All Chapters of Anthology Of Gay Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
79 Chapters
Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 11
It was all hitting Kaine now, last night he agreed to give Ryan a chance which means they'll probably be at dating status soon but what about Seth? Kaine is no cheater but Seth's all he's ever wanted he can't stop what they have going on now, what will he do? how will this get handled? someone's gonna end up hurt "it's looking good so far, don't you think?" Kaine and Ryan sat in Ryan's apartment working on the project which was very hard to do because they couldn't keep their hands off of each other"Yeah it looks good" Kaine agrees staring at Ryan"Good enough to get a reward?"Kaine laughs "you want a reward for writing a good paper?" Ryan shook his head "alright come here" Kaine and Ryan move closer and their lips were inches away from each other when Kaine's phone rings "hold on a sec" he grabs his phone from his pocket'Yes Seth''When are you getting home I'm bored' Kaine rolled his eyes'I told you I'd be home late so find something to do' Kaine hangs up turning back to Ryan"Y
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 12
It's Wednesday Kaine and Seth have not said a word to each other since Monday morning, sitting in class alongside Ryan part of Kaine wasn't really thinking about Seth. As the professor is talking Kaine leans closer whispering in Ryan's ear "wanna come over later?""I'd love to but your place is a bit overcrowded, how about we go to mine?""You're right, your place it is. And we can work on our project that's due in two days""I don't wanna..." Ryan whines "I wanna play with you" they quietly flirt in classKaine blushes "first comes work then comes play" he whispers"Fine" Ryan pouts then looks forward at the professor.Class ends "I'll see you tonight" Kaine and Ryan go their separate ways. Kaine meets up with Emma to head to their next course together "I got your text, what do you mean you told Seth?"As they walk "I told Seth that I'm going to give Ryan a chance and he didn't even try to stop me" Kaine wanted Seth to be jealous and for some reason expect the roommate to fight for h
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 13
"Doing the walk of shame, are we?" It's Thursday morning and Kaine tries to sneak in early to get ready for school"It would only be a walk of shame if I were ashamed of it" Kaine retorts making his way to his roomSeth follows "least you could've done was tell me you were going to spend the night""Why? So you could call Cathy over and you two would bang on the kitchen counter?" Kaine replies removing his clothes and grabbing his towel"You think so little of me" Seth blocks the doorway"Excuse me I have to go shower" Kaine tries to pass but Seth doesn't move. Seth doesn't reply giving Kaine a questionable look "please"Seth smiles "I'll move if you give me a kiss"Kaine grunts and kisses him on the cheek "there now move""Nope not good enough" Seth shook his head"Seth! move I have to get to class!""Not my problem" Kaine rolls his eyes, leaning forward Kaine grabs Seth's face planting his lips on to Seth's, slowly licking Seth's lip for entrance Kaine swirls his tongue around Seth'
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 14
Kaine tries to mask his anger towards Seth as he walks up the stairs to his apartment, he doesn't know what he's going to say but he knows that today was the last straw. Unlocking the door Kaine walks in to Seth standing by the door waiting "Kaine before you say anything let me explain""No need to explain Seth you made your choice I just hope you made the right one..." he stops about to walk away but feels he has more to say "I needed you! I begged you and you just hung up" his feelings get hurt"Kaine I'm sorry but-""No, no buts I'm done we're done I don't know what you are but you're not getting my help figuring it out anymore""But Kaine-" Seth tries to get a word but Kaine doesn't let that happenKaine cuts him off "and to think I actually love you, as I'm saying all of this to you right now I actually am still in love with you. But you're so wrapped up in what everyone else would think you couldn't see it, and I didn't try hard enough to prove it to you. You were never going to
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 15
Getting back to the apartment Kaine walks into Seth already on the couch waiting for him "Kaine-" he says Kaine name But Kaine puts his hand out to stop him "don't" he says then walks into his room shutting the door. In his room, Kaine removes his sweater and sneakers, grabs his laptop and lays in bed plugging his earbuds in blasting HAIM one of his favorite band.Seth sits on the couch wondering where he went wrong, Kaine makes him feel different, a way not even Cathy could make him feel. Kaine makes him feel equal like he actually matters, Kaine gives him importance and he ruined what might have been the best thing that happened to him because he was too shallow to see it. As he sits there pondering Emma approaches the door knocking, Seth gets up and answers"Emma, hey" he greets"What's up what's up? Kaine home?""Yeah" Seth points to Kaine's room and Emma makes her way to it.She knocks on his door but he doesn't answer so she enters to Kaine listening to music "Em?" he says as
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 16
"So, what are you planning on doing with me?" Ryan asks as Kaine sits next to him on Kaine's bed"I don't know maybe I'll make you do my homework, or clean my room, or even be my sex slave""Ooo that last one sounds nice" Ryan flirts"I bet it does" Kaine flirts back"I'm hungry, you wanna get out of here and go get something to eat?""why do that when I could just make you a sandwich"Ryan chuckles "you'd make me a sandwich?""sure come on" Kaine pulls Ryan from his room heading to the kitchen. Looking inside of the fridge "do you like tomatoes?""No, I don't""What about mustard?" Ryan shakes his head "get ready for the world's driest sandwich then""If you're making it then I'll eat it" they smile at each other at Kaine begins making the sandwich for Ryan.------A few hours later "well isn't this a cute fucking picture" Seth walks in on Kaine and Ryan making out in the kitchen "you two are fucking adorable you know that?" his jealousy slowly ragesKaine moves towards him smelling
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 17
"Good morning Kaine" Kaine laughs at Seth trying to start a conversation with him while he eats his cereal"Good morning Seth" he replies back with a mouth full of cocoa puffs"So? You slept well?" Kaine doesn't understand why he's trying to do this but he gives him points for trying and decides to play along"I slept really well actually, no grabby hands feeling me up in the middle of the night" Kaine smirks at him"Funny, I too slept well""Cut the act, Seth""Sorry for trying to be nice" he is really trying but to Kaine, it might be too late."No apologies necessary" Kaine replies as he gets up placing his bowl in the sink. As he is grabbing his bag to head to the door it swings open and in comes, Cathy which startles the hell out of Kaine. Turning back to Seth Kaine sarcastically asks "do we not lock our doors anymore?""Kaine shut up" Cathy replies and Kaine leaves. Noticing how sad Seth looks Cathy asks "what's wrong baby?" she moves closer wrapping her arms around him"Nothing
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 18
The week goes by with Kaine and Seth not really saying much to each other, it is now Saturday and Kaine's walking out of the shower when he and Seth accidental bumps into each other "sorry" Kaine quickly apologizes"It's fine" Seth quietly replies. Kaine knows that Seth's been hurting but he feels as if Seth deserves it for hurting him. "Going out today?""Yeah Ryan and I are hanging out and later we're going to Brady's party""Seriously?""Yes, Ryan's friends with one of the frat guys and he invited us""you've never gone to a party here before""yeah I have""the ones here don't count" Seth retorts"well I guess not then, but I'm going to one now" Kaine starts to dress himself and Seth stands there staring "see something you like?" Kaine teases"Yes," Seth quietly replies then walks away causing Kaine to smile.After he's fully dressed Kaine sits on the couch and waits for Ryan, as he watches tv Seth comes from his room walking towards the couch sitting next to Kaine. Pretending he
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 19
Kaine and Ryan drive to the frat house and Kaine starts to panic a little, he's afraid that Seth might do something stupid again in front of Ryan. Ryan gets out of the car but Kaine doesn't when Ryan realizes he goes back in the car "what's wrong?" "Maybe we shouldn't go, I mean we can go back to your place where we'd be all alone"Ryan smiles "I'd love to be alone with you, but I promised that we'd stop by, if you don't want to stay once we're in there just let me know and we'll go, ok?" Kaine nods and they exit the car, he's just going to have to find a way to keep Seth from seeing him and Ryan.As they get closer to the house the music gets louder, Kaine looks around looking for Seth's car to make sure he's not there before them and to his relief Seth wasn't. They walk in and everything was everywhere, people were drinking, smoking, kissing, dancing, playing games, and just running around naked, Kaine automatically feels out of place but he's here to make Ryan happy so he decided
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Behind Closed Doors: Chapter 20
Next morning Kaine doesn't know how to go home...He and Ryan walk up the stairs to his apartment in silence, Kaine couldn't look Ryan's way. last night was so awkward they didn't speak at all he just slept in Ryan's arms.They reach Kaine's apartment and sees the door both Kaine and Ryan gasp. Written clearly across the door in bold letters was the word FAGGOT underlined with exclamation points.Kaine sighs and out of shock Ryan asks "who would do this?" Kaine doesn't know but he knew what Seth was probably going through. this is what he wanted a small part of Kaine is relieved the secret is finally out but he also feels bad, really bad.Kaine knows what he has to do now it isn't going to be easy but it was now his turn to choose. Turning to face Ryan Kaine starts off "Ryan I have to tell you something..." Ryan turns to him giving Kaine all of his attention "last night when Seth said what he said..." he pauses and Ryan gets the idea"It was about you, wasn't it?" Kaine nods "were you
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