All Chapters of Craved By The Lycan Quadruplets : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
120 Chapters
Emily's povAs the morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room, I stretched my tired limbs and slowly opened my eyes. A new day had dawned, and I could feel a mix of excitement and anticipation bubbling within me.Turning to Roman, my love, I smiled and gently nudged him. "My love, it's time for breakfast. Let's start our day with a delicious meal." I could already imagine the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing array of breakfast delicacies that awaited us.But as I tried to get out of bed, Roman's strong arms enveloped me from behind, pulling me back gently. "Don't worry, my love," he whispered, his voice laced with affection. "You don't need to stress yourself. I've got you."His words melted my worries away, and I allowed myself to be swept up in his caring embrace. The sense of security and love that radiated from him filled my heart with warmth and gratitude. With a contented sigh, I relaxed into his arms, knowing that I was cher
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Roman POVAs the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue across the palace grounds, I found myself standing in the grand hall, its opulent walls adorned with intricate tapestries and glistening chandeliers. The anticipation of the upcoming meeting with the elders lingered in the air, filling the space with a sense of importance and gravity.Turning to Emily, my beloved, I took her hands in mine, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and reassurance. "Tonight, my love, we have a significant meeting. The elders will gather here in our palace to discuss matters of great importance. I want you by my side, as both my met and my love, sitting beside me in my throne."Emily's eyes sparkled with a blend of curiosity and eagerness, her presence illuminating the room. She nodded, her voice filled with determination. "Yes, my love, I will be ready. I understand the significance of this meeting, and I am honored to accompany you and be a part of it."With a sense of pride swelling wit
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Roman POVAs the sun cast its warm glow upon the palace grounds, anticipation bubbled within me. Today was a special day, for my dearest friend Elliot was returning after a long journey. I couldn't contain my excitement as I shared the news with Emily, my beloved."Emily, my love, today is the day. My best friend Elliot is coming back," I exclaimed, a wide smile stretching across my face. I could feel the familiar warmth of nostalgia fill my heart.Curiosity sparkled in Emily's eyes as she responded, "Your best friend? Tell me more, Roman."With a hint of fondness in my voice, I explained, "Elliot is my childhood friend. We've shared countless adventures, and he embarked on a journey last year. Now, he's finally returning, and we must prepare to give him a warm welcome."Emily's face lit up with understanding and excitement. "Of course, my love. We should make the necessary arrangements and eagerly await his arrival. What can we do to ensure he feels truly welcomed?"Gratitude filled
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Emily povAs the morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, I awoke to a new day filled with possibilities. Stretching my tired limbs, I sat up in bed and smiled at the warmth that enveloped the room. It was a perfect day to welcome back our dear friend, Elliot.I leaned over and gently shook Roman, whispering, "Good morning, my love." His eyes fluttered open, and a sleepy smile graced his lips as he greeted me in return. "Morning, my love. How are you doing?"With a yawn, I replied, "I'm feeling refreshed, ready to embrace the day. And you?"Roman rose from the bed and stretched his arms above his head. "I'm good, my love. Thank you for asking." He then suggested that we proceed with our morning routine. "Shall we freshen up before breakfast?"Agreeing with his suggestion, I headed to the bathroom and reached for my toothbrush. As I brushed away the remnants of sleep, a sense of anticipation filled me. Today was special, for it marked the long-awaited return of Elliot, Ro
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Elliot povAs we finished our delightful breakfast, Roman suggested that we take a leisurely stroll through the park surrounding the palace. My heart swelled with excitement at the prospect of reconnecting with the familiar sights and friendly faces that had been absent from my life for far too long. The sun beamed down upon us, casting a warm glow over our little group.Accompanied by Roman and Emily, I eagerly followed Roman's lead as we stepped out of the palace grounds and onto the winding paths of the park. The air was filled with a contagious sense of joy and anticipation, as if the entire park knew of my return and shared in my delight. Smiling faces and cheerful laughter greeted us from every corner, creating an atmosphere of pure happiness.As we strolled through the park, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection and warm greetings directed towards me. People I had grown up with, who had been part of my childhood adventures, welcomed me back with open
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Emily's povThe sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I slowly opened my eyes. It was a new day, filled with endless possibilities. Stretching my limbs, I greeted the morning with a sense of excitement.As I sat up in bed, I noticed that Roman was no longer beside me. I called out to him, "Are you back, my love? How was the training?" His response reached my ears, filled with a hint of exhaustion. "We're done for today, my love. The training was intense."Concern crept into my voice as I asked, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Roman's reassurance followed, putting my worries at ease. "I'm alright, Emily. Thank you for your concern."Deciding to take care of him, I made my way to the kitchen. I prepared a simple, comforting breakfast that I knew would replenish his energy. Instructing the maid, I requested, "Please bring some bread and tea for Roman to enjoy."With breakfast underway, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to Elliot, our dear
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Emily's povThe sun had set, casting a blanket of darkness over the palace grounds. As the evening descended upon us, I felt a gentle pang of hunger in my stomach, signaling that it was time for dinner. With a graceful sway, I made my way to the dining room, the anticipation of a delicious meal lingering in the air.As I entered the dining room, the table stood adorned with fine linens and sparkling silverware, creating an ambiance of elegance and sophistication. The aroma of freshly prepared dishes wafted through the air, enticing my senses and whetting my appetite. It was a moment of tranquility, a time to indulge in both culinary delights and cherished conversations.However, before I took my seat, I reached for my phone, feeling the need to connect with Roman, my beloved husband. With a few swift movements of my fingers, I dialed his number, eagerly awaiting his voice on the other end of the line."Hello, Roman," I greeted him with affectionate warmth. "Where are you? The dinner i
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Roman POVThe gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room as I stirred from my slumber. Stretching my limbs and blinking away the remnants of sleep, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement within me. Today was a special day—a day to create a beautiful start for Emily.I quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb her peaceful rest. With a newfound determination, I made my way to the kitchen, my mind filled with thoughts of surprising her with a delicious breakfast. As I gathered the ingredients and utensils, the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of warm pastries.With a hint of nervousness, I expertly prepared a sumptuous breakfast spread, paying attention to every detail. Each dish was crafted with love, a reflection of my deep affection for Emily. I arranged the breakfast tray with care, ensuring that it looked as inviting as possible, a feast for both the eyes and the
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Elliot's povlimits of their endurance, but it had also sharpened their skills and fostered a sense of unity among them.As the sun reached its zenith, signaling the end of the training session, the soldiers gradually dispersed, their bodies weary but their spirits aflame with newfound determination. Roman and I stood together, surveying the scene before us. The training grounds bore witness to the strength and resilience of our warriors, a testament to their unwavering commitment."Elliot," Roman spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and pride, "I couldn't have asked for a more capable and loyal companion in this journey. Your dedication to our cause is commendable."I inclined my head, a mixture of gratitude and humility swelling within me. "Thank you, Roman. It is an honor to serve by your side, to protect our people and uphold the ideals we hold dear."Together, we walked back towards the palace, the weight of our responsibilities momentarily lightened by the shared bon
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Emily's povThe soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. As I stirred from my slumber, a weight settled upon my heart, and a troubling thought nagged at the corners of my mind. It was Dorian, the one who had caused me such pain and heartache, who consumed my thoughts.As I sat up in bed, a determined expression settled upon my face. I knew I couldn't let his actions go unpunished. The fire of vengeance burned within me, urging me to seek justice for the wounds he had inflicted upon my heart.Roman, sensing my unease, turned to me with concern etched upon his face. "My love, why does your countenance bear such a heavy burden? What troubles your heart?" His words were filled with genuine care, his eyes searching mine for answers.I mustered a faint smile, attempting to conceal the turmoil brewing within me. "It's nothing, my love," I replied, my voice laced with a hint of hesitation. "Just a passing thought that I need to sort throu
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