All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hidden Legacy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
135 Chapters
Chapter 10: A sense of attraction
****“Where are we going?” Liam asked Lucas for the umpteenth time. The latter had called him over to the parking lot of their company only for Lucas to drag him into his car.“We are going to see someone,” Lucas finally answered.“Who?” Liam probed.“Justin Gerano,” Lucas answered, and he stepped on the accelerator."Ahhh!" Liam groaned as the beef between Lucas and Justin wasn't something he wanted to be a part of.The two men were egotistical idiots who were always trying to triumph over one another. Liam sighed as if it was his fault for introducing them to one another that fateful night in the bar.What had started out as a celebration turned out to be a competition as someone dared the two men to see who would pass out from drinking too much alcohol. It was a statement made as a joke but for Lucas and Justin who viewed everything as a competition, they didn't take it the same way.The end result was that both men had to be carried to their cars after consuming about six bottles
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Chapter 11: Daira Atkinson
After leaving the park and boarding a taxi, Kiandra finally had the chance to examine her daughter for any injuries. To her relief, apart from Zendaya’s clothes which were soiled in the sand, there were no injuries sustained.Her daughter had a low immunity which meant that it wouldn't have been pleasant if she had sustained a cut which got infected.“I was only gone for ten minutes, so what happened?” She inquired from her daughter. It was still baffling to her as to how Zendaya ended up in Lucas' hold especially considering the fact that Zendaya didn't like to associate herself with strangers.Zendaya didn’t answer her mother’s question. Instead, she crossed her hands and with a frown on her face, she said. “I don’t like Jayden,” she pouted.“The young boy?” Kiandra probed and Zendaya nodded. “Do you want to tell me what he did?”“No.” Zendaya shook her head and Kiandra decided not to push it as she didn’t want her daughter to get further upset. The rest of the ride was silent until
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Chapter 12: Fired from her job
“Daira,” Liam exclaimed and he moved to hug her much to her displeasure. “I’ve missed you so much,” he said, and she squinted her eyes suspiciously at him. “You did?” she asked.“Of course. I have no other bimbo to trouble in my life and so naturally, I’d miss the only one I have,” Liam responded, and he watched as Daira became red with anger.“Lucas,” she cried as she walked up to him. Lucas, who didn’t want to be touched by Daira, turned and went to sit down. This was one of the reasons Lucas concluded that Liam hated her. To every other person, she acted rude to them but to him, she acted like she was a damsel in distress who couldn't protect herself.Liam despised two-faced people and so he always tried to bring out her real nature in front of Lucas. “Ignore him. He’s annoying,” Lucas said and Liam chuckled.“Tell him to go. I have something important to discuss with you,” Daira told Liam.“Well, you better get talking, as I’m not going anywhere,” Liam said as he made himself
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Chapter 13: Punched him in the face.
Kiandra turned and left as she didn’t want to be further humiliated. When she got outside the man's office, she saw all the employees who were present giving her a sad look.It seemed they had heard everything that had happened in there and this only added to Kiandra's humiliation. Deciding not to pay any attention to their looks, she held her head high as she walked away from them to the elevator.As soon as she left the building, she immediately brought out her phone and called Samantha as she needed someone to vent to.“Are you that free that you have time to call me twenty minutes after you resumed?” Samantha asked jovially after she answered the call.“I got fired,” Kiandra told Samantha. If she didn't, the latter would have spent minutes urging Kiandra to tell her about her experience and this would only add to Kiandra's already sore wound.“What?!” Samantha screamed in school. “How?” she demanded an explanation, to which Kiandra didn’t hesitate to give.“Why is that bastard he
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Chapter 14: Offered her a job.
After Kiandra left him standing there, his mood was ruined and so he decided to go home instead of the office.He had just come out of the shower when his phone rang. He checked and saw that it was Spider calling him.“I sent the information you requested for,” Spider told him, and Lucas hung up.He immediately got dressed and took his laptop, so he could read the information on Kiandra Aidan.Opening the file, he started to read it. There was nothing suspicious about her life prior to graduating from high school.However, Lucas found whatever happened after, suspicious. In the report, it says she traveled prior to her eighteenth birthday, and she somehow became pregnant with her daughter, Zendaya.There was nothing however in the report about who the father of Zendaya was. There were no pictures, no name, and no evidence of who the father was.The fact that Kiandra didn’t even have a boyfriend all through her high school days made it difficult to ascertain who he was.And what was ev
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Chapter 15: Running away
When she finally turned, she saw that he had gotten up from his seat. He took a long stride to her and reached where she was standing a few seconds later.“Why would you offer me a job, and what in the world makes you think that I would accept your job offer?” Kiandra probed wanting to know just what was going on inside that head of his.“Well, to your first question, the answer is because I am in the mood to do a good deed,” Lucas answered but the look Kiandra gave him made him know that she knew he was lying.“And secondly,” he continued moving a step closer to Kiandra which made her move backwards as he invaded her personal space. “If you don’t accept my job offer, I’ll make sure you don’t get a job anywhere else,” he said with a smile on his face and somehow, Kiandra knew he would do what he said.“Why are you offering me a job?” she asked once again.“Because it’s best to keep your enemies close to you. You have an issue with me and it’s not because of my actions in the past two
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Chapter 16: At her house
The ride back home was silent as Kiandra was too stressed to say anything and Zendaya wasn't ready to speak to her mother in front of the driver. It was after they arrived back home that she spoke.“We came back to our new house?” Zendaya asked in surprise when they arrived back at the same place they left.“Hmm, we are not leaving again,” Kiandra told her daughter as she dropped her down. “You’re burning up, come and use your drugs.”“No, I don’t like using my drugs,” Zendaya said, and quickly she ran into her and her mother’s room in an effort to escape.Kiandra put the suitcase down and opened it. She then brought out the drugs Zendaya was going to use before going to her room.“Zendaya,” Kiandra called as she also entered the room. “You know those drugs are for your own good.”“They are bitter and I don’t like them,” Zendaya persisted.“Well, it’s either you take the drugs or spend weeks in the hospital,” Kiandra laid out before Zendaya. As much as Zendaya hated the drugs, she hate
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Chapter 17: His Executive Assistant
Zendaya's little smile made Lucas smile as well, and he felt his heart being tugged with happiness. He wondered why he felt so happy just seeing the little girl smile.A lot of children had smiled at him but they didn't have the same effect as the one the little girl was giving him. They only annoyed him.He was distracted when the door to the room opened and Kiandra came out. Like a spell being broken, the smile dropped from his face as he turned to look at Kiandra who had purposely taken her time even though she knew that he was waiting for her.Her eyes fell on Lucas and then on Zendaya and when she saw what was in her daughter's hand, her face contorted into a deep frown. “Zendaya, what did I tell you about eating chocolate before breakfast?” she scolded her daughter as she walked over there Zendaya, who had already expected Kiandra's reaction, gave her mother an innocent smile and she was quick to point at Lucas, pushing all the blame to him. Kiandra quickly collected the choc
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Chapter 18: Her first day
Lucas sighed and he returned to his seat. How was he supposed to tell Liam that he was doing this because he felt a sense of attachment to Kiandra’s daughter and to Kiandra herself?For some reason, he felt like he knew her even though the reports from his men clearly proved that he didn’t know her and that they had never met, but for some reason, he was doubting the report.If his intuition was true, this meant that Kiandra had altered the evidence and to do that, one had to be powerful, something Kiandra was definitely not.So how was she able to alter the evidence? All this just made his interest in Kiandra increase as he knew there was more that met the eye when it came to her.The door to his office opened and Kiandra walked in. “Mr Volcano asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing over the file that Liam had given her.“Hmm,” Lucas said and he collected the file from Kiandra. “Oh, that reminds me, I have a task for you.”He had promised himself that he would teach her a l
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Chapter 19: Down with a fever.
Kiandra a was taken to Zendaya’s daycare by Lucas’ driver. On the way there, she called Samantha and asked if she could take care of Zendaya until Lucas finally let her return home.Samantha didn’t waste any time in agreeing, as she looked forward to spending time with Zendaya.The hardest part of it all was having to explain to Zendaya that she would be staying with Samantha and that it wouldn’t be the last time this was happening, all thanks to Lucas.Zendaya didn’t like what her mother told her, and she made it evident by crossing her arms and ignoring her mother on their ride back home.Kiandra was used to Zendaya’s tantrums, and so it did not faze her in the slightest. By tomorrow, all of Zendaya’s anger would have evaporated.Samantha was already waiting for them at home, and so Kiandra dropped her off and went back to the office.As soon as she got back, she went to Lucas’ office, so he would know that she was back. It was already evening, and so almost all the employees had l
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