All Chapters of Gosh! CEO's Assistant Is NOT A BOY (Hired a girl by mistake): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
99 Chapters
21- Screams Behind Her
“Hello,” River greeted her with a forced smile and Ashley noticed her red nose and misty eyes.“Hello, River,” but it seemed River didn’t hear her at all. She walked to Ashley and then moved passed her. Ashley kept standing there, her head turned to see River exiting the office.“Ashley?” Marwick called her but she didn’t listen, “Little one?”“Hmm?”“Go to the bathroom.” Marwick also walked past her. Ashley with all the confusion closed the bathroom door.Once she was out, she marched straight to her brother, “What is going on between you and him?” Ashley asked her brother who was trying to show himself hell busy with his work.“Stop it, Ashley. It was nothing significant.” He said stubbornly and leaned into his laptop screen. However, he had to jerk back when Ashley closed the laptop that missed his nose by a few centimeters.“Talk to me, Marwick Garner.” She tried to sit on the desk near him but could not succeed with her big belly.“Ok.” Marwick stood up and held her by her should
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22- Azure Eyes
Marwick and Ashley were at once out of the office. “What happened? Why is he screaming?” Marwick looked at his father who was yelling while hiding his face behind his palms. “It’s burning. My face is burning! That hot coffee!” “Oh, my eyes. They are hurt. I can’t see anything.” “My eyes are burning. That bas*tard. He did it intentionally!” “He threw it intentionally. How can he throw the coffee like this?” He was continuously screaming. “Any problem?” Aniya came running to the reception area with a panicked face and asked no one in particular. She quickly dashed to her desk and called the staff to ready the car. Ashton Garner seemed to be in need to go to a hospital for immediate medical attention. A few guards arrived urgently and held Garner to help him out. He was still screaming with his eyes squeezed. “Someone threw coffee on his face? Why would anyone do that?” Ashley asked them, looking at the door from where Ashton exited. “Where is River?” Aniya asked suddenly. “A f
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23- Hasty Decision
Marwick was rooted to the spot.Just like her.Justin might have seen her but didn’t move forward. After staring for a few minutes, she realized her surroundings and stood up from her place with lightning speed.“Ri…River Brown?” Marwick felt his throat going parched. The girl raised her finger in warning to not take a single step towards her.He felt like she didn’t want him to hear her voice.“I … I am not moving. See?” he opened his arms and took a step back, “I am not here to take you forcefully with me. All I want is your time. Just listen to me. Please.”Marwick Garner like before did not intend to follow her. It was evident that she didn’t want him to hear her voice otherwise her cover would be blown.Several things were racing through River’s mind. By the way, what was he doing here?Wasn’t he supposed to be in his office? Keanu would be mad if he came to know about her blunder. Thinking of Keanu again brought tears to her eyes.“Listen. River!” she heard him begging and turne
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24- Hired A Girl By Mistake
River was no more crying when she reached her hotel room. While coming here she kept looking behind her if Marwick was following her. But thankfully he was not.It was dangerous to stay here. She just could not.With a supersonic speed, she started collecting her stuff. She could not leave without a suitcase. Hotel management would ask her if she was checking out. She only wanted her essentials.Taking her phone, and her important cards, she took out her black tote bag and started putting as many basic essentials as possible. Ashton Garner would not sit quietly after the attack. She needed to run away from there.This time she didn’t bother to do her make-up. Just tying the same scarf around her face, she left the hotel.Keanu had already told her where she could stay if she would be stuck in a problem. She remembered his instructions.Passing through the lobby, casually, she looked around and then remembered Marwick Garner. The way he was looking at her and assuring her that she woul
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25- Let Me Help
"River Brower was a girl? Not a boy?" “No!” he said in a hushed tone, “How is that possible? How can I…” Marwick's mind raced with a sense of urgency as he considered his next move. He turned to Justin, a strange emotion was dancing in his eyes. "Justin, we can't waste any time. We need to go to the Emerald Hotel immediately. River Brower is staying there, and … and … Oh God! ...” Marwick leaned back his head on the leather seat and closed his eyes, “I was so near to her, Justin. I laid right beside her! On the same bed! I. Am. A. Fool!” He picked up the glass that was placed nearby and threw it on the wall, “Fu*ck! All this time she … Justin!” “Justin!” he heard Ashley’s worried voice, “What’s happening to my brother? Go to him, darling.” Justin rushed to his friend and held him by his shoulders, “Easy, Marw. Easy! You are upsetting your pregnant sister. Control it, brother.” That was when Marwick realized he was clutching his hair tightly in his fists, “She was this close to
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26- Please Help Me
River looked around the small apartment on the first floor that Keanu had arranged for her beforehand. She was supposed to stay low here. The refrigerator was stuffed with canned foods and packets of frozen veggies and fruits. There were juice and beer cans. Readymade pizza and pasta were there. The bathroom had all the essentials that were enough for a few months. The LED was mounted in the bedroom and a collection of DVDs was also there with it. Here she was not allowed to go out. Not even for a minute. She could not take the risk of switching on the lights. Keanu had specifically asked her to keep the apartment dark. He wanted her to wait for her documents there. Once the delivery boy would slip it under the door, she would collect it and would leave the place the very next morning. She was aware that Ashton Garner must have created havoc by now. Though she was told several times that she was supposed to approach Marwick Garner if Keanu was not available. But River could not
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27- You Are Safe
River was crawling on the floor. After typing the message to Marwick Garner, she quickly reached the bedroom. She did all this with her phone’s flashlight. Only one thing was on her mind.Her life was in danger, and she had to help herself. It was better to take the risk of calling Marwick Garner instead of getting shot here.She could literally feel death dancing before her eyes.Before she could text more, she heard a clattering sound in the distance. Someone was trying to unlock the door.As the sound of the door unlocking grew louder, River's mind raced with possibilities. Should she try to confront them head-on or make a daring escape?No. Keanu was strictly against it. She remembered Keanu's instructions and realized that deception might be her best chance.She knew the drill. Keanu had taught her well. With lightning speed, she opened the room window to give them the impression that she had escaped from the room.With a quick glance around the room, she spotted a coat hanging
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28- A different Marwick
“Dr. Jonas! You need to come to my house.” Marwick said in a controlled voice over the phone, “No. The patient can’t come to you. You need to attend her at my place…”“No, doctor. This patient needs your immediate attention. I will be home within forty to forty-five minutes.” Marwick disconnected the call.On their way back, Gerald drove the car. Marwick was sitting at the back holding the girl in his arms. Gerald had never witnessed this side of Marwick Garner.The only thing Marwick asked him when they were leaving the place was, “Gerald. You need to keep it to yourself. Whatever you saw, nobody should know about it in the office or outside.”He had carried the girl to the car.Now he could see Marwick in the rearview mirror and there was softness on his face. He wished Aniya and Ashley were there so that they all could tease Marwick about the girl.He wanted to laugh loudly. The little she-devil was almost unconscious in Marwick’s arms. She fooled the whole office into believing th
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29- No one Will Harm You
Chad’s wife just told him that she had decided to leave him along with their kids. She needed some changes in her life. She needed to change their surroundings. She needed to change her job, her kids’ school, her neighbors, and … Everything. Chad pleaded to her. Begged her. But now she was not ready to listen. She had made up her mind to leave him. For Chad, it took a single day to lose his self-respect and now he was losing his family overnight. His wife had retired to her room long ago after breaking the news. His kids were also in their bedrooms. He was the only one who was all alone in his bed crying his heart out. He could see hatred in his family’s eyes. After doing so much for them he would be all alone by the morning. There won’t be anyone for him. No one will serve him hot meals with a smile. There will be no kisses and no laughter in the house. His hands balled into fists, and he threw his face on the pillow and let out a loud scream that was muffled by the soft pad.
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30- Sharing Same Bed
As River fainted in Marwick's arms, he cradled her delicately, making sure she felt safe and secure even in her unconscious state. The doctor continued his examination, checking her vitals and ensuring there were no immediate physical injuries.Seeing Marwick's tender care for River, the doctor nodded but didn’t say anything. He had never seen the CEO getting worried for anyone, "She had quite an ordeal. It's essential to let her rest now. I am giving her this injection. It will help her to relax and make her sleep more. Her body needs this sleep," he advised, “You need to bring her tomorrow for an x-ray.”“X-Ray?” Marwick had several creases on his forehead, “Why do you suggest that?”“Her fingers,” He pointed towards her right hand, they are swollen. We need to check if she has any broken bones.” Marwick nodded in understanding.The doctor was right. Her fingers had turned red and purple.Marwick nodded again, his eyes never leaving River's pale face, "Thank you for coming here and
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