All Chapters of Accidentally involved with you: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
Fighting emotionally
“You are the cause of all this.” Even the noise can wake up all the patients on the second floor, it was a fuss and a big mess that the Weitheimers couldn't handle, it drew a lot of attention to them, and they couldn't help the situation either. She wasn't ready to give up either, it was like she had the idea of destroying the Weitheimers, as her yells could be heard from every room on the second floor. She was furious over what had happened to her friend, so she was on her way to the hospital as soon as Kelvin told her Olivia was hurt. “Miss Hadrianus, please take it easy, the patient is resting.” “Resting?” She smirks and used her hand to address her messed up hair to the back. “It was all your fault that she is here 'RESTING'.” “We never knew she had a problem with her family, and we were there to save her as fast as we could avoid, so please pardon.” “The more you beg, the more angry I am.” Tracy yells and points at Felix. How can a woman be so strong headed? Felix wonders.
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Living with the Weitheimers
When one hope is lost, another one is regained.Olivia looks out of the window and she already have a bothered look on her face, she stare with great worry as the car speed up on the road, she can't get her thoughs straight on any of her worries, why are the Weitheimers so serious of having her in the family? She thought they will back down and just lie to her. Since morning, she waited hoping for them to pick her up but it did not happen till noon with lost hope in then she really wonders what they want from her, she thought that they will pick her up from the hospital and she didn't get any news on them. Using the hospital phone line she called kelvin through the hospital's phone ready to leave by herself but she did not expect that Felix will show up too. She wants to keep the baby the more, she wants the baby to be safe and healthy but before she needs to find Kin to sort out the problem with him. Who know what has happened to him.Olivia looks at the rear view mirror, fe
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They are nice people
“Is this my room?” Olivia ask and turn to Felix who is struggling with the bags at the door, she peeps into the room hiding behind the door.The sharp scent of incense pierce into her nose, the room ask s ten times larger than the room she uses at her father's villa. It looks like a master bedroom and has a large space, a dresser, and chest of drawers, the floors are made with colored tilesOlivia loves the sight, she quickly swift her attention to a large curtain that made her think of something else behind, definitely a room. However, it turns out to be a living room, it has a set of sofa and a couch is placed at a side close to a window facing the large plasma television. The painting is not different from the one the villa was painted with, blue and stainless white, even the couch has the same color. Olivia have nothing against the color, in fact she shows respect to the color.A door is also located as an entrance. Felix, who acts like he is bringing in the few bags secretly
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He is not the father of my child
Olivia stare at her results with quick eyes and she feels like tearing the paper into thousands of pieces but then she smile and holds the paper, she keeps it closer to her chest and a relief sigh sounds from her throat, she hugs the paper to her chest. The pregnancy is still early, the baby is still some week old and there is still time for developing and that depends on her, that is not what made her angry, the doctor said she has been too stressed that it is possible to affect the child's growth or something else. She sigh frustrated, she should have thought of the child first instead of going through that much. Since the first result is out Felix excused himself to get them drinks and Olivia permitted. She's frustrated at the trouble of the child she does not know what the next test will say.Felix stop his step in the stairs, he looks at Olivia and can sees how worried she is, it saddens him too that such an innocent girl is facing such a huge problem on her own. She needs
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You are a free Weitheimers
Olivia rolls over on the bed and her stomach hurts, she began to regret being angry yesterday now she is regretting acting like that toward Mrs. Weitheimers yesterday. She is so hungry and can't help it, she had some snacks from the fridge but that is not even enough for her, she is carrying another human in her stomach so everything have to triple in number. She struggles to seat up on her back and rest her head on the pillow and hug the other one to her chest, she can't imagine herself going downstairs to eat, she will be too embarrassed to face the Weitheimers.Yesterday was suppose to be her welcome party she was looking forward to the presents that she will receive but that devil spoilt her day by saying those harsh words to her. She hates him, he shouldn't talk to her like that no matter what has happened in the past, she agrees that it was her fault but she did not do it on purpose and also she is feeling guilty for it but still he can't talk to her like that.She picks up
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The Williams punishment
Olivia could not hold it anymore, her stomach grumbles badly and it feels like the worms in her stomach are pestering on her instinct demanding for food, all the junk food she has been feeding on is out of it, no matter what she thinks her plan will still have her ended up in downstairs. She finds it stressful. She have watch movies to the extreme high that Netflix is deciding whether to reward her or not, she has fill in the list of movies she wanted to watch and has finished them.Olivia pace around her bedroom contemplating if she she walk out or not, finally she decides to faith faith in surviving this worlfthan sadness.'I can do this' she mutter to herself She stands up from the bed and walks to the door, holding it firmly she closes her eyes not to meet and evil this morning, she doesn't want to meet with Maximum this morning as well, her hand bend the door knob down and she peeps out scanning the whole surrounding with carefulness. When she is sure no body is arou
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The weakness
As the clock hits on three 'o clock.The courthouse becomes the loud house, cars fill in the parking lot and those see the chance in the parking lot park their cars on the street, they hurries out of their cars and open the car booth packing out cameras, videography equipments and all related. They came prepared they want to video all they can, every little scene, no butterfly will fly pass and will not be in the newspaper by late night and the next morning there will be a chaos around the world.They are the reporters, media companies and the press, they are all there setting their cameras ready like as if it met gala. The St.courthouse is known bad, a government own court where only rich people brings their case, no poor can come with a case and win it. It is not possible as a joke. Celebrities, billionaires, politicians they all come here.Felix, Bryce and Isabella arrived on the spot and there are screams and camera flashing everywhere, the world has know of their case and it is
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His protection
Olivia keeps her hand under the tap and the water keeps running from the it into her hand, no tears in her eye but the sadness hurts her heart, she thought her father might still have a special place in his heart for her but she was wrong, he completely denied her and tells that she is dead when she is alive, healthy and pregnant with his knowing. Roisin must have planned this well, she is always the mastermind behind every single one of her sorrow. Since she is not here to add pepper and salt to her wound she has everything planned out for her father.Olivia looks at the mirror and smile.She hates it but prefer to hide it behind a smile.Suddenly as loud banging lands on the door and it distracts Olivia's attention. "Who is it?""Do you want my money to go to waste?" She hissed and continue washing her hand under the running water, she removes it and pick out a tissue paper to wipe her hand clean, she moves closer to the mirror and cleans every drips of sweat on her forehead. The
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His comfort
"Can I have the results?" A mascular voice ask in a cold tone waving with absolute authority in it, the receiver might not say no because of the cold air that will go in his spin. "We are still trying to study something in there blood, please bear with us, Mr Weitheimers."It sounds like a serious conversation and the receiver seems to be submitting to the caller and they must be talking about someone's health."Get it delivered to me soon." She blinks twice and sees white and light rays pass through it, relieving the rainbow colours, she blinks again and her eyes meet with the color white ceiling, she moves her body to be sure that she is alive and seat bolt upright holding her left arm feeling pain in her arm, the room looks like a useless room packed with some chairs and desks. The painting of the room is in brown color that suits the colour of he chairs and tables, her eyes trace everything till it stops at the back view of a man in a familiar cloth. Is he the one on phone or it
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Getting familiar
"Wake up it morning, rise and shine." Isabella sings in a musical tone banging on the soft bed, reciting her song over and continuous banging on the bed. Olivia covers her head with the duvet, irritated, at her feet she feels as Isabella's hand bangs on the bed, she tries to remember if she left the door unlocked last night after dinner. This is a bad scenery for her, she have never gotten so involved with Isabella before and never knew handling a celebrity like her will be like this.She thought that a weekend like this will be a resting day but it is quite unlucky for her.Isabella taps on her "I know that you're awake, stop pretending to be asleep or else I will take the bag away." Olivia remains still and unmoved.Isabella pout and stares at the figure laying under the orange duvet, her gaze turns to the nylon bag on the flat surface of the drawers, it view interest her. "Anyways......" She pause and picks the bag up "Who got you this?"Olivia quickly sit up and snatch the bag fr
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