All Chapters of His Mate: The Demon King : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
84 Chapters
Chapter forty
Hepzibah appeared in a throne room and seeing the white-haired man sitting on the python carved throne, she sighed. “How dare you summon me, Idrissa?”“How dare you take so long to answer me?” the man asked, standing up from his throne. “Pure blood witches are always full of themselves.”“Why shouldn’t we be? After all, people like you need our powers to see the future?”Idrissa smiled and nodded, “I take it you took so long to know if you can see why I summoned you?”“You are a smart man, the reason you have been the python king for over a thousand years. So tell me dear king, what do you want from me?”“I take it you didn’t see a vision then,” he chuckled, however, his face soon turned serious. “Did you hear the news?”“What news?”“That a nightwalker now possesses the eternal fire.”“Oh, that,” Hepzibah shrugged.“You don’t seem surprised.”“Yes I’m not.”“Hepzibah, you must understand that from the beginning of time, the world has been dominated by demons, witches and humans. The
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Chapter forty one
The Blue moon pack was in celebration, Alan had thrown a three days party for the return of his daughter and the welcome of his grandson. Everywhere was full of merriment and everyone must admit that they all needed it after fighting every single night. Normally, they wouldn’t have dared have a party without the fear of being ambushed by the deranged rogues or nightwalkers. However, since Edward’s resurrection seven days ago, no single pack has been attacked again and so, they all agreed that they needed the party.Aliyah even invited Steven and his parents and they had showed up the next day, in truth, they needed the distraction as well. Aliyah got the chance to meet Sarah —Steven’s mother— for the first time and even though the lady tried to look happy, she could see the pain behind her eyes that she tried so much to hide.“I am really sorry about Gerald,” she said to Steven as they walked around the pack on the third day of the endless party which was also the last day.Steven sho
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Chapter forty two
“How do you feel, Eric?” Alan asked the next morning in the pack’s clinic.“Like my heart was almost burnt to ashes,” Eric answered.“I’m sorry about that, it’s a good thing that you are still alive, it would have been quite painful to lose you just after getting you back,” Alan said. “What do you remember apart from last night?”“I can remember the fight and the pain of the poison taking over me. After that, I don’t remember anything anymore apart from a voice asking me to get Aliyah. She was a constant snow-white wolf in my mind and I could smell her presence. Last night, I was led by her smell and that is all.”“But somehow, she had managed to transform you back, taking off the poison from you and returning you back to your senses. How did she do that?” Aton wondered aloud.No one said anything for they can’t begin to explain the strangeness of it. It wasn’t helping with the fact that they have not seen Aliyah since last night but the good thing was that Asher was in the pack and i
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Chapter forty three
Aliyah went over to the clinic and she sighed when she saw Eric sitting up on his bed. His long black hair was cascading down his shoulders and his black eyes still spoke of the unbearable pain he had gone through. He looked surprised seeing her but he still gifted her a warm smile. “Hi newest mother,” he said cheerily at her but Aliyah still noticed the pain in his voice.“How are you Eric?” She said, her eyes going over to Natsha who was occupying the next bed to see her glaring at her.“Aliyah, what are you doing here, are you okay child?” Eric’s mother rushed to hold her hands, “you are not hurt any where are you?”Shaking her head, Aliyah smiled at the tensed woman, “I’m fine, really, you don’t have to worry about me.”“Oh dear, we have to,” she said, “but I’m glad you are okay, really,” she smiled and let go of her hand.“You must be so full of yourself now, aren’t you?” Natasha asked.“How are you, Natasha?”“How do you think I am? Your ‘mate’ almost killed my mate and I becaus
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Chapter forty four
“Aliyah, can I talk to you?” Scarlet asked from the bedroom door and Aliyah sighed and stood up from the bed, went over to the door and unlocked it. “How are you?” Scalet asked as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.“I’m fine,” Aliyah responded and went back to sitting on the bed.Sitting beside her, Scarlet sighed, “Edward is still sitting in the conference room, he has not stood up since you walked out that morning and it’s been ten hours since then. Won’t you go to him?”“I don’t want to talk to him Mom, and to be honest, I would be happy if you don’t force me to.”Scarlet smiled softly, “when we thought he was dead, you never recovered from the pain and now he is here and you are saying you don’t want to talk to him?” Seeing the look she was giving her, Scarlet chuckled, “Monica told me everything.”Sighing, Aliyah shrugged, “I was mourning him, mom, and I know that I am happy that he is back but mom…look at him, he is not the same.”“Everybody has been sayin
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Chapter forty five
Edward turned to Aliyah on his seat and as he stared at her, he saw her wolf, she was looking back at him with eyes so blue and pure that he knew she meant every word she had said. He reached up and caressed her cheek, his hand going behind her neck and pulling down on him as he claimed her lips. A soft moan escaped Aliyah’s lips at the contact and she shivered. Edward felt his body react to her welcoming response and he quickly circled his arm on her waist and pulled her down to sit on his thighs. His hand caressed her body as he deepened the kiss, making her moan some more.He didn’t think twice and just tore open her shirt but Aliyah gasped then and her gaze went straight to the big doors. “No, not here,” she shook her head. Edward looked at her, his midnight blue eyes a littler dimmer now because of his passion and without a word, he kissed her again. “Edward, no, not here,” Aliyah repeated and pushed him away only to be shock to find out that they were now in her dimly lit room.
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Chapter forty six
“Steven please, ask her. It’s the list she can do for you after all the troubles you suffered for her,” Sarah said to Steven as he paced around in the room he was given. “Please son, you promised me to bring him back, this is how you can do that. Just ask her, it’s not a big deal. She just have to do it like she did for that other guy, please Steven.”“Steven, your mother is right,” Ethan sighed and sat up from the bed to go to his son. Placing a hand on his shoulder, his black eyes met with Steven’s. “It’s not too much to ask, let it be her payment to you for all the things you have done for her. This is your brother we are talking about here, not a random wolf. I mean, we are not asking her to heal every wolf in the dungeon, at least not until we see her healing her father’s wolves. Just for your brother, or don’t you miss him? Don’t you miss your brother?”Steven sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I have just been contemplating about that but when I didn’t see her go to
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Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty-seven“Why did you choose him?” Steven asked as they left the dungeon, the guards had been so shocked to see them walking out with the elder and one of them had rushed off to call the alpha while another went to get the man some clothes to change into.“If we stay to talk about this and my father happens to show up, trust me, we won’t be going to Black Wind pack and I would really love to do it today. You guys are leaving tonight and I would want your mom to meet that surprise at home,” she winked.Steven chuckled at that and nodded, “fine, we will talk along the way. Besides, I can tell from your eyes that you want us to use the secret tunnels.”“Of course, it’s faster and also would keep us out of the eyes of everyone. Something tells me that the news of me healing Eric must have traveled to other packs. The last thing I want is the tearful eyes of mates begging me to heal their mates. It’s been hard avoiding the ones from my pack; I don’t want to add extras.”Steven l
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Chapter forty eight
Just like Rasmus had said, when they got back to Sean’s apartment, there was no sign of the demons. “Sean,” Alan called seeing them approached and noticing that he was carrying someone on his back. However, his hope was gone when he saw the physic of the person he was carrying and he knew it was not Aliyah. Sean put down Steven and Rasmus put down Mattew while Irene climbed down from his back. “We have to detoxify the poison,” she said immediately.“Where is Aliyah?” Alan asked as Sean shifted back into human and took the blanket that was handed to him by a guard.“I didn’t meet her, she was gone by the time I got there. I only saw Steven and Elder Mattew like this and sadly, Gideon is gone,” he announced.The other guard that had left to call Alan couldn’t believe his ears, Gideon had been alive and just fine minutes ago and now he was… his heart felt the pain but he tried to stay strong as he wondered how he would relay the news to their mother.Alan shook his head, “I can’t believe
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Chapter forty nine
“How could you have lost her to Maleeka?” Idrissa yelled at Gaziah who was kneeling in front of him while holding a little baby.“I am sorry, My King. I had wanted to go for the mother right after getting the son. I had wanted to blackmail her into coming with me with her son. I didn’t think Medlyn would act fast.” Gaziah explained with his head lowered.“Gaziah is right my king. I am sure that if it wasn’t for Medlyn, his plan would have worked. Which mother would refuse going with you to save her son?” A woman sitting on the foot of the throne smiled up at the king. “His plan would have been perfect.”Idrissa sighed and rubbed his temple. “I didn’t say the plan was bad, but this boy has only been in existence for a period of days, I don’t think the vampire prince had grown a strong bond with him. Now his mate is certain because of how he has always been protecting her. At this rate, I am afraid we would lose to Maleeka.”“If my king would listen to my suggestion, I have a way we can
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