All Chapters of Mommy, Look I Found Daddy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
156 Chapters
The morning ray shining in from the window woke Izabelle from her sleep. She closed her eyes slightly before proceeding to use her hands to block the light peeking in from the window. She yawned silently and stared at the bedside clock. Oh no! It's time to go jogging already. Damn!Feeling the pressure on her waist as she tried to sit up on the bed, she turned to her side only to see a beautiful sight. She was surely going to get diabetic this morning from the amount of sweetness she felt in her tummy at the sight. Marcel lay on the other side of the bed with little Rosie in their middle. She was clinging to her father with her whole body wrapped around him as if she feared that he was going to leave at night when she was asleep. Her legs were thrown around his thigh and her head was on his bare arms. When did he pull his shirt? His arm wrapped around her waist cuddling the both of them at the sight of that left a sweet taste in her mouth. How was she going to stop her damn heart fr
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Did I Give You Permission?
He dropped the hammer on a couch and turned to her. “You're back. Good morning. You spent a lot of time outside.”She didn't bother to acknowledge his greeting and went ahead to look at his clothes. His clothes were stained with paint. She hoped it wasn't what she was thinking. “What is this?” Her voice was laced with anger as she pointed to the couch and everything that had changed in the room. “What?”“You know what I'm talking about. Stop acting dumb.”“Well, it's just as you are seeing. I thought that I should add a little spice to the house as it was a little bit boring. We were actually having fun doing this. I only changed a few things.”She glared at him. He only changed a few things? Without her permission? Doesn't he know that she could call the police anytime and tell them that he was troubling her? She guessed he was not scared of the police. “Who gave you the permission to change things in my home?” Izabelle walked closer to him causing Marcel to retreat backward in s
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Is He Good In Bed?
“Goodness! I'm so exhausted even though I'm just coming to work,” Izabelle sighed as she walked into her studio building with her tote bag on her shoulder. She yawned in exhaustion as she dropped her bag on the table. There are lots of customers already? After their play at home, they both remembered that they had work to do and had immediately rushed to the bathrooms to have their bath and run out of the house. Izabelle had taken Rosie with her since they were on summer holiday and there was no school. “Sit here and wait for me, Sie Sie. Mommy would be back soon.”The child nodded and sat on her mother’s office chair to continue drinking her chocolate drink. Izabelle strode to the studio only to see lots of customers there even though her employees were attending to them. Some were waiting for her to personally come.“Ma’am, you're here,” one of her employees walked to her. “How are things going, Brian?”He gasped. “Ma’am, there are lots of customers today. We've been attending
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Plan To Keep Me Waiting
Finally, it was the close of work. It was five pm already and Izabelle made her way back to her office after attending to all the girls in the waiting room. While working, she had taken breaks to go check up on Rosie and now that she has closed for the day, she should go hug her little bundle of joy. “You’re awake,” She said after entering the office. She found Rosie sitting on the couch and playing her favorite dress-up game with her mother’s phone. The last time she came to the office, she was sleeping soundly on the couch. “Mommy. Are we going home now?” “Yes. Mommy and Sie Sie would go home now and Mommy would make something nice for Sie Sie. You’ll love that, right?”The child nodded in excitement and stretched her hands for her mommy as Izabelle did the same. They engaged in a tight hug and Izabelle gave her daughter kisses. “Missed Mommy?”“En.”They broke away from the hug. “Come on, let’s go home.”She picked up her bag on the table and arranged her things on it before g
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Doesn't Want To Have Another Baby
“Izabelle, how long do you plan to keep me waiting?” Nick asked, his hands still on Izabelle’s hands as he rubbed it gently. Izabelle swallowed as she tried so hard to look at everyone and everywhere in the surroundings except him. She felt so uneasy. Why hadn't she seen the green light and run away from it? Though she had expected that this would be the case when they met again, she didn't expect it to be so soon. Having this conversation with Nick felt so wrong to her and why? She doesn't even know. “I...I don't understand what you're trying to say.”“Stop being like this, Belle. You and I know what I mean. I'm going crazy thinking about all of it. Do you plan on keeping me waiting forever?”She sighed. “We talked about this before, Nick. I told you my answer.”“And I told you I'm not giving up.”“Nick.”“I'll keep waiting until you're ready. Just don't keep me waiting forever.”“No, you shouldn't. There are a lot of girls in this city. Most of them have crushes on you. You shoul
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You And I Have Nothing
“We're here,” Nick announced as he stopped his car in front of her condo. “Thank you so much for today. I appreciate it.”“It's fine,” Nick assured. His eyes caught sight of something in Izabelle’s home. Her lights were on. How come her lights were on when she hadn't come back from work yet? Was there perhaps someone in her house? He felt overly uneasy about this. Who was she keeping in her house? Or wait… What if the person was dangerous? What if he was a killer that was waiting for them to come in? He can't let that happen. Before Izabelle could climb down from his car, he held her arms and said. “Your light is on.”“Yeah.”He frowned. “I mean your light is on and you are here. You haven't even stepped inside. What if there is someone harmful there? You two shouldn't go in, it's dangerous. How is your light on and you aren't even there yet?”Izabelle followed his sight and saw him looking at her condo’s light that was on. She sighed. “It's alright. There's no one harmful here,”
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Was He Going To Kiss Her?
“And I don't care if we have anything or not. You are mine and I won't be so kind when next he holds your hand that intimately.”“ do you know?”“Doesn't matter how I know. Just stop seeing him. I saw how he looked at you.”“How?”“Like he couldn't wait to have you in his bed. Bastard.”Her face grew red like ripe tomatoes. How could he be so blunt? And how dare he speak about Nick. Nick is nothing like him. He isn't a coward nor does he say mean things to her. He was nice and a better option. He was in no place to speak about him in such a way. “You are in no place to speak about Nick. He's far better than you. Way better. Besides, it's my life. You can't tell me what to do with it.”“So you like him then? Just because he speaks to you nicely or what.”“At least he speaks nicely. Don't speak about him. You have no right.”“What are you going to do if I keep speaking about him?”“Just stop already and let go of me or I'll bite you,” Izabelle threatened. “Try it.”She glared a
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Old Woman
“Dalisay, is everything alright? Is the food ready?” Izabelle asked, coming out of her room and walked into the kitchen where Dalisay was preparing something for them and their guests that would arrive soon. It has been two weeks already and Dalisay was back from her small break that she was given to go spend some time with her family. “No, Miss Izabelle. It's almost ready and I'm sure it's going to get ready before they come.”“That's good then. I'll go clean the chairs.”“You don't have to do that, ma'am. I will be done in no time and will come to you.”“Oh really, it's fine.”She walked to the sitting room to go do her stuff and probably get Rosie ready before their guests arrive. Well, it wasn't really an important guest but important enough for her to do all of these shits. She had to else she was sure that her day was going to end so badly. The people coming here aren't just ordinary people that she could just sit and fold hands for. They are Marcel’ parents for Christ sake.
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“Such a good looking child. She does take after my son a lot,” Mrs. Wilson complimented, her lips pecking the child in her face causing little Rosie to move her faceaway from her uncomfortably. “Look at her eyebrows. I can remember that this is how Marcel’s eyebrows were when he was her age. “What is your name little girl?” She already knows the little girl’s name but wanted to see if the child can say her name fully and also wanted to test how smart this child was. If she was smart then that means that she takes after her son because her son was super smart. “My name is Rosie Mae Rossador,” the child answered. “Rosie Mae Rossador. Good girl,” she was smart. She could pronounce her name fully without any help and she was sure that this smart child can also spell her name. The Wilson family are always smart. Wait! Rosaador? Did the child just say that her surname was Rossador? What the hell?“Is your surname Rossador?”The child nodded. “Ho…how can that be? It is supposed to be Wil
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Sprained Ankle
“Ouch, Ouch, damn you,” the old woman immediately removed her legs from the bowl as soon as she put it and she kicked Izabelle away from her that she fall backward. A loud noise reverberated in the room and Izabelle’s groan followed. “You evil girl. Do you plan to burn my legs? I said it that you are going to kill me. Didn't I said so? You plan to kill me evil girl.”“Mother, calm down,” Mrs Wilson rushed to her mother in law’s side and patted her legs for her before turning to Izabelle. “Didnt you add cold water to it? You plan on burning my mother in law’s legs?”Mr Wilson. Who has been calm since he entered into the room stood up from the couch and walked to where his mother was.“Mother maybe she did not know the temperature was too hot. Calm down.”“Shouldnt you been asking your mother if she's fine instead of supporting the girl. She clearly wanted to burn my legs,” the woman glared at Izabelle. “If you were sent by my enemies or my son’s enemies to kill me please tell them th
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