All Chapters of A Mate For The Lycan Twins : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
97 Chapters
~Damian~ I clenched my teeth as I made my way back to the living room. I forced a smile as I approached the dining room.Becky turned her gaze towards me and grinned widely. I returned the smile and took a seat beside her."Damian, Becky was just filling me in on my new schedule. I feel like I'll collapse from exhaustion," Lucian said wearily, causing me to furrow my brow."Why? What's the matter?" I asked, looking at him."I'll have numerous meetings at the headquarters now that I'm the chairman. I have to be present for every single one. Becky just informed me that I have a meeting on the night of the full moon. It feels more like an ordination," he explained tiredly."Really? So you won't be here on the full moon? How many days away is it?" I inquired, glancing at Becky."In three days. But it's not as terrible as it sounds, right? I'm sure they'll make arrangements for you too," Becky added."I know, but it can never compare to the one we have here at the palace," Lucian sighed h
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The full moon
~Cassandra~ ~Night Of The Full Moon~ I dressed in my black casual pants and a white top, hastily pulling my hair into a messy bun. Exiting my chamber, I made my way towards the front of the palace where all the pack members had gathered to celebrate. The sound of their cheering reached me even before I reached them, and the tantalizing aroma of roasted beef filled the air, causing my stomach to growl.As I stepped out of the palace, the pack members bowed slightly, addressing me as "Queen Cassandra."I acknowledged their gestures with a wave and encouraged them to continue the festivities, while I made my way towards the grilling area where the meat was being cooked.Approaching the grill, I spotted Damian standing beside it. He wore a protective brown apron and gloves to shield his clothes from stains. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing his muscular arms adorned with prominent veins. Despite sweating, he exuded an attractive aura. I desired to strike up a conversation wi
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Sexual desires
~Cassandra~ While still concealed behind the tree, I eavesdropped on Damian engaging in a conversation with Becky. The sun was rising, illuminating everything around me. "I'm waiting for Cassandra. She hasn't returned yet. We'll go back to the palace together," he said. I peeked out from behind the tree and noticed that he was still unclothed."While you wait, can't I keep you company?" Becky asked, her gaze fixated on his lower body with desire and lust.She approached him, but he stepped back and shook his head firmly. "I'll see you at the palace, Becky," he replied, causing Becky to pause. Disappointment was evident on her face as she nodded slowly. "Okay. See you later," she uttered, stealing one last glance at his private area before walking away. As soon as she was out of sight, I let out a heavy sigh and cautiously emerged from my hiding spot. Damian turned to face me and flashed a wide smile."She's gone," he stated, moving closer to me. I shook my head and extended my han
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Zoe’s heartbreak
~Cassandra~ Upon waking up, I extended my arm across the bed, hoping to find Lucian's presence, only to realize he was not there. . I sat up, running my hand through my hair before getting out of bed. Making my way to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face, attempting to clear my mind and avoid any troubling thoughts. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, maintaining a vacant stare, determined not to let anything disrupt my peaceful slumber.Leaving the bathroom, I grabbed a shirt and pants, dressing myself before venturing towards Lucian's room. To my disappointment, he was absent. Letting out a sigh, I proceeded down the hallway, deliberately avoiding Damian's chamber and any thoughts associated with him. Reflecting on my past actions, I regretted the choices I had made and sought to distance myself from him. Upon reaching the living room, I furrowed my brow as I noticed Zoe sitting alongside Damian. Their silence and lack of interaction caught my attention.They held sm
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I want you too
~Damian~ I entered my room and closed the door behind me, feeling my heart race uncontrollably in my chest. I clutched at my chest, hoping to calm myself down.Sitting on my bed, I zoned out and absentmindedly touched the tattoo on my arm. The memory of Cassie's passionate kiss and the way she looked at me drove me to the brink of madness. Just the thought of it caused me to become aroused.As much as I wanted to take her against the wall and make love to her right then and there, I needed to be certain that she wouldn't come back, apologizing for what had happened.I went back to my closet and rummaged through my bag, searching for a cigar and lighter to help calm my nerves and erase thoughts of being intimate with my brother's wife.I retrieved a cigar and lit it with the lighter. Taking a deep puff, I exhaled the smoke into the air. Letting out a heavy sigh, I returned to my bed, waiting for my arousal to subside when I heard a knock on my door.Getting up from the bed once again,
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To have some fun?
~Cassandra~ "Haaa..." I sighed softly, feeling a pleasurable sensation course through my body. My spine arched in response to his skilled touch, his fingers delicately entering the tender depths of my longing. Grasping the sheets tightly, I felt my eyes roll back beneath closed lids. The rhythmic motion of his finger, curving with such grace to reach my very core, drove me to the edge of sanity. Releasing my grip on the sheets, I fervently clutched his broad back, my fingers digging into his flesh. His lips found mine once again, consuming them with a voracious hunger. Breaking the kiss, his intense gaze upon my face compelled me to open my eyes halfway. "Can I proceed?" he asked eagerly, his tongue lightly grazing my lips. "No, just your fingers," I replied, reciprocating by licking his lips. "I want to hear you moan my name, Cassie," he whispered, fixating on my mouth as if longing to witness the utterance. "Moan my name!" he groaned, thrusting his fingers deeper inside me,
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The Villain
~Damian~ In frustration, I found myself seated before the cookies Becky had brought me, and I selected a piece. I promptly placed it in my mouth and savored the satisfying crunch.A sense of pleasant surprise washed over me as I discovered the delectable taste. The cookie had achieved the perfect balance of flavors and boasted a delightful crispness.Driven by the sheer enjoyment, I continued to devour one piece after another, eagerly munching away until every last cookie had vanished.Given the recent events with Cassie, I longed for a mental escape. Although I understood she would never reciprocate my feelings, the pain still lingered."I suppose I need some time away from her. It's important for me to grasp her true feelings toward me," I murmured to myself, carefully packing Becky's bag and departing from the room.While on the route to Becky's residence at the pack house, my attention was drawn to Zoe, sitting alone in a secluded corner of the palace. Her countenance revealed pr
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He’s no good
~Cassandra~ Upon awakening, I noticed that Lucian was still asleep, his arms resting on my chest and his face turned away. I let out a sigh and gently moved his hand from my chest. Rising from the bed, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.After finishing, I emerged from the bathroom and observed Lucian, who was starting to wake up. He turned towards me, opening his eyes and giving me a soft smile."Darling," he called out, and I responded with a smile, walking towards the bed."Hello, love. You're awake," I replied, and he nodded."Yes, I must have slept for quite a while. I was quite stressed when I returned. I apologize, baby," he said, and I shook my head."No need to apologize. The responsibilities at headquarters can be frustrating at times," I said, taking a seat in front of him on the bed."At times?" he scoffed. "More like all the time, my love. But I can't back out now. It's the craziest thing, my love. I just have to endure," he said sadly."And you will, alright? Y
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I’m selfish
~Damian~ Lucian summoned everyone for a pack meeting, prompting me to leave my room and join them in the living room."Let the preparations commence, everyone! I want the news to spread throughout the kingdom and even the neighboring realms. Everyone is welcome," Lucian proclaimed, eliciting cheers from the group.After concluding the meeting, Lucian turned to me with a smile as we settled on the couch. "Are you excited?" he asked.I chuckled and shook my head. "What is there to be excited about?" I sarcastically questioned."Oh, there are plenty of things! You might meet your mate at the party and even get married," he retorted, to which I scoffed."You're so determined to get me married. Why? I don't feel ready for that at the moment. And if I do find a mate, it doesn't have to be at the party. Can't I find one here in the palace?" I further inquired, causing him to furrow his brows and look at me."Are you hinting at something?" he asked eagerly, and I shook my head."No, why?""Y
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On the Balcony
~Cassandra~ "Or perhaps we could do it right here?" He groaned, burying his face in my neck, kissing and murmuring against it as though he drew his very breath from that spot.A soft moan escaped my lips as I leaned my head back, gripping onto his back to maintain my balance."But we're outdoors. Anyone could see us," I whispered, pressing his head closer against my neck.He lifted his head from my neck and locked his gaze with mine. "We are on the highest part of the palace, it's late and dark. No one would know if you remain silent," he whispered hungrily, reaching for my underwear and sliding it down my legs.He lifted me off the ground, and I wrapped my legs around his body. He pushed me against the wall, pinning my back to it as he kissed me.His mouth opened wide as he passionately devoured my lips, exploring them with his tongue as if on a treasure hunt.I surrendered myself to whatever he did, my senses overwhelmed with pleasure.While we kissed, he discarded his pants and gu
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