All Chapters of Alpha Enforcer: Damon: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
Part Thirty
FinleyI spent most of the day sleeping in front of the television with Damon occupying the other couch. The only time I was alone was when I went to the bathroom. I knew he meant well but I just wanted to be alone, I didn’t want his pity or his help. I’d been doing fine on my own for years now.“We need to go to the store,” Damon said.“Why?” I asked him.“Even if you don’t want to eat, I need to eat to survive,” he said and smiled at me.“So go to the store,” I said to him.“No, you’re going to get up, take a shower and get dressed,” he said.“I don’t feel like going anywhere,” I said to him.“And that’s exactly why you’re going to do it, you need to get out of the house, it’s not healthy to mope like this,” he said.“I don’t want to,” I said as I looked at him pointedly.“You have two choices Finley, either you go shower willingly or I put you in that shower,” he said and stood up.“Fine, I’ll go shower,” I said to him.He just gave me a satisfied smile as I left the living room to
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Part Thirty-One
DamonFinley was beyond frustrated with my presence but that wasn’t going to make me leave, I worried about her the whole time. Now that I could feel the bond completely, I couldn’t get her out of my mind and the fact that she could and would hurt herself drove me insane.“Finley?” I asked as I knocked on her bedroom door. She had gone to shower forty minutes ago and dinner was waiting. She glared at me every time I told her to eat because now she actually ate three times a day.I opened the door and looked at her empty room, the bathroom door was closed and I instantly worried. I could hear her heartbeat but that was all I could hear. I didn’t really want to invade her privacy but I also didn’t completely trust her not to do anything stupid.I opened the bathroom door and there she was laying in the tub with her eyes closed. The bathroom was filled with steam and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her naked body. I could feel Axel in the back of my head as he tried to push forward urg
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Part Thirty-Two
FinleyThere were some very odd things about Damon. I noticed it more now because he was constantly around me. Sometimes it seemed that his eyes got a shade darker but it would be fleeting. His whole attitude towards me had changed too. He was caring and attentive, almost like we were in a relationship and that was freaking me out.I’ve tested him as well. I’d set my alarm to vibrate under my pillow and get up at different times but he’d always appear minutes after I’d woken up, like he knew, no matter how quiet I was. I’ve also cut my finger on purpose not making a sound but it was like the scent of my blood alerted him.I couldn’t really explain it but I craved his presence around me and we’ve been playing this game for three months now. He does most of the cooking since I almost killed him one night and he spent it hugging the toilet.“So you two are living together now?” Mimi asked me as I sat in the basement and we spoke over the phone.“He just moved in,” I said to her because I
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Part Thirty-Three
DamonFinley watched me with disbelief as I drove towards Northern Kingdom International Airport. We were silent in my truck as she kept staring out of the window and then glanced at me. I drove towards the last hangar and she raised an eyebrow when I parked the truck inside and climbed out.“Should I carry you out?” I asked her when I opened her door.“No,” she said and climbed out.“Good evening Mr. Woods, the jet is ready and fueled,” Jeff said as he took our luggage from the truck and headed towards the jet.“A jet? Seriously?” she asked me as she stopped in front of the stairs.“What else were you expecting?” I asked her.“No red carpet?” she asked and I laughed.“I’ll have them prepare one for you when we return,” I said to her as she laughed harder.“See that you do,” she said pretentiously and I laughed as she smiled at me.I followed her up into the jet and sat down in the seat I always chose. She looked at me and I patted the chair next to me as she reluctantly sat down.“We
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Part Thirty-Four
FinleyThe drive up to the hotel was mesmerizing. Lights twinkled in front of us and I couldn’t believe that I was actually really in St. Barts. Harley was going to completely lose her mind when I told her. The hotel itself reminded me of a vintage fiftyish type of décor with the red and white that was present everywhere.Damon was being playful and really nice to me and this was a completely different side from the man that had picked me up on the basement floor. He even looked more relaxed and on the jet I had finally made my decision.When I woke up in the morning with Damon wrapped around me protectively I had smiled for the first time in years. I liked the way he was holding me and I couldn’t help myself from teasing him as I felt him prodding against my back.The decision I had made that morning was that I was going to try with him. He had made his intentions clear to me, for a while now and there wasn’t anything that I could say that he had done wrong. He wasn’t aggressive, he
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Part Thirty-Five
DamonAxel didn’t want to leave and we’d been arguing for the past hour in my head. He liked the way Finley was here, the relaxed care free manner in which she slept with no nightmares, she laughed more and she even had a hint of a tan.I was also afraid that once we went back she’d revert back to her old-self and I had to admit I loved the new Finley. There was also the matter of my little truth I had to tell her and I had no idea how she’d react to it.The bond was strong, especially now since we’d consummated it and the only thing left to do was to mark her at an acceptance ceremony, but for all intents and purposes Finley was as good as married to me and she didn’t even know it.I felt very conflicted. Elder Isaac was planning my engagement to Chastity while Elder John was planning my engagement to Nina and I was bonded to Finley for life. There was also the little problem of the wolves hunting her and that’s why Axel was arguing with me.“The sooner you mark her the sooner the th
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Part Thirty-Six
FinleyI felt different when I woke up, my mind was clearer, my vision was better, I could think about Sebastian without breaking down, it still hurt, but now I could smile sadly when I thought of him. It didn’t threaten to consume me like it did before this weekend. I wasn’t sure what changed but I realized with a shock that I loved Damon.Giving in to him made me feel free somehow. I could read the emotions in his eyes too, I knew that he felt the same way and for the first time in my life I could see myself being with someone for the long run. For the first time I dared to dream about next week, next month and even next year.I loved how caring and protective he was and the thought suddenly occurred to me that he would be a great father. I had no idea where that thought even came from but it was there in the back of my mind, slowly taking form.“Almost home,” he said and I opened my eyes.“Damon, this weekend… thank you,” I said to him as he smiled at me.“You’re welcome,” he said
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Part Thirty-Seven
DamonI waited until Finley was asleep and walked to the guest bedroom and closed the door behind me quietly. I checked the footage and swore under my breath as I paused the video, they were all wearing masks but from the way they moved I knew they were wolves.I couldn’t really track their scents as they had broken into her house on the Thursday night and their scents had already faded by Sunday night when we returned. I closed the door behind me again and checked on Finley before walking over to her house.I let Axel push forward and gave him partial control since his senses were better than mine. We looked around the house and he caught the scent of a wolf. I followed it outside through the back door and into the open back yard.I followed the scent for about an hour through the trees as it mingled with other wolves and the scent disappeared as I exited the trees. I could see faint tire marks in the ground where they had parked their car and I looked around in the dark.I wouldn’t
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Part Thirty-Eight
FinleyI groaned as my hand instantly went to the side of my head where it came into contact with a bandage. I could feel it throbbing slightly as I struggled to open my eyes. The blinding light was making my eyes sensitive and took a minute for me to adjust my eyes.I was in a bedroom with large floor to ceiling sliding doors that led to a balcony. The doors were partially open and I watched the sheer curtains as they moved in the light breeze. The bedroom was big, the biggest I’ve seen so far and I was in a huge bed.On the wall across from the bed was a big flat screen television with the sound turned low and a plush sofa stood in front of the television. On the other side was a desk with a laptop that looked vaguely familiar and off to the side was a smaller table with two chairs.There were two doors on the other side and I tried to sit upright in the bed. Somebody had changed my clothes and I now wore sleeping shorts and a spaghetti strap top, something I’d never choose for myse
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Part Thirty-Nine
Damon“She’s in trouble,” Archer said as he put his phone down on the counter.“How sure are you?” Jared asked him.“She asked me to give Sebastian a hug and a kiss,” he said and I looked at him.“Did you hear anything else, any sounds, what else did she say?” I asked him.“That she’s with a friend and won’t be flying to Los Angeles to see me,” he said, “she never said that when we spoke over the phone.”“Jared, get your guy to trace that number Finley was calling from,” I said to him.“On it,” he said and held his hand out for Archer’s phone and walked outside.“What exactly did she find in order for her to leave?” Archer asked me.“The Council installed cameras in her house, this is how we handle all protection details, she found the monitors in the spare bedroom,” I said to him.“Do you love her?” he asked me.“Yes,” I said without hesitation. It was true though, I did love her.“Tell me everything you know, who would want to take her, because if someone wanted to hurt her they wou
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