ivy's phone, we're finding Bethany, and the criminals." He said and Alexander felt a little joy."Okay, so I think her phone is still on, it's just unreachable." He said and tried the number again. "It's on." He said."Found it. They're in Woodburn county, somewhere in the woods." He said and stood up, taking his jacket. "You're all going with me, b
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Have we met before?
Alexander knew a bullet was definitely faster than his reaction but he decided he couldn't sit back and do nothing.He bent quickly and picked a large stone and hurled it as far as it could go.It shook the trees and she got distracted."Ivy leave! There's a bullet aimed at you. Detective! She's in the trees!!" He screamed both to Ivy and the police. Ivy turned back and screamed."Hands up!" The detectives shouted and Alexander saw her as she pulled the trigger angrily, but his shock that she could pull the trigger even while surrounded by the police took the better part of him and in seconds, he felt the horrible pain searing through his arm as he realized the trigger was meant for him.She fell from the tree and he fell to the ground due to the forceful impact.Bethany screamed and rushed to him."Oh My God. You're bleeding! Alexander you're bleeding. Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed as she cried, trying to stop the blood gushing out of his arm with her hands.She pulled off her cloth
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