All Chapters of The Billionaire's Kryptonite: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
C41 - For you.
They didn't talk about Meredith Jones, but Miguel's words were enough for Lara to put her mind at ease.He told her not to believe the news. That meant it wasn't true.Later that evening, Tasya called to thank her. The problem had been resolved, and the threats from their investors about pulling out were gone."I owe you, Lara," Tasya said, still sniffling. "What will I ever do without you? What if you weren't my friend, and I got into this mess? Where would I end up if my parents disowned me?""That's what you get for trusting so easily," Chester interjected. He was with them on the video call, and he didn't hide his disappointment with their friend."Chester!" Lara shot him a glare. "Don't blame her anymore!""He's right, though," Tasya said. "I'm sorry for dragging you into my mess, Lara.""It's okay. Everything's fine now. Just be careful next time, alright? You might get into trouble yourself next time.""Listen to Lara, Tasya. And try to be less gullible with guys. Next time, in
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C42 - Brat.
Lara knew that it was impossible for Miguel to feel the same way for her.She accepted that, which was why even though she loved him, she never said anything. But there was only one reason that made her accept that her husband couldn't learn to love her.And that reason was Lena. His love for Lena was real and deep, hindered only by circumstances. But what they had was something Lara believed she could never match.Apart from that reason, she would not accept anything more.For instance, there were the never-ending rumors about him and Meredith Jones and his failure to deny those rumors publicly, and most infuriating of all, Miguel arrived in the country with the woman.As if that wasn't enough, he brought Meredith Jones to their mansion! And now, she was scowling at the two of them."Listen first, Lara," Migo attempted to explain."No!" She cut him off sharply. She didn't care if she seemed rude in front of his beautiful and sophisticated companion. The moment he allowed that woman t
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C43 - In his arms.
They went to a different bar. Although it was the same typical noisy, dark, and smoky, there were the second and third floors. They stayed on the second floor where Chester was said to be."Let's stay here to avoid the noise," Tasya said. "We can only afford membership up to the second floor. The third floor is super VIP. I need to date a billionaire first before I can afford it," she joked before they stopped in front of a closed door. Their guide knocked before it was opened for them, and the guide bid them farewell."Princesses are taking forever," Chester complained immediately, holding a menu of food and drinks."Traffic," Tasya replied.It was quiet there, and honestly, it didn't feel like a bar. It was cozy, clean, and fragrant. No smell of smoke."So, why do we have an urgent meeting again? I had to send my companion home just to come here," he asked, lifting his gaze. Concern immediately flashed in his eyes as they fell on her injured arm. "What happened to your arm, Lara?" I
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C44 - Leave us.
Lara caught her breath as Miguel's fist collided with the wall behind her and Chester. Her friend had used the wall for support when he got up earlier, and Lara's interference was too late to stop the momentum of Miguel's punch. Instead of accidentally hitting her, Miguel chose the wall behind her.Holding her breath, Lara stared into her husband's fiery eyes.If looks could kill, Lara and Chester would have already dropped dead and cold. That's how menacing and terrifying Miguel's gaze was.Despite knowing that Miguel was hurt, she was afraid to look at his fist. Miguel didn't flinch, but she was certain he was in pain."Move, Lara," Miguel said in a low, firm voice, with a warning."P-please," she whimpered. "Don't hurt him.""Move away, d4mn it!" he shouted, almost making her jump.To her surprise, Chester suddenly pushed her away. "So, is he the man who made you cry, Lara?" Chester challenged, returning Miguel's dangerous gaze with equal intensity.He seemed sober now, perhaps sob
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C45 - Kiss.
"This is not the way home," she couldn't help but speak when she noticed that the road they were taking was not leading to their house. "I badly wanted to rest. Please just take me home!"Miguel didn't respond. Instead, he seemed to grip the steering wheel tighter.Lara was frustrated and on the verge of tears. She was tired of all the drama that day."Where are we going?" she asked after a few moments of silence, the route they were taking unfamiliar to her. It seemed like they were leaving the city."Just shut up and quit asking, Lara!" he replied, his patience running out."Why? Don't I have the right to know where you're taking me? I am tired of obeying your orders, Miguel!" she said, her voice full of resentment."Obeying my orders? When have you ever followed? Since this day started, all you've done is argue and insist on what you want!" he replied angrily. "You never listened to me!""Because I don't want to anymore! Stop treating me like I don't have my own life! Can't I decid
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C46 - Defensive.
The sun was setting, but Miguel still hadn't returned. Lara sat on the sandy part of the beach, watching the beautiful colors of the sky slowly fading away.Growing up as a city girl and missing out on travel opportunities, she was awed by the magnificence of nature. If only she had known about Miguel's house near the sea, she might have frequented the place.According to Mommy Mabel, Miguel's mother, he had the house built for her. Despite its beauty and the abundance of material things, it was lonely because her son rarely visited."I've been telling him to bring you here," the lady said. "But he always said it wasn't the right time. I'm happy to finally meet you, Lara."She was glad that Miguel's mother knew about her. There were many things she wanted to ask, like where his father was or if he had siblings. But she held back her curiosity.The only thing she asked was if Mabel knew Lena."Lena has been gone for a long time," she replied carefully, holding one of Lara's hands. "Lar
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C47 - Another kiss.
"Why would you be?" she asked. She didn't believe it. Why would he be jealous? Did he have feelings for her? No, he didn't, right?Then it wasn't jealousy he was feeling. It must have just been his ego being bruised by her closeness with Chester.The pain in her eyes deepened when Miguel avoided her gaze. She knew it."Stop being rude to Chester and I'll let you and your friend do your thing. I just hope that you'll get a good night's rest whenever you remember my sister," she walked away after that.He didn't follow her. Lara's heart shattered even more. For a moment, she thought there was hope for them. Had he answered her and not looked away, she shouldn't be feeling hurt now.Miguel was not sure of his feelings. He loved Lena. He was protective of Meredith. And he claimed he was jealous of Chester's closeness to her. Yet, he couldn't confirm when asked. He couldn't give her a reason why.Was it just a whim? That was just absurd!Lara suddenly realized she was crying as she walked
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C48 - Favor.
"A week?" Lara asked, surprised.Migo had just told her that they would be staying at his mother's house for a week."But aren't you busy with work?" she added, furrowing her brow.They were having breakfast, and he had just shared his vacation plans."I'm the boss, can't I take a break?" Miguel asked back."Dear, you both deserve a break. Use this time to get to know each other better," Mabel said."It's not that I don't want to, Aunt—, Mom," she quickly corrected herself after getting a stern look from her mother-in-law. "The truth is, I was just caught off guard. I've always known Migo as a very busy man.""Don't you want to know about my not very busy side?" He raised his eyebrows playfully.'Ah, he was cute doing that!'"There are plenty of things you can do here. If you feel awkward with my presence, I can leave so you two can have some alone time," Mabel said."Mom, that's why I brought Lara here. I want you both to bond. And now you want to leave?""It's not like that, dear. I
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C49 - Surrendered.
"What are you doing?" Lara asked, her smile impossible to suppress as she watched her apron-clad husband in the kitchen."I'm cooking, can't you see?" He raised his brows playfully.It had only been their third day there, but Lara felt like she was getting used to this playful side of him. He was sweet and caring.Sometimes, she wondered if he was becoming the man he used to be before he lost Lena. Lara could still remember how she adored him back then.But it was a different kind of love. She loved him because Lena loved him. Because she thought he was going to be her brother-in-law."You can cook?" she approached him, curious about what he was preparing for their lunch. "Stew?""Uh-huh," he answered, adjusting the temperature to low. "This will be done in a minute. Are you already hungry?"She shook her head. "Not really. I didn't know that you could cook—""Don't be fooled," Mabel interrupted, carrying freshly washed chili peppers. "I just asked him to look after it," she teased."
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C50 - Progress.
That one week by the sea felt like a dream for Lara, and she wished she could return if given the chance.She felt like she was with a different Miguel during that short period. She felt truly special. She truly felt like his wife.During that time, she was the apple of his eye. He only had eyes for her. How many hot nights did they share? Sometimes in the warm mornings, at noon, in the afternoon, and in the early morning hours. Since that first night they spent by the sea, they had already slept in the same room.Lara was happy. She loved him. So she had no complaints. Even though they were often teased by Mabel, Miguel was always into public displays of affection.Now, it is just a memory. They were back in the city. Because Miguel had been absent for so long, he had to catch up on work.But he made an effort to come home to her. Sometimes, he would arrive very late. She would wake up feeling his caresses.That's why it was forbidden for Nurse Beth to spend the night in her room. Sh
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