All Chapters of The CEO's Assistant is a Billionaire Hacker: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
110 Chapters
Video Game
“Soo, when are the two of you going to buy the engagement ring?” Keith asked as the three of them sat down to have dinner. Nadia paused the fork midway toward her mouth and Dean who was sitting beside her groaned looking at the sky. “What?” Keith asked his eyes widening, “Did I step into a landmine?” He asked his eyes going from her to Dean. More like pointed out a fatal flaw in their so-called relationship. No ring, who proposes without a ring?! “I know it sounds impossible but I completely forgot about that,” Dean sighed. “Me too…” Nadia added. “Woah. you two are really hopeless workaholics. No wonder you were working even in your chill time. Do you remember the last time either one of you took a vacation just to chill?” Keith asked. “I don’t want to hear that from the one who works three days a week and is a rare sight in his own office,” Dean retorted. “Well, unlike you, I value my time off more than my working hours. And I have enough money to chill and not work too hard
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Engagement Party
“Uncle Dean, is this you and Mommy’s wedding?” Luke asked as he sat beside Dean in his parents’ house. He was wearing his tuxedo matching Dean’s which made him look even more adorable. Apparently, it was a collaboration between Nadia and his mother. Which he didn’t mind in the least. In fact, he quite liked it. “No, this is our engagement, it's what happens before the wedding,” He explained and Luke nodded pensively. “Are there going to be a lot of people at the party?” Luke asked. “Yes, there are going to be a lot of guests, so you have to make sure that you always stay near me, Mommy, Aunty Donna, or Grandma,” Dean instructed knowing the kid would still slip out and they would have to keep an eye on him. “Okay!” Luke said cheerfully swinging both legs. Dean smiled as he watched him wondering when Nadia was going to be there. They were waiting for her to make their entrance. She was hauled by Donna and his mother hours ago claiming that she needed a spa day before the big event
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Anna and Drama
Nadia stared down at the petite woman before her wearing a cutesy dress with frills and a huge ribbon. From what Nadia could see, she was clearly in her mid-twenties or maybe late twenties. An age when a woman could barely get away with dressing this cutely without getting strange looks. But the woman was managing to do so quite marvelously. When Dean mentioned her name, Nadia then realized why he was so uncomfortable. Although she had never met the woman, she had heard about her. This woman had been after him for the last two years doing everything from picking up fights with his current girlfriends to using her family and connections to set up a marriage. So there was no doubt that the woman was considering Nadia as her deadly enemy. But from the angry defensive expression she was making. Nadia wondered if Anna was still willing to fight this fight. Perhaps she was realizing that she was fighting a losing battle from the start. “By the way, I wanted to meet you in person and ap
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Traveling and Distance
The rest of the engagement party ended as uneventfully as it could. There was the instant when Nadia had to hunt down for Luke to find him wolfing down enough cake to spike up his sugar levels. Needless to say that she had a hell of a time trying to put him to bed. And there was also Keith’s endless teasing and let’s not talk about when Leilah met Keith and they got along so well at the expense of Nadia’s nerves. Let’s just say that Nadia had a rough night. And Dean wasn’t of much help since he was a major participant in Luke’s sweet trip. By the end of the party, she was so tired that she accepted Maria’s invitation to spend the night. When she woke up, Luke was nowhere to be seen and it was already close to eleven o'clock. In a panic, she woke up hurriedly changing and making her way downstairs. Luke was sitting with Dean’s parents and Donna at the terrace happily munching on brunch. “Good morning, Dear. Did you sleep well?” Maria asked and Nadia nodded with a smile. “I was surp
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A Kept Man
Nadia watched the familiar street lights pass by her as the lime slowly drove up the busy street. It was at a time of day when Blue Ridge was most busy so the slow advance of the car was understandable. Luke stirred on her side and she smiled as she looked down at his sleeping face. From the excitement over riding the plane for the first time to being tired from traveling put him out like a light as soon as they got into the limo. Nadia looked up to see Donna sipping from another flute of champagne, this one was probably her third, or maybe more. She had always been a heavy drinker, and she didn’t get drunk easily either. But at this rate, Nadia was more worried about her health than anything else. Drinking too much could have some bad repercussions for her age. Dean was busy looking into his phone and when he felt her gaze he looked up and automatically gave her a warm smile. He had always smiled at her warmly, no matter the circumstances. As Nadia smiled back at him, she wondered
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Nadia's Father
“You didn’t have to hire a babysitter to stay with Luke. I would have been happy to take care of him,” Dean told Nadia for the third time that day as he leaned against her desk. He had been chilling in her office since this morning going about small tasks and having small talk with the employees. He seemed bored and it looked like he was more disappointed than Luke for not being able to spend time together. The employees on the other hand were delighted to have him. Thoroughly charmed by his presence and the mostly female-occupied office didn’t seem to mind the eye candy as a bonus of their office scenery. Dean was much more popular than her at her own office. Not that she would complain about that. But she didn’t exactly like it either. “I thought you had some business to take care of. I thought the babysitter would give you a breather and enough time to meet your associates,” Nadia answered as she signed a document putting it aside and picking up another one. “I could take Luke
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Family Love
“Don’t you wonder what your grandson whom you didn’t care to see for five years looks like?” Nadia asked her father. Looking carefully at his expression, the man didn’t even flinch nor did he look guilty. He had no regrets whatsoever about what he did. And he didn’t care about Luke in the least. He didn’t even ask about his name. Her Luke who asked about his grandfather so innocently, she felt bad giving him such a bad excuse of a grandfather. He was better off where he was out of her and her son’s life. “You came all the way here to make a scene about me not inviting you to a freaking party, while you dare face me like this without even the hint of an apology. Not even bothering to see your grandson’s face or learn his name. And you still dare accuse me of not knowing how to treat my family?” She asked her anger spiking up so high that she was barely managing to keep her voice level. “Do you realize what I have gone through to raise you alone without your mother? But you still wer
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Finding Luke
Nadia’s eyes scanned the CCTV camera footage from their suit’s floor. Watching in horror as Luke opened the door to the suit and made his way toward the elevator. Their suit was on the top floor in a separate section made for VIP Guests. The elevator directly leads to the lobby and no one can go up without a special card, but anyone can go down without needing one. Which means Luke could be anywhere. As her hands trembled she typed on her laptop trying to access the footage from the elevator itself but it didn’t work. As she tied access through Donna’s ID it didn’t work again making Nadia feel as if a hole was pierced through her gut. She knew this error code. She knew this pattern to the little detail of the notification window. The person behind this could be only him. “Oh god no! Please let it be so that he doesn’t have him,” She mumbled her throat closing as she accessed the lobby footage trying to track Luke. Just as she saw him exiting the elevator and looking around, then
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A True Father
As Nadia burst through the door, she was immediately assaulted with the delicious scent of exquisite cooking. Barely registering it, she scanned the kitchen carefully until her eyes fell on the small figure sitting in a corner holding bread and swinging his legs without a care in the world. “Luke!” She shouted running to him and falling to her knees pulling her son into a tight hug. His heart was beating in her ears and she could barely hear anything around her. Relief was taking time to settle into her stressed-out body. As she hugged Luke tightly, she took a few deep breaths before leaning back to see his face. “Oh my god. Luke, are you okay? Are you hurt?” She asked and Luke tilted his head to the side as if he didn’t understand her question. “Yeah! I’m okay!” He said with a smile and Nadia breathed a sigh of relief still checking his body for any injury. “I’m glad you came for him. I was wondering what was taking you so long,” Someone said from beside her and Nadia turned arou
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Trust and Hardships
Dean leaned against the wall as he sipped from his wine watching as Nadia interacted with her business associates. After five years of disappearance, and being scarce even before then, Nadia practically became a hot topic, especially regarding her management of the Keaton assets. Many were there in hopes of striking a deal with the fresh face while others were there just to read the room and see if she presented any competition. But many others were there because they wanted to see the little girl they used to know. “You! Wallflower,” Said someone from beside him, and Dean didn’t bother to look his way. “F**k off, Ray,” Dean mumbled and his friend laughed. “Is this how you treat your friend whom you haven’t seen in five years? That’s kinda cruel,” Ray said as he smiled at him and Dean chuckled shaking his friend’s hand. “To think that I would meet you here at the same place as before,” He said and Ray shrugged. “My old man received an invitation and since he knew I was acquainted
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