All Chapters of Curse of the Spotlight: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : How She's Here
The next night, it was all about operation: Find Lucy. Though Alexander had distracted my thoughts all day, my mission was turning extremely serious.I stared at myself in the mirror, tracing the circles under my eyes and giving a smile. From my search in the library, I knew what to expect from The Vicious. I just wanted to find out where she was, then I'd begin working on crossing the 'what can I do' bridge later.The book said nothing about a cure, so perhaps there was some other piece of knowledge I'd need to search for.Either way, I grabbed my salve, realizing it was one of the last doses. I only had two more following this, so hopefully, I could take care of multiple things in this trip. Searching the library for another book on these things may be helpful.I thought that over while splashing water on my face, exhaling slowly. This was it. I hadn't gotten much sleep, as usual, given the circumstances. The little sleep I did get treated me to nightmares. I couldn't stop se
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Chapter 22 : Look, a Lustful Distraction!
The hallways stretched in front of me, holding many doors that I tried and succeeded to enter. There were empty rooms full of covered furniture, not in use by the mansion residents. I found one room full of mirrors and just had to shudder, wondering if they were haunted or something.Upon close inspection, none of them were cracked or broken either. I only saw my tired but determined expression within them, but also the distinct glint of hopelessness accompanied by a deep frown.I hadn't given up yet, so why did I feel so lost? I was really close to finding my sister, right? Move to the next room with no luck, either. Some of these doors were locked for no reason, surely.There was nothing suspicious about a bunch of random chairs and blank papers scattered about, though something told me this random room full of nonsense was just blocked off so people could be lazy and not clean it up. Ironically enough, that helped the vampires become more 'human' to me.Helpful, for sure,
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Chapter 23 : Harder and Faster
Fangs sank into my thigh, causing me to groan as Nicholas drank. I could hear the sound of my blood being gulped down by the vampire, his claws sinking into my skin as he indulged. His tongue ran over my skin as he bit, directing the blood into his mouth. Hungered growls emitted from him every so often, but his bite only lasted for a short moment before he retracted his fangs and ran his tongue over the area. My body shook with pain, panic, and lust at this point. A release was building yet again, especially after that wonderful bite of his. The more his tongue ran over it, the more I squirmed and gasped because the flesh there was quite sensitive.This caused the vampire to chuckle, his muscles rippling as he moved to pin me to the bed once more. His eyes gleamed as he returned to staring me down in thought, so close that some strands of his hair tickled my cheek. "I'm going to make you scream, my prey," he promised, suddenly angling to penetrate me.I gasped as he did so, m
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Chapter 24 : Tension That Could be Cut with Fangs
My eyes fixed on Nicholas as I crossed my arms tightly against my chest. My eyes were partially closed due to exhaustion, but I tried my hardest to remain focused.Finally, my voice came out in a low, angry tone, because at this point, I couldn't help it. Stress was boiling over, big time, and he was about to face reality. I could be facing a cultist who would kill me for what I was about to say next.Logic had left the room, though, which was a shame. "What have you done to my sister, you bastard? Are you going to turn me into that thing too? Or are you going to off me? I know it's her behind the door. It's why I've been sneaking around. Her name is Lucy. She was here for your program before, a-and," I burst out, then collapsed, placing my face into my hands and letting out a sob. "She had so much ahead of her, she wouldn't have run off. I was right. Now, I'm fucking dead." I expected a world of pain after I said that, but nothing happened, at least at first. Though I felt i
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Chapter 25 : Checking In
I groaned, coming to consciousness with a jolt. Everything that happened came rushing back, and I was caught thinking about that moment Nicholas was approaching the bed, right before I begged him to let Lucy go.He'd been baring his fangs, completely aggressive toward me. He was probably planning on ripping me to shreds, though stopped when I mentioned the cultist. Come to think of it, why hadn't he moved faster? Vampires proved their speed all the time here, even with small things like bringing me back to my room after sex. It almost seemed as though he'd been attempting some sort of scare tactic right then.I wouldn't bet my arm on the open mouth of a gator, though, so either way, it would have worked. What would have happened if Alexander hadn't intervened? I shuddered at the thought.Oddly, time and again, the mysterious amber-eyed vampire came through. He had the aura of someone who really didn't like me much, but I was starting to suspect it wasn't me at all. His walls s
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Chapter 26 : Taken by Alexander
"I'm curious about something," I said slowly, keeping my stare fixed on Alexander.Was I brave enough to actually ask what I wanted to? The tension in the air rose, though this time it wasn't negative. No, it was a strong pull. I wanted to tug on it, to bring the vampire closer. All thoughts of my exhaustion drained from me, for a moment, as I imagined him driving himself into me with as much intensity as Nicholas had last night. Alexander raised his brows, crossing his legs to try and hide the bump in his pants, most likely. He was probably trying not to be rude. Little did he know, I considered that sign of lust the opposite.I really wanted him right now.All of the stress had been crashing into me like a wave, and the thought of him giving into lust was dizzying. Honestly, a much-needed distraction after what happened last night. "We haven't been indulging in one another. Will that cause questions?" I finally asked, breaking eye contact and letting out a breath. My hear
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Chapter 27 : Feeding Frenzy
The sensation wasn't like any vampire bites I'd felt before. Chemicals rushed through my body, combining with adrenaline and lust. I hadn't practiced drug use in the past, but I suspected this is what it felt like.Sheer euphoria bombarded me, causing me to let out even more moans of pleasure. All of this, of course, while he continued to move me up and down, penetrating me over and over again. I let out a cry as he continued, letting go of the bite only to sink his fangs in again and hold me there a second time. I ran out of energy quickly, and he was gorging, taking in quite a bit of blood in this feast.A bit of alarm rushed through me at the idea of losing too much blood, but right now I was too captured by pleasure to pay much attention to it. No, instead I gave into yet another powerful orgasm, a keeling moan escaping from my lips. The vampire soon shuddered with his own release, pulling me off and laying me there for a moment. Power emanated from him, and I had a stron
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Chapter 28 : Sweet Nightmares
"Why is it forbidden?" I asked after a long pause.Alexander remained silent, avoiding my gaze. He had a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at the door of the room, biting his lip for a moment before letting out a sigh. He shook his head, slowly letting go of me and moving a few inches away toward the other side of the bed.I kept my stare on him, noticing the glow of his amber eyes only growing more intense as we spoke. "... I will have food delivered to your room," Alexander said, avoiding the answer entirely.He broke his stare and turned, quickly darting to the door and opening it. Before I could respond, he slipped through and closed it behind him. I was left lying there rather baffled, but at this point chalked it up to him resisting temptation again. He'd gone overboard and knew it, though I personally didn't mind. He listened when I asked him to stop. It probably snapped him out of his frenzy, too. Sadly, I couldn't dwell on much of what happened other than fl
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Chapter 29 : Finding Lucy
I didn't bother with the salve. Why? Who knew? I wasn't thinking straight and just had to get to Lucy.I dragged myself down the hallway, feeling nearly as heavy as I did in the dream. An uneasy feeling settled on me. What if what happened in the nightmare occurred here?! I cast a glare down the dark halls and gulped, hugging myself and leaning against the wall for a moment. I dragged along it before arriving at the floor, collapsing for just a pause and wondering what the hell I was doing. Was it wise to wander like this without my salve? There was no doubt I would be more easily caught, but at this point, Nicholas knew everything. He knew Lucy was my sister and was probably planning something horrible now that I knew where she was.I needed to get to her before she was moved. Maybe my voice would snap her out of her ravenous actions, who knew? Either way, I made my choice, and I sure as hell was going to go through with it. I felt a buzz in my nightgown pocket, realizing I
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Chapter 30 : Confessions of a Monster
Emotions bombarded me as everything came crashing down. All that I suspected was confirmed thoroughly, and there was no room for this possibly not being my sister. Before, all I wanted to do was see her and make sure she was alive. But was this living?I stared into the eyes of Lucy, the warped, unhinged monster before me. She reared up and slammed into the cage as if trying to get to me, sending vibrations up the chain-link fencing. Tears poured from my eyes as I fell to my knees, shaking my head. "Lucy. Lucy! It's me, Lorelei, I'm here to help you!" I tried, but the only response I got was a shriek.Lucy leaped away from the cage and bunched up her muscles, slamming into it again and again as if trying to get to me. I wasn't mistaking it as her trying to run to me for support. If she was in there, she was asleep, and the one in control of her body was a cornered, starved animal with no ability to think for herself. That said, I found myself moving closer, wanting to get thr
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