All Chapters of The Vampire King: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
69 Chapters
“There are vampires among them,” Tantario muttered dryly through his teeth.- Vampires cooperate with people?! – the brown-haired man whispered dumbfounded. Tristan was also unpleasantly surprised. He thought that vampires would never stoop to playing war games with people.The line of warriors wavered, and a tall woman came out to meet the guys. She was wearing a tight-fitting scarlet suit with a fur collar, high red boots and a black and gold cloak, on which the design of a bloody rose stood out clearly. Long scarlet hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Hazel eyes looked at the strangers mockingly and somewhat arrogantly.- So so so. “Wow, what kind of people we have here,” the woman spoke in a chesty, languid voice that caused a pleasant shiver. “I didn’t think that anyone would be interested in this ancient pagan temple.”- What's strange about this? – stepping forward, Tantario took the floor. - Is it forbidden to be in Two Moons?“It is forbidden for us to have free vampires in
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He didn't immediately understand what was happening. The first thing that came to mind was the fact that he drinks sugary blood. He had never tasted such deliciousness before. Taking a hesitant sip, he felt a wave of bliss run through his body. Hands clutched the hilt of the sword. Someone's weak, cold fingers frantically grabbed at him, trying in vain to tear his hands away from the weapon.He abruptly broke away from his victim and, looking into the blue eyes of the vampire, clouded with pain, was horrified.“Tristan,” Onyx whispered, not believing what he saw.“It turned out to be you after all,” the blond croaked, spitting out blood. - And I thought I was crazy.William looked down and saw a sword blade protruding from the lord's chest. Where the unusual steel came into contact with the body, the skin turned black with dried blood. Tears of despair sparkled in the brunette's eyes, which had returned to their dark color.- Why?! Why did this happen?! – he shouted in despair.-You h
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The knight squinted, looking at the unusual letters.- So everything is clear here! – Felix exclaimed.The vampires' eyebrows shot up synchronously.-Can you read this? – Tristan was surprised. It was difficult for him to believe that a person knew a language unknown to vampires.- This is an ancient lunar one. We studied it at the paladin academy.-Are you also a paladin? – no longer hiding his surprise, Tristan soared.“Unsuccessful, unfortunately,” Felix smiled sadly, turning to the blond. – But this is a long story. And this is what is written here:“When you enter there, forget who was and is.Do not touch, since there is darkness in the heart, there is no honor.Only by dying and living again,Your truth will reveal this world.”It's simple. If we go there, our lives will change forever. And if we come in with an unclean heart, it will be... bad, in general,” the knight cheerfully told his friends.Felix then lightly pushed the door open and stepped forward without thinking. Tri
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Mountains. Huge, majestic, they stretched beyond the horizon. A misty haze shrouded their peaks, creating a feeling of mystery. A clear silver-gray sky crashed into the scarlet-black horizon line - it seemed as if the awkward artist had brushed the cans of paint onto the canvas with his hand, creating this abrupt but amazingly beautiful transition.The sun was rising. The rays of the awakening star colored the earth, and the mountains flared with a bright violet-purple color.A cold wind was blowing. William looked at this beauty with a sinking heart, not believing that there could be such a magnificent place on earth. Looking down at the plain at the foot of the mountain, his breath caught. How high!The soil underfoot was an unusual lilac-violet color. William bent down and picked up one of the small pebbles that had broken off from the mass. The young man spent some time admiring the smooth surface of the fragment, which glittered under the sun’s rays with all the colors of the rai
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Directly in front of them, against the wall, stood three giant beds filled with silk sheets. To the left was a small depression in the floor filled with hot water, from which steam rose. On the side of the peculiar bathtub glittered bottles with multi-colored liquids.William walked over and picked up one of the bottles. The paper tag read “myrtle.”- These are oils! – the brunette was surprised.“Very opportune,” the knight ruffled his hair and glanced impatiently towards the table bursting with food. - I'm tired as a mule!- Hey, Felix! - Tristan called out to the man, - It seems this is for you!Tristan pointed to a wooden stand nestled in one of the corners of the room, on which the armor hung. The white-silver metal shimmered, reflecting the light coming from the small oval stones on the ceiling. The engraved patterns were woven into a dragon design on the breastplate. The edges were finished with gold alloy. At the side of the armor, on an elegant wooden stand, rested a two-hand
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“This is bad,” Tristan muttered through his teeth.- Will this ever end? – the gray-eyed young man sighed. – What should we do with him? Don't kill...William rushed forward. Black steel whistled, cutting through the air. Friends scattered. The long-haired vampire began to spin in a wild dance. Burning eyes were fixed on Tristan. William rained down blows one after another without feeling tired. The blonde retreated, dodging the lightning attacks of the “Night Raven”.- Will, are you at least angry at me for something? Otherwise you’ll cut it down and then you’ll cry.The brunette did not react, continuing his attacks.- You just recently “killed” me. Then he regretted it. Do you remember? – Tristan tried again.The hellish flames continued to dance in the yellow eyes.- William! I'm tired of dying by your hand! You're my friend! Stop! – Tristan began to get tired of the constant attacks of the black sword. William, driven by the power of the fire, did not even lose his breath.- Frie
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Ilyana wiped the sweat from her forehead. The girl leaned her hands on the stone railing of the balcony, examining the surroundings of the royal castle. The muscles were buzzing, the hands were shaking from fatigue and tension. Keeping the wings folded on her back took a lot of effort, but Ilyana stubbornly forced herself to exercise several times a day. Together with fatigue and physical tension, these moments brought her calm. Kyrian, like the Lord, demanded that she quickly learn to control her flying limbs, and did not disturb her for most of the day. Ilyana sighed and tensed again - feathers rustled on the stone tiles. New, previously unfamiliar muscles tensed, beginning to ache and tremble. Heavy wings rose above the floor. Tensing, Ilyana opened her wings, stretching them as wide as possible. This succeeded for only a few moments - and they sank to the floor again.“It’s okay, I’ll succeed,” the girl threw her hair behind her back and headed towards the door.Having ordered the
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“I only regret one thing,” I told him then, “that I cannot read all these wonderful works in my short life.”The prince looked at me affectionately. I still remember his sincere, compassionate look. He gave me what I wanted more than anything in the world - time. To this day I am grateful to him for this.Alas, kings are not destined to reign forever. Sanader and Nayara ruled for only a few decades. They were overthrown by the bloody Agnard, conquering the castle and uniting western and eastern Lygyria. Since then, many kings have changed - good and bloodthirsty, just and crazy. But they all had one thing in common - admiration on their faces when entering the great library. And they all understood that there is only one person who can find anything in this labyrinth of knowledge - me.The man turned to the shelves and affectionately touched one of the volumes.- I read them all. I remember every cover, every title. I know what treasures are hidden within these walls. Anyone could bec
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Rising with difficulty, the girl walked to the door on wobbly legs and ordered a bath to be prepared. Sitting down on the bed, Ilyana stared out the window. Despair was creeping up, taking over my mind bit by bit. The girl shook her head. No! They won't break it! They won't subdue her mind! She is a seraph warrior, and she will destroy the enemies of humanity!Feeling a little better, Ilyana took off her dress and sank into the warm water. She needs to learn to fly as soon as possible, because only one step separates her from freedom.Leaning on the edge of the bathroom and closing her eyes, the girl again tried to reach out to the Force. Going deeper than the “place” where the energy was usually concentrated. There, deep in her inner world, the flame of an unusual, but so familiar Power was flickering. The girl reached out to this place, trying to embrace the energy with all her mind. A cramp ran through my body, giving way to a pleasant languor. The feeling of wings broke into consc
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He had a strange but pleasant dream. They sat with Ira in a beautiful vine-covered gazebo, sipping their favorite red wine. Summer reigned all around, bright green colors blinded my eyes. The hot sun illuminated the earth, giving affection and warmth. Ira, dressed in a light white dress, smiled. Tristan had never seen such a happy smile on her face. At that moment the girl seemed unimaginably beautiful to him. Tenderness shone in the green eyes.And then a crazy whirlwind burst into the gazebo. He spun around the table, almost knocking over the cutlery on it. Ira jumped up indignantly and began to scold the naughty whirlwind. Suddenly Tristan realized that these were... children! A fragile, petite girl with light golden curls and a dark-haired boy. The kids, listening to the dissatisfied female voice, became a little depressed. Then the girl looked back, and green eyes looked at Tristan. She smiled radiantly and threw herself on his neck.- Dad! Tell mom we won't do it anymore! And do
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