All Chapters of My Alpha In Shining Armour: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
51 Richard
David Two eventful weeks went by, brimming with elation and festivities. Emily's divorce was successfully finalised, liberating her from the clutches of Jake. The lake house, a place of sentimental significance, was now back under our ownership. At the same time, the Howlers' settlement was undergoing its much-needed renovations, an undertaking driven by Emily's unwavering dedication to its improvement. Her generosity knew no bounds; if she could have given more, she undoubtedly would have. The cascade of joy we experienced was unexpectedly abundant, yet undeniably ours to cherish. For the past two weeks, our focus had been honed on tracking down Alpha Richard of Sammyspring, and our persistent efforts had finally paid off. Our pursuit was about to yield results. Before we embarked on the mission to apprehend Alpha Richard, Kane summoned us to his office. Carlton was to lead the operation, and my anticipation for the impending action was palpable. A tip, given anonymously, had discl
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52 You Won't Do This Alone
EmilyWhen David spotted me inside Kane's office, I completely understood his apprehension. Truth be told, I was feeling anxious myself. Lately, keeping food down had become a daily struggle, and sleep seemed to have turned into some elusive pastime. My body temperature was playing its own wild game, refusing to stay steady. Even though I had initially dismissed the idea of a medical check-up, attributing my condition to the abrupt break of my bond with Jake, I had to give in to Kane's persistence. After all, if I were in his shoes, I'd hope he'd listen to me too if I were unwell."Do you think their mission will succeed? I mean, can we really be certain that Richard is actually at the location?" I inquired, my eyes searching Kane's face for a hint of reassurance. He responded with a warm smile."Come on, Kitten. We're heading to the clinic," he teased, assuming I was trying to dodge the impending medical examination. I chuckled, lifting myself off his lap."At the very least, you cou
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53 A Great News
KaneEmily has brought immense joy into my life. I'm relieved I didn't heed all the advice given to me when I first saw her. I would have missed out on so much. Deep down, I knew the moon wouldn't lead me astray, so I embraced our bond wholeheartedly, even when I was the only one feeling it. I loved her with a fervour that was preordained, waiting patiently until she, too, could experience it.The doctor's news was the best I'd ever received – Emily and I were going to have a child. Wanting a family of my own had been a distant dream, especially after Kaitlyn's betrayal had left me scarred and closed off. But then Emily entered my life, and I couldn't help but be thankful to the moon for bringing her to me. I sat by her side on our bed, making silent promises to myself and to her. I pledged to never let her down and to always safeguard the happiness and safety of both her and our future children. I recognised that she wasn't defenseless – she was strong in her own right – but I was de
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54 What Happened In SamySpring
KaneTwo days slipped by, yet no message had arrived from Chelsea. My impatience grew, and I found myself questioning David relentlessly. The urge to reach out to Wolf Fang tugged at me, but caution restrained me. I had to tread carefully. If this turned out to be a prank or a false lead, making a wrong move could land us in trouble. We were left with two options: either we awaited the promised pictures to make a decision or we continued our investigation as it stood.I confided in Emily about the call, and she expressed genuine sympathy for the woman. Emily hoped it was just a cruel prank because she wouldn't wish Jake on anyone. My mother was en route to Shadow Moon after I shared the news of Emily's pregnancy with her. Emily hadn't met my mother face to face yet; this would be their first meeting. Still, I had faith they would get along famously. The sheer joy in my mother's voice when I broke the news of Emily's pregnancy to her was heartwarming. I knew her happiness was sincere.
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55 Meet The Mother
EmilyI woke up to the light of the setting sun streaming through the windows. My internal clock must have malfunctioned; I had clearly overslept. A gentle sense of disorientation hung over me until I remembered the reason for my joy. The doctor's revelation had been like a burst of sunlight after days of rain, and the news of my pregnancy filled my heart with an indescribable warmth. Everything seemed to be aligning perfectly for us now.The sound of my stomach growling reminded me of a more immediate need. I glanced around the room, but Kane was nowhere in sight. The urge to eat was overpowering, so I reached out to Lisa for assistance."Lisa, is there any food available?" I inquired, feeling a bit sheepish as I hadn't caught the designated mealtime."There's always food ready for you, Luna. Would you like me to bring it to your room?" Her response was as reassuring as a gentle caress."If it's not too much trouble, yes please," I replied, imagining the warm smile that would likely
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56 Progress At the Venue
EmilyIn the span of two weeks, Lois and I threw ourselves into the whirlwind preparations for the upcoming wedding. The excitement and anticipation were palpable as we meticulously planned every detail. Our hearts were set on the enchanting lake house as the backdrop for the special day – a place of breathtaking beauty that seemed to capture the essence of nature's elegance. With a desire for nothing less than perfection, we decided to bring in a skilled wedding planner to ensure that every facet was flawlessly executed.The process was a delightful blend of creativity and organisation. From selecting the colour palette that would grace our celebration to curating the menu that would tantalise our guests' taste buds, every decision held a special significance. Lois and I poured our hearts into each choice, and it was exhilarating to see the vision gradually come to life.In tandem with our planning, Brian's invaluable assistance proved instrumental. His dedication extended to reachin
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57 Not Home
KaneI spent the entire afternoon waiting for Alpha Rouke's visit which never materialised. Celeste had no further updates to offer, leaving me frustrated with the wasted time. The day's events were proving to be quite complex. Following Emily's departure, my mother fell ill with a fever, necessitating a visit to the clinic. Although her condition stabilised, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. As the clock neared six in the evening, my concerns deepened. Emily hadn't contacted me, and I decided to call her to ascertain her whereabouts and her ETA. Repeated attempts to reach her ended with her phone being switched off. A sense of foreboding began to take hold of me. I had a gut feeling that something was terribly wrong.Desperation gnawed at me, and I sought to establish a connection with Emily through our bond. I wanted to sense her, to assure myself that she was alright. Blade, my wolf, could feel her presence, but it was faint, weakened. Anxiety surged within
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58 Delusional
EmilyComing to consciousness in a room that seemed to juxtapose luxury with the stark reality of cold, unyielding chains, I found myself tightly bound to an opulent bed. The glint of each metallic link in the subdued light seemed almost mocking, a stark contrast to my dire situation. My head throbbed incessantly, a tempestuous storm brewing within my skull. As I struggled to cobble together the fragments of memory that remained, a sense of confusion washed over me. How had I ended up in this space that felt simultaneously foreign?Slowly, the pieces began to fall into place. The memories of the events leading up to this moment crashed down on me like a tidal wave. The encounter with rogue wolves, their menacing presence and sinister intentions etched vividly in my mind, became all too real once again. Panic surged through me as I grappled with the gravity of my situation. I was a captive, ensnared in a web of unknown motives and sinister plans. Questions whirled in my mind, each more
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59 A Misguided Vandetta
EmilyA moment of tense silence stretched between us, the weight of our histories and the chasm of our emotions suspended in the air. I refused to let him see the cracks in my facade, the turmoil that churned within. His presence was a twisted reminder of a past I had fought hard to overcome.Jake's expression twisted with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You think you have it all figured out, don't you? You have no idea what I went through. I loved you, Emily, and I still do," He said, and I could not believe this dude.A fire blazed in my eyes. "Love? You don't know the first thing about love. All you know is manipulation and betrayal." I replied.He clenched his fists, his voice trembling. "I could have killed you the moment I saw that mark on your neck – another man's mark." He yelled at me, vibrating with anger, and I did not care."What did you think will happen, Billy?" I asked him, and his eyes widened."I searched for you and, in the process, found out plenty of Your past and
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60 The Betrayal
KaneArriving at the settlement in the early morning, my mind was racing with thoughts of Emily. The urgency to find her pulsed through my veins, and I knew that every passing moment decreased the chances of a safe resolution. After Carlton dropped me off at the Alpha quarters, I wasted no time. I had to get to the bottom of this swiftly.Brian and Claus were on standby for the impending interrogation of Michelle. I was determined to uncover the truth about who orchestrated this intricate web of deception. I needed to understand why Emily had been left vulnerable, who had manipulated the situation to prevent anyone from accompanying her to the lake house. My suspicion had landed heavily on Michelle, who knew Emily's routine too well.Hurrying into my room, I took a quick shower and dressed in simple attire. Time was a luxury I couldn't afford to indulge in. Emily's safety hung in the balance, and I had to act decisively. Linking up with Doctor Karen, I inquired about my mother's condi
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