All Chapters of The Ex-Girlfriend of a Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
204 Chapters
A few months later...The day has gone by, ELLA doesn't know how to deal with so much emotion, after all today is her wedding day with Bernardo, the two are in a joy that infects everyone around them.After a long time away from Seattle, Ana returned to the city where she was hurt so much, the city where she left her heart, she came with an open heart and willing to new conquests.Her move to Seattle was due to her job, since Bernardo decided to take advantage of his marriage and move to Seattle for good and with that his company came with it, Ana after a few months getting stressed with her mother and feeling suffocated, no she felt more like Miguel's mother, Karla didn't just play the role of grandmother, she dominated all the space and Ana felt completely left out, even the grandmother put her to sleep, this transfer of affection from Karla to Miguel, bothered her too much A-N-A.When Bernardo announced the company's move to Seattle, despite knowing that she would have to clash wit
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Diego gave his arm to Ana and the two put their most beautiful smiles on their faces and walked slowly towards the altar, after all their friends didn't deserve a scene on the most important day of their lives.The two really looked like a couple, they looked beautiful together.The two took their place and for a vague moment Diego had the glimpse that they were really a happy couple and would do everything to make it come true as soon as possible.And the wedding march began to play, everyone was attentive to the entrance and here comes Bernardo arm in arm with his mother, a very nice and beautiful lady who, if everyone didn't know her, would never say she was his mother, Bernardo had a big smile on her lips and from afar he was greeting everyone with a nod of his head, he didn't seem nervous but very confident of what he was doing and what he wanted.As soon as they arrived at the altar, his mother gave him two kisses on his cheek and joined her husband while Bernardo positioned him
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The blood spoke louder at that moment my heart almost exploded with joy to see my son throw himself into my lap and stick to my neck and not even call his mother.Ana kept standing there, looking at that scene and even though she didn't want to admit it, she knew that one day it would happen, but she didn't imagine that it would be so fast from one hour to another, she was totally without action, because Miguel was doing that to her , he wouldn't let go of his father's neck and remained glued there as if this had always happened.Ana is totally irritated, but she doesn't want to cause a scandal and draw the attention of the guests, so before taking any action she would have to think about what to do, she saw that in the distance her family was looking at them and waiting for what would happen next, so that she would have to be wary of her attitude."Could you give me my son?" She spoke between her teeth, to a Diego who was all smiles, a smile that seemed more like a provocation when h
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Ana arrived at her old apartment, with her son in her arms and remembered the day she left there, with Miguel in her belly, she never imagined returning to that city, but not everything that is planned works out and now that her friend has got married she will keep the apartment, she still has a lot to organize, and to solve because she just moved. Sooner or later she would have to face her problems and the time had come.She knew it was a matter of time and as much as she ran away one day she would have to face her fears and her problems and Diego was the biggest problem, she knew he would want his rights as a father, even if he denied Miguel in the beginning of her pregnancy, even if it was to make her life hell, but deep down she knew he loved her, but her pride is greater than anything, and she is still very hurt by everything she heard from Diego.He can try, but Ana is adamant about her opinion of what she thinks about Diego.She took her little one to the bedroom, as he was sle
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I've been on the mend since I got back from France and found out that I was actually pregnant and to make matters worse with twins and that my pregnancy is high risk, it was a shock for me, when the doctor showed in the exam that I was pregnant, it was all a invention of mine to try to get along with Diego, I got screwed, I just wanted to leverage my career, and I couldn't even imagine that I was actually pregnant.I was in shock, and worst of all, I'm sure these kids aren't Diego's, and he just didn't do the exam because I was at risk of having a miscarriage, so he decided to wait until the babies were born and Until then, I'll enjoy it.Any little thing I call him, but he can never come, he always sends his dick, Thiago, he's always at my disposal, because Diego can never do anything, he's always too busy, I don't know what, but he always is.I won't leave him alone, until the end of this pregnancy he will have to put up with me, Maria is already fed up with this pregnancy, she feel
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Running away is no longer a solution for Ana, even though she doesn't want to get close to Diego, she understands that she can no longer take little Miguel away from his father.She is still in shock at how Miguel interacted with his father, it seems that the two were always together, and how the blood ran higher when the two got closer.She decided that she's going to sit down to talk to Diego, she wouldn't want to be caught by surprise by him, before something happens, she decided to take charge of the situation and impose her rules.Ana's fear is that Diego will decide to look for his rights in court and because he has a lot of money, be benefited in some way, that she could lose her son to his father, after what he did to her when she was pregnant, she hopes all of him.Of course, Christian's intention is not to take little Miguel from his mother, on the contrary, he actually wants to win Ana back and bring the two back to his life, and he knows that if he does something, he knows
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So the big day has arrived, I'm going to call Diego and make an appointment with him, we need to talk about Miguel's situation, I insist on doing a paternity test, I don't want any doubts to remain about that, I'm not going to leave any margins drop.Besides, we don't have anything else to talk about, and I'll only do it because I'm afraid that Diego might do something to take my son, only to hurt me because I don't want him anymore.I remember very well how cruel and hard he can be, when crossed, I'll do everything clearly not out of will, but out of fear, whether or not he's a very powerful man I don't want to clash with him now, the best what to do is play according to the game and not to mention that Miguel, even without knowing who the father is, as soon as he saw him he stuck to him.I know how important a father is in a child's life, although this was never lacking for Miguel, Bernardo was always very present in his life, but it's just that a father is a father and I could see
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I got ready a little unwillingly, while my boy played on the bed with his toys if he could only imagine what was to come, and when his little life could change after this conversation with Diego.If I say I'm not nervous, I'd be lying through my teeth, as much as everything I feel for him is still here in the deep well, my heartache still gets much stronger than what I feel, how I wish everything had been different, but sometimes we go through situations that end up serving as a lesson in the future.He wasn't the man to take his son back there, and I'll make him remember that for every moment of my life, he may even win the daughter, but what depends on me, he'll eat the bread that the devil kneaded, I'm not saying that never, ever, in any time, one day I can't go back and return what we left behind.But it's simple, I'm very hurt and this wound he opened in my chest will still take a long time to heal, so he shouldn't wait, that silly Ana he knew in the past, now I'm a strong woman
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I didn't let him say anything else, I got up and left and left him there looking at me and alone, I didn't even bother to look back.I made it very clear that without the paternity test we have nothing to talk about, I'm just following what he demanded back there, he insisted on an exam, and now I'm the one who wants it, I have no doubts.Now is he sure? Pulp me right! Either he takes the exam or he can forget about Miguel, I know he didn't like it, but I'm not going to make it any easier for him, when I needed it he didn't make it any easier for me, on the contrary, he let me go without even wanting to know how I was, if I needed anything, he didn't care about me, much less for his son, while I was away everything was fine, he could have looked for me earlier, he has the means for that, he didn't want to.It doesn't enter my head, why now he wants to assume the son, what could have led him to take this decision to assume the son of wanting to come back to our lives, since he was so h
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Bonus Diego -Around the age of 17 I met a beautiful girl, her name was Suzane and she was 15 years old, it was love at first sight, we fell completely and hopelessly in love with each other, everything in my life had a great impact.I lived with Suzane for a few months, but they were the best months of my life, we lived close together, up and down, her family didn't like all that bonding between the two of us, they thought it would soon pass that it was just a flirtation passenger between two teenagers.But we had plans, we made several plans and I was willing to do anything to stay with Suzane and her with me, my family fully supported us, despite thinking we were too young for a serious relationship.Neither I nor Suzane didn't care about age, whether we were too young or not, we just wanted to experience everything that love was giving us.When we had our first night of love, it was the most intense thing in the world, I didn't want that moment to never end, it could have been ete
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