All Chapters of TAKE ME I'M YOURS: Chapter 61 - Chapter 67
67 Chapters
Death. You can dream about it. You can talk about it. You can prepare for it but when it hits, it breaks everything in you and shows you that you can never be ready for it. Silence. A great abyss of silence. I saw them talk. I saw them walk. I saw them stand before me, eyes staring and lips moving but all I heard was silence. I curled myself in the chair, feet on the suede. A fleece blanket covered me, not sure when it was draped over but it brought me warmth. Head on my knees with my left hand holding on, afraid to let go because I was afraid that if I did then they would snatch Elio away. Internal bleeding, fractured ribs, torn muscles, ruptured spline. The list went on and on. The doctor’s words came and went as they had in the three days of my grief. A hand fell on my shoulder, my body jerking in fright, my eyes turning—red and burning. Brown eyes stared at me, never leaving. I could see the sadness, the heartache, reflecting pain I could not describe. For long minutes I jus
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Giving Elio his sponge bath was the highlight of my days as the week progressed along with spending some time with my mother. It was the only time where no one else occupied the room, leaving me with Elio to take care of him. It brought some light back in me. If anyone walked in they would label me crazy because the whole process was spent with me just talking his ear off or singing to him, hoping my terrible singing would wake him up. I realized just then that he was my best friend and not being able to hear his voice over the days tore me apart. I refrained from telling him about my mother and siblings because I wanted to do it when I could stare in his eyes and see him excited for me. In a span of three days I had learned so much about my mother’s life and culture. She taught me so many things and I could not wait to have cooking dates with her which we put a pin on because she and my siblings were leaving in a day. It saddened me but surely Elio and I would visit whenever we coul
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Two Months Later “Champagne?” My fifteen-year-old sister gestured, the glass filled with the sparkling liquid held out for me. I narrowed my eyes at her. “Hold it for me sis.” She turned around and I watched as she scoured the room for mother’s eyes before she quickly took a sip. It was why she took the champagne glass in the first place. I chuckled, shaking my head. About seven people ran around me, picking a certain part of the dress, pinning, or dusting something off. They were all in panic which hid my own panic. Eyes from the girls were on me as they dived in the delicates offered in the room. I folded my moist hands, eyes moving around the large room again with red the only thing I saw. Elio took it upon himself to make sure I woke up with every part of our room filled with dahlia flowers. There were boxes on boxes of red, pink and white dahlias. I blushed and nearly giggled while recalling the smell that had hit my nostrils as I came alive from dream land. My head had tu
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I knew there were over a thousand guests scattered on both sides but I could only see blurs. I heard the buzz, so many drones capturing the whole moment. I heard the weeps, the guests even more emotional. My eyes fixed further down the alter where I was going and I could not help but gasp as my vision cleared. I had last seen Elio the morning before when Salvatore and all the men took him away for a day and night to remember. He stood in his black tux looking so good. His eyes were on me, never faltering. His leg shook and I knew he was holding everything back from just weeping as I was. I was full-on crying and it was so embarrassing. By the time we reached the end I was not even sure I could stand on my own. “Who gives her away?” The officiate asked. “I do.” Mom spoke, pulling her arm from me. Elio descended down and held out his hand. Mom put my hand in his before he kissed my cheek then Elio’s. “I love you both.” She whispered and it nearly left me scattered on the floor lik
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I changed to my reception dress and I danced what seemed like hours with Elio. He spun me around the dance square with my smile so bright my jaw nearly dislocated. After him I danced with Salvatore. It was three full songs of him just waltzing me in his arms. “What do I call you? Sal? Big Bro? Volturi? Oohh, I like that one.” I chirped up as he spun me away only for my body to spin back into his arms. His face fell into a frown. “Do I even want to know what that is?” He questioned as I giggled. “You should watch the twilight movie and the breaking dawn movies. I promise you will like them.” I grinned, him corking a brow but then relaxed. I knew he would watch them and I wished I could see his reaction. I would pay money for it. My insides melted for the hundredth time. He picked me up, my palms on his with my whole weight on him as we turned around. As sad as it had been back then, the wedding being postponed was a blessing because there I was, dancing like a princess with the men
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“Husband.” I coaxed, the car flying off the road. Wind blew through the thrown-back roof. I felt free, felt unbound, and cosmic. Elio’s groan and warning look had me giggling. I pushed off the seat, my hands moving up my thighs. I felt Elio’s eyes which made me turn my head to stare at him. His eyes couldn’t even budge as I pulled the underwear I wore down. He turned to the road for a second then back. My white lace underwear was unhooked from my feet, bringing it to my face to sniff. “Lethu bella tentatrice, per favore, ferma il mio amore.” Lethu beautiful temptress, please stop my love. He begged, pressing on the gas. The white lace flew to his lap and I watched as he pulled it up to his face, sniffing it. His eyes closed and when they opened I knew I was in for it. The car took a swerve fifteen minutes later and we were down and near the beach. I could hear the water crush. I could smell them and I could feel them already kissing my skin. We drove up a narrow tropical driveway th
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I felt the lights then saw them. I felt as we walked through the house. I ran my hands into Elio’s hair, pulling him to me as if I wanted to infuse myself into him. His hands ran up to my waist and when he pulled back I kissed his jaw and lower to his neck. Soft music suddenly filled the house and water soon sprayed on our naked bodies. A deep shiver ran down yet not even it would tear me from my heaven. We were no longer just kissing because it felt like we were devouring each other. I felt as if he was kissing me deep into my heart. His hands tightened on my waist and I did not protest as he lifted me off. I found my footing while buried deep in his essence. He turned me around, kissing my jaw down to my neck as I leaned my head back on his shoulder. A moan pulled from the deepest hole in my core. I arched my back to him as his hand grabbed and mold my breast with such hunger. His other slid down my belly. I spread my legs for him, his dick pressed hard on my back. His hand ran dow
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