All Chapters of The Assassin: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
Chapter 11: Zephyr
“Why?” “What did I do?” “How can you do this?” The voices of the ones I’ve killed continue to haunt me. They are always with me now, tormenting me. Somedays, like today, I don’t even realize that I’ve killed again until they are in my head and I know they are gone. I should call myself the soul collector. Every one of them, going back to the owl are here, in my head, screaming and crying and asking me questions I don’t have a good enough answer for. I tried, for the longest time, to tell them it was to save my son, to save Ancalagon. I needed to help him, I needed to save him. “How long ago was that?” “You killed me months ago.” “I’m dead and he’s still a prisoner.” “Is he even alive anymore?” “STOP IT!” I scream at them, covering my ears with my hands. He has to be alive, he has to be. If I did this, if I killed these innocents and he’s dead…. “You’re cruel.” “You’re a horrible person.” “A horrible dragon.” “You’re wicked, evil.” “You’re no better than Oliver.” “I forg
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Chapter 12: Ancalagon
My mother never came for me. I heard her voice, she told me to hold on, that she was trying to get me out of here, but she never came. Of course, I don’t know if that was one day ago or one year ago. I’ve been inside for as long as I can remember, strapped here and only smelling the air outside when they move me. After I killed several of the humans who were participating in my hell, they covered my eyes. Now, I haven’t seen anything or anyone in who knows how long. What I do know is when my mother saw me, she told Oliver that I was too small and he needed to feed me more than he was. Since he wants me to be some sort of killing machine for him, he listened, and I’ve been growing at an amazing rate. This is good and bad. It’s good because I’m getting stronger and the DNA of my aunt, the water dragon, and the fire dragon are absorbing into my body, making me even stronger. Most dragons can breathe fire, but now, my fire is hotter than anything on this planet. I’m biding my time befor
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Chapter 13: Zephyr
I roar at the little man who thinks he’s going to claim me. I am the mighty air dragon. “You’re not that mighty.” “If you were, we wouldn’t be dead.” “And your son would be safe.” I scream, at the voices in my head and at the man coming toward me. He looks familiar, but I don’t have time to remember why. I pull on my wind and blow it at him, sending him sprawling. When I do, he shifts, becoming a giant Bengal tiger. But he is still no match for me. He snarls at me, racing toward me as I use the wind to kick dirt and sand into his face. I lift up onto my back legs intending to stomp on him, but his scent of damp earth and exotic spices distracts me, just long enough for him to get underneath me. I slam my front legs back to the ground, protecting my stomach from his attack. I feel something wrap around my back left leg and when I look, I see he’s shifted back to his human form and a rope I didn’t see before is now tied around my leg. I scream again, twisting and sending him flyi
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Chapter 14: Ishir
Avani takes off to get his mate and presumably to get Zephyr’s sister and the good doctor. I have no idea what is going on inside Zephyr’s head, but I know that killing those shifters has made a mess of her psyche. While he’s gone, I begin cutting the ropes off of Zephyr. “You shouldn’t have done this, Ishir. You should have killed me,” she says, and her voice is so broken, so sad that it hurts my heart. “No, Zephyr. I told you, you are mine. I’ll take you however I can get you,” I say, leaning over and hugging her snout, realizing that I can understand her now that I’m her rider. As soon as she submitted to me, my body began healing. I’m thankful because I’m going to need every ounce of strength I have to help heal my mate, not just physically, but also mentally. “They’ll kill Ancalagon now. He told me that I had to kill them to keep Ancalagon alive. But I know you won’t let me continue the killing.” “No, I won’t. Not only because you are killing innocents, but also because it’s
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Chapter 15: Zephyr
When Ishir found me in my self-imposed hell, lost, alone and miserable, it was like he had become the light, shining inot this dark place to help me find my way out. I latched onto him and he held me, not once acting angry or disappointed that he had claimed me. He was patient, stroking my hair and whispering softly to me. In my mind, I could feel his love for me, feel how much he wants me, but I still think he deserves better, better than this broken shell of a dragon that I've become. “Hush, I’ll decide what I do and don’t deserve.” I sit back, looking at him. He strokes my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Yes, I can hear you," he says. “But it’s time for you to shift back now, Zephyr. We need you in your human form. We’re all here for you, and I’m going to stay in your head, keeping the voices at bay until you can control them better, but I need to be able to work with Avani and Cedric to find Ancalagon. Merethyl and Kaylani are here, they will stay with you while I meet w
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Chapter 16: Ishir
Tigers are solitary creatures, we’re not pack animals like the wolves, and we don’t have the expansive brain capacity of the dragons, so being inside Zephyr’s mind is a completely new experience for me. It’s a bit overwhelming because I’ve never shared my mind space with someone, but the tiger in me loves the adoration that my dragon is feeling towards me. There’s no pretense, no hiding her feelings. The woman loves me with every ounce of her being and I’m man enough, cat enough, to want to bask in her devotion. And soon, I will. But for now, she needs me, and her mind is a fragile, almost childlike place at the moment. So, I will treat my ferocious dragon with kid gloves until she’s strong enough to tell me to back off. I’m talking to Avani and Cedric, reassuring Cedric that Zephyr is okay and not going to kill anymore when I hear the voices in Zephyr’s head. It’s almost like someone took the volume dial and turned it from mute to full blast in a second. I didn’t realize my snarl wa
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Chapter 17: Zephyr
I don’t know why Ishir’s dominating personality is so sexy to me. I’m a dragon, I should be the one dominating, but for once, I don’t have to be in control. I can let go, and just allow myself to feel, to be. Maybe if I was stronger, he wouldn’t have been able to overwhelm me so easily, but between his scent, his growling, or maybe now it’s purring, I’m not even sure anymore, I'm overwhelmed. All I know is that the dragon in me is thrilled that Ishir is deep inside me, stretching me, filling me as he pins my hands over my head and insists that I continue to tell him that I’m his. After the first few orgasms, I begin to feel whole again, begin to have more awareness of my mate and begin the feel the strength of having this powerful man between my legs. I’m not sure when the switch goes off in my head, but when it does, I growl my dragon’s growl and before Ishir knows what’s happening, I have our positions reversed. Now I’m on top, leaning over him and holding his arms above his head.
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Chapter 18: Ishir
While I’ve become accustomed to being in Zephyr’s mind, it’s still strange hearing that prick, Oliver, through her mind as he talks to my mate. I can feel Zephyr fighting me when I tell her walk away, but I know terrorists and Oliver is nothing more than a low-level terrorist. I’ve had enough of him running the show and bullying my dragon into doing things that she would never have done on her own. When he calls Zephyr back, I feel her relax, and I can feel through our bond that her trust in me increased. I need that, I want that. Eventually, I want her to believe in me and listen to what I have to say because she trusts me, not because I’m forcing it. We’re not there yet, but we’re getting there. I’m on the verge of bursting into the room to get her out of there and away from him, when thankfully, she listens to me and walks out. It would not be helpful to Ancalagon or Zephyr if Oliver realized that I was alive and Zephyr was no longer under his control. One week. That’s the timefr
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Chapter 19: Ancalagon
It feels like longer than normal since I smelled my Sunshine and heard her sweet voice. I hope she didn’t get punished trying to get to me. I miss her and I try to keep track of how long it is between times that I see her, but once they pump me with whatever they are putting in me, I lose all track of time. I’m struggling to stay calm, needing to smell my addiction, my sunshine, when I hear my mother’s voice. “Ancalagon!” He told me my mother was dead. He said he sent her to kill her mate knowing it would kill her because I was close to being ready. Ready for what, I wasn’t sure. All I know is that they’ve been pumping me more frequently lately, and my mother, who I thought was dead, is alive. When my mother tells me to hold on once more, I tell her to hurry. I truly don’t know how much more of this I can take. I’ve been strapped down too long, the only scent of fresh air that I get is from my Sunshine and I don’t remember the last time I saw her. This time, I hear the microphone
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Chapter 20: Zephyr
We found him, we finally found Ancalagon! I don’t understand why my son smells like all of the elements, but I don’t care. I’ll worry about that once I have him away from here and safely with me again. Ishir told me to stay with him and thankfully, he’s hunting Oliver and going after Ancalagon. The three of us, Avani, Merethyl and I, follow Ishir through several tunnels, finally getting to a steal door that is locked tight. Ishir puts his nose in the air, and I connect with his mind, smelling the scents that he smells. Hunters, scientists, Ancalagon and other scents, the scents of shifters and supernaturals, but the scents are off. Very, very off. This must be another lair where they have been doing experiments with shifters and supernaturals. He turns and looks at us. “Are you ready? Once we go in, the fight is on.” “Ready,” Avani and I say together. Merethyl nods and Ishir turns back to the door, his giant hands turning into paws with huge claws, and he slams them against the do
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