All Chapters of Married Again To My Alpha Ex-Husband: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
162 Chapters
Chapter 21
Kiara povI didn't really believe that the Alpha's grandmother would allow me to be his maid since she was so addicted to seeing me miserable I thought that it was something she will never allow in a million years to see that he came to me later on and told me that I would now be working for him personally felt like a dream.But just because I was going to be sending to him alone did not mean that I planned to slack off on my job.After all, I knew he wasn't going to allow me to do that.There was also something else about being his personal maid that made me blush. It means that I will be around him most of the time, and of course, I didn't allow this to go to my head but I couldn't stop the rush of blood that ran up my cheeks when I thought about it.After I left his room we weren't really able to see each other regularly unless I was just crossing him while I was doing my chores, so it was hard to change the bubbling excitement inside of me, however, I knew I had to be smart so tha
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Chapter 22
Kiara povAlpha Bryant was indeed so cruel I knew that we would never be together since I was basically nothing more than his servant to him but at the very least I should be allowed to worry for him as his mate even though he would never really recognize me as his.He didn't have to speak to me so harshly, I thought to myself as I pressed my face against my pillow that night soaking it with tears.Maybe I deserve this, it will remind me to never go beyond my boundaries with him I was only here to serve him not even being recognized as a trophy wife,I viciously wiped the tears that I had on my face determined to be cold and detached from him the next day, this plan almost fell apart the next day the moment I saw him looking even more drained than he had been the day before, my fingers were about to toast the tree of food outside and quickly rush over to him but instead, I took a slow sigh to myself collecting my thoughts.I just have to be cold and detached since my concern was an an
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Chapter 23
Kiara povHe still looked hesitant when I asked him this and he backed away towards the laptop for a while."I don't know if you'll understand this…you might be confused a bit…"I placed my hands defensively on my waist and his eyes seemed to run over me from head to toe sending shivers across my entire body at once."W-what makes you think that I won't understand it…give me a chance first…after all the first time we met I was actually there for a job so it's not something I'll have no id-""Alright…" He said placing his hands on my shoulders and then I realized that I had actually been ranting quite a bit to him and I found myself flushing in realization but I tried to brush it off.I walked over to his laptop and propped myself on the chair looking at what had been giving him sleepless nights all this time."It's a contract?"I asked him just to be sure after looking through the documents for a couple of seconds he greatly nodded in agreement so we began to discuss the issue with th
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Chapter 24
Kiara povNow I was making the Alpha's dinner when something unexpected happened it was so shocking that it took me a couple of minutes to gather myself and when I did my face was still flush as I looked back and he was smiling down at me hugging me from behind his hands wrapped around me and fitting so easily I wanted to never leave. However, the fact that it was a foreign position for me caused my entire body to flinch away from him, he didn't trap me but I could see a hint of disappointment when I jumped out of his arms.The frown didn't go deep however and was soon replaced with a wild smile, he told me that he was so happy and he appreciated my help."So did the contract work out?" "Far better than expected, it was amazing…"He looked like he was going to hug me again and once more my body betrayed me by stepping back away from his gaze as my eyes traveled around to see if anybody had spotted us in this position and luckily from what I could see no one else had he was excited n
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Chapter 25
Bryant pov"I hope you are not falling for that maid…"I gave my grandmother a gaping look when she said this. It had been a peaceful momentous day at my office when suddenly the intercom started vibrating on my table and before I could even pick it up my grandmother was stumping into my office.My Secretary walked in trying to stop my grandmother before she sent me an apologetic look with her eyes."I'm so sorry…Alpha Bryant…I tried to stop her but she…""Nevermind," I told my secretary, waving her off, I knew just how stubborn my grandmother could be and I had a feeling that something like this would happen eventually.I had been trying to avoid her because everytime I tried to have a normal conversation with her it would all crumble down into her just trying to bad-mouth Kiara.Even when I told her not to do so."Bryant we need to talk…"She said coming to sit across from me."I'm busy right now grandmother, can this not wait till I get home? You know that…""I know that you have b
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Chapter 26
Kiara povI had been so excited when I heard the engine of Alpha Bryant's car that I took a jar of milk that I had been holding in my hand in the kitchen and rushed over to the entrance of the pack house with excitement building up inside of me like a volcano about to explode.But the thing I saw at the door caused my heart to fall and shatter just like the jar I had been holding but I lost my grip at the traumatizing sight.Bryant and Anna have been sharing a kiss and as soon as I drop the jar embarrassingly they both turned around at the same time to look at me and I wanted to just dig into the ground and bury myself instantly away from their judging gazes I apologized profusely for the broken glasses and went over to get a mop and broom to take care of it."I see that you are still a stupid clutz!"She raised her hand very to slap me across the face. I closed my eyes holding my hands defensively in front of my face and then she froze gasping."Now what the hell do you think you are
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Chapter 27
Bryant's povWhen I looked behind my shoulder and Kiara was still on the floor packing the broken glasses so I went back to the intercom holding it firmly and after telling Kiara once more that we needed to talk after I had managed to sneak away from Anna. Kiara mumbled something that I didn't catch and I asked her to repeat it. She told me that I didn't matter and that made me even more curious about it. I found out that my voice was almost rising enough to catch Anna's attention and I reduced it instantly.I needed to hear what Kiara was feeling right now for some reason.Something about the scene that had happened earlier did not sit well with me at all there was a time that I would literally gaze out the window waiting for when Anna would show up again missing her so terribly, I was literally counting the days before she would come back I had not realized when I stop gazing out and waiting for her and when I have stopped counting days as well.Now it was almost as if it had never
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Chapter 28
Kiara povI had literally expected to see anybody else at my front door other than the Alpha himself and I immediately stepped back out of fear and reservation thinking about what had happened some moments ago. It was like a severe slap to my face reminding me that I will never be anything to him.Taking my eyes away from his direction and gazing at the floor as if it was the first time I had seen something so peculiar I asked him to forgive me for not answering his calls and coming over to his room as I was doing so I was stylishly trying to brush off the years that have been running down my face but before I could even succeed in doing this I heard his footsteps and he was far too quick for my retreating tactic didn't work and he was holding my wrist lifting my head up and he could see the tears running down my face still."Have you been crying?"He asked me and I immediately began to shake my head saying that I just have some onions in my eyes or something like that, nobody was stu
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Chapter 29
Kiara povHer face was burning with anger and she looked at me as well, as if I was the cause of any problem that she had ever experienced in her entire life but I was just wondering what offence I had committed that made me deserving of this because nothing is coming to my mind.Why was I still here? That question rattled through my mind several times and I was not able to come up with a good response for it so instead I ended up looking at her with the intention to fight back but to my own surprise I couldn't I just looked at her like an idiot and feeling stupid for not being able to muster a single word against her I felt like anything I say would only escalate the entire situation and put me in a bigger dilemma.Besides, according to the contract I was expected to leave when she comes back but Bryant is still holding back and my stupid self was hoping for something different, something I know is impossible yet I want it.She threatened me for a little bit expecting me to speak an
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Chapter 30
Bryant pov "I don't see how this should be causing a disagreement between the two of you…" My grandmother's voice penetrated my ears I swept my eyes across the room, Anna was sitting just across from me tapping her feet angrily on the floor and I released a heavy sigh from my lips before stretching my legs and placing my head back. Since Anna felt like she was not getting to me alone she needed to get my grandmother involved in this and it was making it even more troublesome for me I run my fingers through my hair raking through every single strand then with a very patient tone I explained why I could not find an appropriate time yet to send Kiara packing. "I am worried about my image…" The moment I said that both of them were looking at me as if I was out of my mind and so I took another generous gulp of air running my fingers crossed my face as I explained to both of them what I meant by that but then I was quickly interrupted by my grandmother who said that it was not a good ex
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