All Chapters of The Lovelane Motel: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chp. 51
*** Mark ***It took another fifteen minutes for Phil's SUV to drive into Lovelane's parking lot.The only sound in the office with Mark was the distant music at the bar upstairs and Phil's car honking outside.He watched as the SUV's lights went off moments after it slid into a recently-vacated spot. The door on the passenger side opened only a few inches, and Mark caught sight of Solana's leg as she made to get out from the car, her silver dress covering her thigh. She lingered a few moments before emerging, purse in her hand. Phil came out of the driver side, too. At the sight of the two, Mark headed out to ride the elevator to the bar. He was dead sure that's where they'd go first.When he entered the bar, he noticed more guests coming in and some leaving. The air was filled with a mix of tobacco and different perfums. He thought idly that the place does look and smell like an expensive bar.His uncle, the lawyer, and a few other men he'd been with earlier were not in sight. May
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Chp. 52
*** Phil ***"You can't go up there, sir." Phil stood looking at Solana's 'friend,' Joe, was it? The 'pretty' man with the large build and serious eyes stood blocking his way like a wall.That was not as vexing as the new, bold out-of-bounds sign on the wall facing the fancy gate leading to Solana's apartment. These things hadn't been here when he lodged in one of the rooms some three weeks ago.Phil rejected the thought that Mark had put these things here because of him. But the man's words that night rang in his head again. 'This place is off limits TO you.'He unintentionally let out a startled laugh at these thoughts. He'd been right. When the man said 'Off limits' that day, he'd been referring to Solana. Not the top floor."This is new!" He said to the security guard, standing in his way.The man ignored the remark and simply said, "Please return to the bar or your room, sir. If you've booked one.""I was here a few days ago, and there was no gate or sign." Phil said."There is
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Chp. 53
*** Solana ***For a moment, Solana leaned on the car behind her for support and allowed herself to stare at Phil's retreating figure. 'I can't endure this.' Mark's urgent words when he kissed her this afternoon was a persistent, lingering whisper in her mind. But the thought that came after that always renewed her irritation - the dreaded apology. She took a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air to lessen the effect of that thought. The smell of rain was everywhere. Glancing up at the sky, she concluded that there wouldn't be any rain tonight because of the stars shining brilliantly above. Vaguely, she observed Phil's car driving out of Lovelane before tearing her gaze away and returning indoors with slow, lazy steps. She sucked in air as she passed the lobby, taking in its welcoming Lavender air-freshner. When she reached the edge of the staircase, she stopped to analyze the feel of her most recent kiss. In the last 10 hours, two men had kissed her. One of them spelled tr
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Chp. 54
*** Mark ***Dawn was only a few hours from now! He and Solana needed the new day. She needed her rest, and once the night passed, she'd be calm enough to listen to him. Mark thought. Or his head would be clear enough to understand what she meant and why she looked hurt. 'Did I hurt her?' The thought sickened him.After she went upstairs angrily not too long ago, he'd debated going to knock on her door because their conversation wasn't over. But he'd reconsidered the idea again. He was not sure what to say to her yet. Also, it looked like he was the last person she wanted to see or talk with.If she went out again, he was sure it was to see Philip. Who was now her boyfriend. He didn't have that privilege a week ago like Mark believed!'As of tonight...' The words rang in his ears again. God, he'd been such a fool!"There's a gate!" His uncle said again once they were inside his suite. Mark tried and failed to hide the chuckle that rose in his throat. Solana had used those exact word
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Chp. 55
*** Solana ***It was a Saturday morning and dawn's light warmly embraced the bedroom, prompting Solana to open her eyes to the new day. It took only a few seconds for the events of yesterday to come rushing back, weighing her mind like a sack of bricks and making her half-glad it was the weekend. At least, she was off duty and would not have to step foot outside till noon. Within moments, that relief got sucked away by the fact that she had to check on the new bar. Not only that, laundry and grocery shopping wouldn't do themselves.Not that she still felt sleepy. But she just didn't want to deal with the world in the hopes of avoiding running into Mark and 'his woman' by accident. The last time she saw him was up here in the suite. But it was doubtful that he spent the night up here. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat at the possibility that he eventually brought the woman up here last night. It was already 7.05 when she checked the time. Sighing her frustration, she f
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Chp. 56
*** Solana ***Solana kept the smile plastered on her face, hoping it masked the embarrassment she felt. Mark's cousin's face bore a genuinely welcoming expression as she said,"I've heard so much about you-""Kendi, why don't you wait for me downstairs. I'll only be five minutes longer." Mark stood abruptly from his seat and walked around to meet his cousin. But Solana's interest was already piqued. Mark talked about her?"Or I can just sit here." Kendi was pointing at the couch, but Mark's hands were on her shoulders, turning her around to face the door as he urged her forward. "Or you can go upstairs. Here's my key." He put one hand in his pocket to retrieve the keys to gate and his suites. "I swear we won't be long. Ten minutes tops." Solana caught sight of the two for a fleeting moment before Mark spunned his cousin around.She decided the familiarity she spotted in the other girl's facial features was her resemblance to 'her boss.' Not because she knew her from somewhere. The
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Chp. 57
*** Phil ***Phil took pride in being a gentleman. The type that did not smother a woman. Everyone needed a breathing space. Therefore, calling Solana the morning after they'd spent hours together until nearly midnight was unbecoming of the type of person he aspired to be. Despite feeling like he was choking from desperation, he couldn't risk letting it show. For this reason, he kept himself preoccupied that Saturday morning.It was among the busiest days for the supermarket, anyway. The crowd and rush was expected, even though his current mood was not up for it. He was on his desk in the store and had just finished confirming inventories. It was time to scan the sales floor and ensure all was going well."Sir, Mr. Isaac replied?" Linda announced, causing him to raise his head. Today, she was particularly over-friendly. Phil did not have the time or energy for that. "I don't want to know what he has to say if they aren't supplying TODAY." He kept his voice deliberately firm. "We're
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Chp. 58
*** Phil ***'If a girl doesn't want you, take a hint and leave her alone!' Phil recalled saying these very words to Jude back in college when the guy kept chasing that Tessa girl everywhere. The girl had eventually ended up with Fabian, leaving his friend a wreck for a long time."Don't jump to conclusions. She didn't avoid you yesterday, did she." He mumbled to the phone on his desk.Solana had not picked up his calls. He'd called her three times in the last three hours, timing it to make sure it was once every hour. She had not returned the calls either."Maybe something happened."Did he call the motel? Just to find out if she was okay. Phil stood up again leaving his phone on the desk to get busy on the sales floor. It was how he'd avoided blowing up her phone in the last three hours. Calling Lovelane to ask if she was around was a bad idea.She could just be avoiding him. In which case, he'd feel like an idiot. A simp. Even though that's what he felt like, she didn't have to kn
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Chp. 59
*** Mark ***It was not even 5 PM yet and Phil was here at the bar? It's obvious he wasn't here to chill out. Mark was sure that his plan was to ruin his evening with Solana.The only thought in his head when he ignored his cousin's sarcastic remarks was - 'The time for a confrontation was now.'It was not the man's fault that he read too much into that single word "partner" the other day. But Mark still blamed him. They'd been dating for barely 12 hours and not nine days like he thought. Though, at this point, it didn't matter to Mark if they'd been together for a century.As the elevator door slid open, his stomach rolled at the sight that greeted him. Phil standing mere inches from his girl, crowding her. She lifted her gaze and their eyes met while retrieving her Ipahd from Phil.'She looks at me now,' That thought comforted him immensely. She'd learned to hold his gaze and he loved what he saw in those beautiful eyes. It didn't feel like she was going to cancel their date thi
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Chp. 60
*** Solana & Phil ***Solana rushed out of the bathroom tying her bathrobe as she raced towards her ringing phone. She told herself that she could be wrong and the caller could family, another friend, or worse, Phil. But it could also be Mark.And she was right. His name danced on her screen as she lifted the phone. Even though she knew it couldn't be time for their date yet, her gaze moved to the clock. It was not even 6 PM. They were supposed to meet at 6:30. Was he calling to cancel?She'd told him Phil was her boyfriend. He'd seemed upset when the elevator opened earlier while Phil was returning her Ipaad.She took a deep breath before sliding the answer button. "Hello.""Hey..."There was no hint of anger in his voice, but then one syllable was might not be enough to judge. The silence after that one word made her stomach tingle unpleasantly as she waited for him to speak."I know it's early... I'm just calling to let you know I'll wait at your door once it's time. I know Philip i
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