All Chapters of His Unbeloved Queen: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
Chapter 30
-Darius- I was meeting with my brother again. He had laid out an entire map of where the Dark Ones were hiding. It was a darker side of Adorna, where the sun never seemed to be able to light it up. They enjoyed that darkness and thrived in it, but striking them there would be a fatal mistake, it would only ensure that we would lose the battle. If I was going to be the one fighting them, then I was going to be the one who decided how this was going to happen. "It won’t work," I told my brother. "Of course it will. Strike them hard and fast." "Look at this, Acan," I said, sweeping my hand over the dark side of Adoran. "Does this look like a small landscape to you? Or a dark place that stretches for miles. We do not know where they are hiding. We do not know what tricks they might have up their sleeve. Remember who it is you’re sending out there." I looked at my brother pleadingly, and he seemed to back off a little, leaning back and looking at the whole attack from a new perspectiv
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Chapter 31
-Katherine- Darius’s plan was not a bad one. I understood where he was coming from and why he was suggesting it, but the thing was, I didn’t believe we could leave. Adorna needed a better king, and once my dad died, Darius would be king anyway. He would have an important seat to sit on no matter what. Why shouldn’t he be king of us all? Why shouldn’t he be the righteous one? He would definitely be a better one than Acan or his children could ever be. I would not allow Silver and Acan to scare me away anymore. I would fight for what was mine, and I would get my revenge, but how did I explain it to Darius? All he wanted was a quiet life for us and the family we were building. Would he ever agree to my plan, which I knew he would see as nothing but foolish? "Why don’t you think we should go? You hate it here. You always have." "But Darius, I am still a crown princess," I explained. "Even though I married you, I will become queen one day, and you will be my king. We can’t leave court n
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Chapter 32
-Katherine- I looked at myself in the mirror, smoothing down the dark, silver dress. I wore Darius and my colors. My red hair was up and braided, and I saw the onyx ring glistening in the lights from the candles. I looked down, turning it a little back and forth. It was so subtle, but I loved it. It was simple, yet it carried such big promises of eternal love. I thought I had eternal love with Acan. I thought the ring he was coming to be was going to be a strong foundation for us, but it wasn’t. We weren’t happy. I thought we were, but it was a lie. This ring on my finger wasn’t a lie. It was true, and I feared this time I was the one not appreciating the meaning of it. I didn’t want to scare Darius or let him down, but I knew we could never be together in a peaceful life with Acan and Silver out there. They were linked to us in a dark and dangerous way that we had to cut. We had to free ourselves so we would never get hurt by them again. I knew it wasn’t as simple as walking away. I
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Chapter 33
-Darius- This party was not really how I wanted to spend my last day here. Acan and I had been busy preparing, and I was leaving tomorrow. Early in the morning, I would leave with the army Acan had assembled, going to other estates to pick up more men, and then we would be moving to the dark side of Adorna. It was not going to be a pretty battle, and I had no idea if we were going to survive it or if this was going to be a years-long war. Some wars dragged on, with no one ever emerging as the winner. I really didn’t want to spend years away from Katherine. It meant missing out on a lot of great time with her but also missing out on watching our child grow, and I didn’t want to miss that. I didn’t want them to look at me like I was a stranger because I was returning from years of war. I wanted them to know who their father was and that he would never willingly leave their side. I wanted to show them the love that my father struggled to show me. I knew he loved my mother, and I knew he
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Chapter 34
-Katherine- I looked at Darius, confused, as he spoke of being afraid for me. I didn’t understand what that meant. He smiled at me a little, then reached out, bringing me closer to him. His warm hand rested on my hip, and I looked up into his dark eyes. He smiled at me, and it made my heart pick up the pace. He continued to gaze at me, not really speaking, and it confused me. "Are you okay?" "I am afraid to never hold you again," he whispered before moving his hand from my hip to my cheek. "I fear I will never touch you again. Never get to love you." "Darius… I’m still here," I told him. "I know you’re clever. I know you’re strong. But we have no idea what’s going to happen. The Dark Ones are powerful and tricky. They are just as clever despite their hunger for power. I don’t know if I will be coming back, and what then? Your plan relies on me as well, does it not?" I sighed, nodding a little. I couldn’t replace Acan, it had to be Darius, and it only showed me how patient I truly
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Chapter 35
-Katherine- The doors to our bedroom burst open as Darius and I hurried into it. We refused to let go of each other at any moment because it felt like the moment we did, we would slide away from each other. We would be unable to hold on, so it was now that we held on tighter than anything else. We pulled each other’s clothes off, moving further and further back until we fell down on the bed. Darius was too impatient to get my dress off and decided to cut it open. "Shit, Darius, the doors!" I gasped as he split open my dress. Darius looked behind himself, realizing the doors were still open. He hurried away from me, only wearing pants, then closed the doors, locked them, and then came to me again. I smiled, and he continued his work, splitting open my dress and getting it off me. "I did like that dress." "I will give you more," he promised before leaning over me and getting me higher on the bed. He kissed his way down my body, going to one of my breasts and sucking on it, making m
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Chapter 36
-Katherine- I skipped breakfast, lying in bed most of the morning, but I knew I couldn’t hide. I knew I couldn’t let people see how much it crushed me that Darius was gone and would not return to me. I had to seem strong. I had to prove this wouldn’t crush me. I would show them all the true power inside me, and they would know I was not one to mess with. I was someone to be feared because I was coming for those who had used me as a stepping stone. I was coming for those who were part of killing me. They should be afraid, because taking Darius from me had only made me angrier, and I felt something dark and powerful swirl inside me. I would show them no mercy. I would show them what a true queen could do. I jumped out of bed, summoning some servants, then got ready and left my room. I walked to where Silver and the rest were relaxing, chatting, and enjoying their time. I had to be smart after all, and that meant getting close to Silver while working behind her and Acan’s back. She woul
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Chapter 37
-Katherine- My visit with the orphanage had gone well. The children were all waving at me as I left, telling me to come back soon, and I planned to, but I had also promised Silver I would come back as soon as I could. So with the guard behind me, we began finding our way back to Silver. I found them at a big shop, where they were eating food and enjoying the luxury of it. I could see it was specially made with extra care. The queen didn’t eat food made by just anyone. She only ate the best, or it wouldn’t even come near her. When she saw me, she waved me closer, making me put on my fake smile before I walked over to her and joined them at the table they sat at. They were sitting under the sun, talking and eating. I was served some food as well, and I began enjoying the deliciousness of it. "So how did it go?" Silver asked. "Huh?" "With the orphans?" "Oh, just fine. They were happy about the gifts." "I do not know why you spend your money on them," she complained. No, of course
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Chapter 38
-Katherine- The next day, I went to town on my own. I went early, so no one would find it weird that I could not be found at the castle. I had brought even more supplies with me this time, and I was going to the hospital in the city. I had asked the physician what they might use. He was a kindhearted healer, so he would gladly help me find the right herbs and potions to take with me. They received me with much gratitude and smiles as I delivered the necessities to them, making it clear who was providing them, which was the prince and princess, not the king and queen. I wanted everyone to know what their true royals were doing for them, not the ones exploiting them and making them go hungry. No, they would know who cared, and that was Darius and me. I walked around the sick ones as well. I knew I had to be careful. Without powers, I could get infected quite easily as well. Witches got sick too, but the people at the infirmary were mostly humans. People without powers, and it wasn’t alw
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Chapter 39
-Darius- The journey was long. We had to gather more men on the road there. It wasn’t an easy trip, and we did meet some obstacles along the way. Such a giant group gathered often attracted the wrong kinds of people, hoping to gain something from it, so we had to take care of them as well. But we manage to make it close to the dark side of Adoran. We stayed on the light one, with some good distance, and then we set up camp. I made sure everything was in order before I went to my own tent to relax after the harsh journey. I needed a moment to gather myself. I knew we had to have a meeting and decide how we would attack now. I didn’t want to rush in. I wanted to survey the area first. I would take some scouts with me, and we would ride along the dark side for a while, checking it out and seeing what we might draw out of hiding. I knew the Dark Ones would feel the shift in the air. They would see we had made camp and know we weren’t just travelling through. No, we had come there to ruin
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