All Chapters of The Ex-Wife's Revenge: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
191 Chapters
Chapter 31
AMBERIn trembling hands, I opened my phone and read Rachel’s comment. I know for myself I have to do this. I have to read it. I couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. I couldn’t get myself to sleep if I hadn't read her comment for me.I stared at Rachel's comment on my dummy social media account, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and frustration. "Wow, I have a basher now! Too bad, I don't like fighting cowardly people who hide behind their smartphones," her words mocked me, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Rachel's loyal followers didn't waste a second to join in the attack, adding fuel to the fire."You're just envious of Miss Rachel!""You're nothing but a pathetic woman who hides in her phone and dummy account!""Jealous much?"“Girl, you can never compete with someone like Miss Rachel!”Their hurtful words cut deep, and for a moment, I felt like the victim all over again. They didn't know the truth—that Rachel was a bad woman, a homewrecker, and a mistress. Instead, the
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Chapter 32
AMBERThe morning sun bathed the clinic in gentle light, I started my day, determined to heed Sebastian's advice and approach my revenge with caution. I had come to realize that he was right—I needed to be more careful with my actions, especially when dealing with someone like Rachel, who had powerful connections and loyal followers.I checked our dummy accounts, ensuring I was updated on any developments related to Rachel. Every piece of information was a puzzle piece in my plan for revenge, and I needed to stay one step ahead.Throughout the day, I continued to fulfill my role as Sebastian's secretary, all the while saving and earning for my mission. Sebastian had become more than just my employer; he was my ally, my confidant, and someone I could rely on in this dangerous game.And just as I was engrossed in my work, Sebastian appeared with news that sent a shiver down my spine. "I heard that they went to Europe last night. Your husband and his mistress," he said, his eyes locked o
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Chapter 33
AMBERMy mind raced with thoughts of vengeance. This time, I will be careful. No more impulsive actions. I will listen to Sebastian. The desire for revenge burned fiercely within me, but I knew I had to be smart about it. I have to shift my focus towards Harper Davis, the evil mother-in-law who had supported my cheating husband and his mistress. The woman who turned a blind eye to the abuse I endured. An old woman with no remorse who killed her own daughter-in-law.I pondered the question that had been gnawing at my mind… how could I, Amber, a woman with no wealth or power, take down Harper Davis, a wealthy socialite with influential friends?The answer struck me like a bolt of lightning. Harper’s amigas. Her dear friends could be the key to infiltrating Harper's circle. If I could befriend them, gain their trust, and slowly work my way into Harper's world, I could expose the truth about her and tarnish her precious image!"Girl, you've got this. You've survived hell, and now it's tim
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Chapter 34
AMBERAfter Mrs. Martinez left the clinic, Sebastian looked at me. I can see the worry that was written on his face. I couldn’t help but chuckle. “What kind of expression is that, Sebastian?”"Are you sure you're ready for this big step, Amber?" he asked gently. "Harper Davis is not to be taken lightly. It's a risky move, and I want to make sure you're prepared to face her."I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. "I know, Sebastian. It won't be easy, and I don't have any background or wealth to match hers. But I have to do this. I want to infiltrate Harper's life, one step at a time. And if Mrs. Martinez is willing to invite me, I can't pass up this opportunity."Sebastian nodded, understanding my determination but still worried about the dangers that lay ahead. "Just be careful, Amber. You know how influential and powerful Harper is. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. I'll be with you every step of the way, supporting you and guiding you."His words gave me a s
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Chapter 35
AMBERCuriosity tugged at my thoughts, and I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "Of course, tell me. What is it?"He hesitated, his expression serious. "What if, for example... the Davis family, in the future, they changed. They plead for your forgiveness. How shall you respond?"His question hit me akin to a sudden electric jolt, and despite my endeavors, a sardonic chuckle broke free from within. It was laughter brimming with irony, resonating throughout the space. "Sebastian, what kind of question is this? It's astonishing that you would posit such to me!"His gaze remained steady, unwavering. "Please, answer my question, Amber."As the echo of my laughter faded, a somber expression replaced it. I leaned back, my fingers nervously tracing the rim of my glass. "That would never happen, Sebastian. The Davis family has no capability to change their heart. They are too deeply entrenched in their toxic ways."He persisted, his tone gentle but insistent. "Hmmm, what if for some instanc
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Chapter 36
AMBERSebastian leaned in, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. "You see, Amber, when it comes to revenge, presentation is everything. Your attire, your demeanor – they all play a part in conveying the message you want to send to Harper and her circle."I nodded, absorbing his words with a sense of gratitude. "You're right, Sebastian. This dress isn't just fabric and threads. It's a statement, a declaration of my rebirth and my determination."His gaze held mine, a mixture of pride and reassurance. "Exactly. And I have a feeling that Ricci Wolkbitz understands that too. He'll craft a masterpiece that captures your essence."My excitement bubbled over. The prospect of wearing a dress that would not only make me look stunning but also embody my newfound strength was invigorating. I couldn't help but share my thoughts with Sebastian. Sebastian is someone who I trust dearly. I know he only wishes for nothing but the best for me. Sometimes, I wonder if Dr. Wolfe is really kind to other pati
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Chapter 37
AMBERMorning, 8 AM.“Fuck!” I cussed as I jolted awake, the remnants of my dream clinging to my senses. The sheets were twisted around me, and beads of sweat adorned my forehead. I cursed softly under my breath, my heart still racing from the vividness of the dream. "Damn it! It felt so real," I muttered, my breath uneven as I tried to calm myself.In that dream, I had attended the party, guided by Sebastian's unwavering support. We had explore the night together, exposing Harper's secrets and unraveling her carefully constructed facade. It had been a thrilling fantasy, one that had felt almost tangible. But now, as the remnants of the dream faded, I was brought back to reality.I sat up, rubbing my temples as if trying to dispel the remnants of the dream. "Amber, you need to stop overthinking this party. It hasn't even happened yet," I scolded myself, my voice a soft reprimand.I swung my legs over the side of the bed while taking a deep breath. I made my way to the bathroom. The co
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Chapter 38
AMBERThe entrance to the party is a grand affair, with cascading flowers and twinkling lights adorning the pathway. As we step inside, the atmosphere shifts from anticipation to pure awe. The party venue is a sight to behold, near perfection in every aspect. It's a realm of luxury and extravagance, a testament to Harper's taste for opulence.My eyes widen as I take in the lavish surroundings. The decor is a stunning fusion of modern elegance and classic charm. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow that complements the rich hues of the furnishings. Guests dressed in exquisite attire move gracefully through the space, their laughter and chatter adding to the vibrant ambiance."Wow, I was very impressed that you're here, Amber, Sebastian. Anyway, do you like the party?" Mrs. Martinez greets us, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction."Yes, it's very cool!" I exclaim, genuinely amazed by the spectacle before me."Harper has really good taste! Right? Anyway, pl
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Chapter 39
AMBERHarper Davis's scrutinizing gaze lingers on me, her eyes traversing my gown with a calculated curiosity. Every fiber of my being clenches against the urge to lash out, to reveal the storm of emotions that churn beneath my carefully composed exterior. But I must remain steadfast, strategic – playing the role of an admirer, a devotee to her grandeur.I return her gaze with an innocent smile, my eyes concealed behind the elegant masquerade mask. I’m glad Sebastian handed me a masquerade mask, which I totally forgot when we got here. And I wanted to thank the theme of the party. So, I won’t have to show my full face. I want suspense. I don’t want Harper to see my full face yet. "Oh, I'm your avid fan, Mrs. Davis! I've heard stories about you, and I must say you're my idol," I declare, my voice carefully modulated to exude admiration.For a moment, Harper's guard drops, her demeanor softening as flattery wraps around her like a warm embrace. "Hmm, really?" she responds, a hint of sa
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Chapter 40
AMBERA relieved smile tugs at the corners of my lips. I knew I could count on Sebastian, and his willingness to participate in my charade is a testament to our unwavering partnership. Dressed in his masquerade mask, he exudes an air of mystery that only adds to his undeniable allure.As Harper's inquisitive gaze lands on me, curiosity burning in her eyes, I take a well-timed cue and feign a cough, using the opportunity to introduce Sebastian. "He's my escort–" Before I can finish my sentence, Sebastian deftly interjects, his actions perfectly synchronized with our plan. He kneels before Harper, his demeanor respectful yet confident. With a gesture that catches the attention of the room, he delicately takes her hand in his and places a gentle kiss upon it.I watch the scene unfold, a mix of awe and anticipation swelling within me. Sebastian's display is a calculated move, a piece of the intricate puzzle we've meticulously crafted. "Good evening, Mrs. Davis. My name is Seb," he introdu
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