All Chapters of Rebirth of the scorned wife : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 Chapters
Caught red handed
She froze. This wasn't how she planned out her mission. How could she be caught just like that!"Wh...wh..y are you suddenly back?" She asked stuttering but then realized she wasn't even supposed to be the one asking questions. "I saw you enter my room and I wondered why you were here" To her surprise, he replied her. She was expecting him to get angry and drag her out or at least lash out at her, but he replied her like they were on good terms. What she didn't know was that, Regan already decided to tolerate her presence for the next four days, afterall they would go their separate ways after, so it wasn't necessary to be all agitated for no good reason. His gaze moved from her face to the books in her hand then his expression softened. "You can have them" He told her which contributed to another wave of shock that hit her. 'Why is he being nice all of a sudden?' She wondered but she didn't dare ask him directly."I'm sorry for entering your room without permission, I only wanted
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Make her vomit blood
Isabella didn't waste time in heading for Steve's office in order to complain about Tiana's treatment of her. She was so frustrated that she didn't even notice the people in his office before she started lamenting."Steve, you should have seen the way that damned assistant of that bitch treated me just now, I felt li--" She froze when she noticed the HR manager, Howard and some other department heads, looking at her blankly because of her sudden intrusion. She immediately bowed in greetings when she recovered "I- I'm so sorry for my rudeness just now" Though she didn't feel apologetic at all. But for the sake of the bigger picture, she'll do anything, even if she had to knew in front of those lowly bastards. Howard broke into laughter then glanced at Steve as he said "She must be so comfortable with you because she's your cousin that she didn't even remember to knock before coming in" Though he said so with a smile, anyone hearing it could detect the coldness that came with it. He
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Suddenly curious about what Kathryn was up to, she joined them and even was unfortunate to sit right beside Regan but he didn't seem to mind as he didn't even looked at her once. He seemed to be ignoring her existence."I didn't see you at lunch, did you have it in your room?" Matt asked, breaking the awkward silence. He didn't even seem to notice anything was wrong with the atmosphere."I slept off while waiting for lunch" She simply replied then took a sip from the glass of milk in her hand. She wasn't comfortable around Regan, especially after she saw the book. It made her feel like she was walking on needles around him. Worst of it all, he wasn't even sparing her a gaze as he was fully focused on the book in his hand."You look horrible though" Matt further observed, looking at her face. "Really? It must be because I didn't wash my face after waking up" "You didn't even wash your face and you are looking this stunning. And Matt, what do you mean by she looks horrible? did you s
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"Let's talk" He says and walked away immediately without waiting for her to even decide whether she would come or not. But then, he was sure she'll follow him.For someone who had been ignoring her to suddenly appear in front of her and request for them to talk, was an huge surprise to her. But most of all, she wondered what he wanted to talk about and so, she immediately followed him."Ouch!" She groaned when her head hit into something hard. As she had been engrossed in wondering what he wanted to talk about, she didn't notice he had stopped and thus, she crashed into his back."I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" She hastily apologized in case he thinks she did it on purpose. Regan was only looking down at her with an expressionless face and his lips pursed, he seemed to be debating on how to start his discussion. "Your assistant called Alonzo days ago and said you wanted to have a meet up with me. How about we have the meeting now?" He said with a smile on which Talisa hadn't been ex
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Crazy Boss and Assistant
"Ahhhh!" Isabella took a deep breath after running the stairs for the nth time that morning. Tiana had made her visit the doctor who had told them it was alright for her to do some exercises and running the stairs had been the one that sadistic Tiana has picked from them, claiming it was most useful for the company as she would be needing to run errands for her boss."Miss Thurnwald, you aren't keeping up to time" Tiana's voice jolted her from her thoughts. She saw the witch at the top of the stairs with her alarm clock on her right hand. "Miss Accardi, shouldn't I rest now? It's dangerous for the baby if you keep pushing me" Isabella threatened. Her whole life depends on the baby she was carrying and she couldn't allow Tiana make her lose it by mistake even.However, Tiana only gave her a creepy smile "Don't worry Miss Thurnwald, I wouldn't want to be the reason for the cutie not be born and thus, I've hired a doctor for you. She'll be available in the company at all times and thus,
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Man stealing operation
"Oh please, I almost couldn't control myself not to laugh out when I heard your words. You shouldn't have added that she looked like a lonely woman looking for a man to spend the night with. You should have seen her face then" Elina continued laughing, she laughed so hard that tears were already at the rim of her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment."She called me stupid first!" Talisa interjected, trying to prove her innocence but Elina only ignored her. "Shall we talk about how you mentioned the cooks and sailors instead of Matt and Regan? I believe it's better she starts avoiding you from now on for the sake of her mental health. I don't really blame her for trying to intimidate you though. I mean, you are the reason her crush wouldn't even look at her. Anybody would feel threatened by you" "I know, right. Now that you've mentioned it, I'm planning to use the collaboration between FW and PHANTOM to amend the relationship between Regan and I" She decided she didn't want a rea
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Ambiguous answer
The drive was silent until Elina called his attention and told him she was going to get off at her destination. He pulled over for her and she immediately alighted while waving goodbye at Talisa. "See you soon" Talisa returned the gesture then watched Elina until she couldn't see her anymore. Now it was she and Regan alone and the air became more suffocating than earlier. He didn't ask for her address and she didn't bother telling him because she was sure he knew it. If he didn't then he wasn't Regan but someone else. "We are here" His voice broke her train of thought and she looked out to see the familiar silver gate. Her house. "Thank you" She appreciated before getting off from the car. She wasn't even able to turn back to look at him before the car drove off. She sighed in frustration before walking towards the gate. She pressed the bell and it was like déjà vu when the gate slowly opened, revealing the surprised face of the securities. They hadn't been expecting the Madam to
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Talisa and Tiana's meeting
Talisa and Tiana had met when Talisa went to Paris for her break. It had actually been a six months break but after meeting Tiana, she had to extend it to one year. She had taken the break because she had been depressed after what had happened with Regan.It was one faithful afternoon, she was sitting at her favourite spot in a dessert shop she had found when she arrived. She hadn't actually found it, Adalyn had told her about this particular dessert shop which they had loved eating it's chocolate waffles since young and she had came to look for it the moment she arrived. It had been her habit to come there everyday and such was that day. She was watching a TV show on her cellphone and having an ice cream when she heard a man scream. Not a woman but a man and that had gotten her attention as she wondered what had went wrong. Normally,she would have mind her business but curiousity got the better of her.The moment she turned, she saw a beautiful young lady pinning down a man twice h
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Another side of him
"I don't know what else to do to make you believe I'm not faking anything" he had replied her, sounding helpless.But of course, Tiana didn't buy his excuse. She only pitied Talisa for believing the excuse of a living thing (Steve), even though Talisa was usually smart in everything else, she was gullible when it comes to people and they was why she had taken it upon herself to protect her. "Boss, don't worry. I'll allow no harm come to you" Back to the present: Tiana excitedly took a sit beside Talisa and began her story. ".....I tormented her until she could no longer walk. Anyway, she's now in the hospital taking the much needed rest" Tiana summarised what she had been up to the past few days. Talisa only sighed, already knowing how Tiana was. She always does things just the way she had been brought up. Brutally. Of course, a person brought up in a Mafia family would be different from others. Though, she was still soft compared to what others would normally do."Her baby?" Sh
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THE PAST: Their first meeting
Nine year old Talisa was sitting, looking out from the window of her classroom. She watched as the other kids were playing around but she wasn't in the mood to play as she was still grieving the loss of her dead dog. She still couldn't believe her little Mousy was gone. "Liz!" She heard someone call which jolted her from her thoughts, it was Adalyn who was waving a box of chocolates at her. Adalyn didn't waste time in entering into the class and taking her sit in front of Talisa. "Daddy bought it for me when he returned from Paris last night. I'm sure you'll love it" Adalyn opened the box and Talisa could see the different chocolate types in it. Even though it looked appetising, she didn't feel like eating it. Adalyn seemed to have noticed her hesitation "Liz, Little Mousy wouldn't be happy to see you not eating this delicious chocolate. You don't have to be sad about its death, after all, it went to a better place" She tried cheering her friend up and it worked. "Really? Little
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