All Chapters of Moonlit Bonds: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
Done speaking with the Alpha King, Andrew once again got reminded of how stubbornly unreasonable he could get. It was written all over Shawn's face – he could get uncompromising.Especially when it concerned his loved ones; specifically, his beloved, Michelle.He does have every reason to be filled with rage, then again, Shawn needs to seriously reconsider his future actions. In a word, he'd create a bloody war between the Pack and the Scarlets if nothing was done.“I shouldn't have told him” Andrew sighed, a bit regretful about spilling every bit of information he gathered to Shawn. Now, he had more than enough reasons to venture into an attack, yet they couldn't act hastily.If truly Sebastian was involved in this, then extreme caution needed to be taken – he might not be the strongest of Alphas, but his slyness was dangerous.Currently, the beta was headed for his dinner room, where he intended to have lunch.Yeah, his conversation with Shawn lasted longer than he expected; his sto
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From death glares to misty eyes – those were the reactions of a female human who had just been kidnapped, and then simultaneously told about her beloved's death.Seconds passed by, and Michelle was yet to get over his words – though she didn't believe him, then again the seriousness of his face made her begin to think otherwise.Surely, Shawn wasn't dead, right? He wouldn't allow himself to burn to death, even if he was on a quest to find her during the fire.“You're… you're lying” Eventually, she snapped hotly at him as her eyes narrowed to continue the hated glare. This fucker here was trying to play mind games with her – it wouldn't work. Not now or In a million years.Sebastian snickered widely at Michelle – who knew humans weren't as thoughtless and gullible as he assumed them to be?“You do yell a lot, don't you, Elle?” Now, he reached into a pocket of his robe to bring out a cigarette. He stuck it in between his lips, got lighter than began, and took a heavy inhale from it.“I
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That morning, she woke up while immersed in the softness of a large bed. The feeling was rather unfamiliar to Michelle, and despite the bed's largeness and comfortability, the pregnant lady felt overly uncomfortable.With the rays of sunshine kissing her face continuously, it forced her eyelids to part ways, and those emerald green eyes of hers beheld the back view of a figure.The muscular, yet broad shoulders signified it was a male, and Michelle's heart couldn't help but thump rapidly at the thought of it being Shawn.Was…she back at the Pack? Was that her Alpha King? The sleepiness in her eyes vanished at such an exciting thought, and her legs began crawling towards him.However, the figure who stood at the window turned once slight noises were heard, and to his happiness, Michelle was awake.“Chelle!” a gleeful smile crept up Derek's lips, while Michelle's hopefulness and brewing gladness transformed into sheer rage.What the hell was Derek doing here? — No, the better question w
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Patience was a virtue that could lead one to so many places in life, but impatience was another that was plain ghastly. She did acknowledge that fact – no, patience was something that she, Rita, tried to put into constant practice.However, when one desired something that was walking past them every single day, who would continue to exercise even an ounce of patience? That was about Rita, and honestly, it was stressing her like hell.Today, she could be seen in her room, lying on the bed, all dressed slutty due to the shortness of her dress. Her eyes gaped continuously at the ceiling, but in reality, they were focused on the pill that she held in between her fingers.“I want to bury myself in him already” sheer lust was laced with her words, and slowly, she bit her lips.A sigh left her lips as Rita placed the pill on the top of the desk close to her bed. Adjusting her position, she gawked at it as several thoughts danced around in her head.“What to do? Shall I commence with the plan
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“That shit's disgusting!” Sebastian, now watching the eating Michelle, could only blurt out his honest thoughts. He wasn't the only one with that opinion, yet Derek unhesitatingly shot him a warning for a glare at his utterance.Here in Delta's room, which reeked of nothing but wealth, was an eating Michelle on the king-sized bed. Whoever said being pregnant was for the weak was either delusionally insane or ignorant of its struggles.Among the numerous challenges of a pregnant lady were the peculiar food combinations and uncontrollable cravings – surely, Michelle wouldn't be excluded from them.Currently, the maid known as Yvette could only watch Michelle with a soft smile on her face while she stuffed her face with food combinations that weren't even imaginable.Now, it was already noon, yet Michelle was just having her breakfast due to her almost rapid change of food options.It was tiring, then again, Yvette admired pregnant ladies, so she couldn't figure out any reason to be enra
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Alpha King Shawn was nowhere close to a dunce – everyone in the entire nation was aware of this fact.His tactfulness, high intellect, and calm personality all contributed to the reason he was chosen as the Alpha King over the whole nation.So yes, Rita was expecting he would catch up about the disappearance and fire outburst's cause in due time, yet she never thought it would be this fast.Rita, who had been in her car the whole time, felt overly frightened to even attempt to trail after Shawn. She stayed in her car, absorbed in deep contemplation, and soon realization began immersing her.What would happen to her when Shawn finds Michelle before that brainless fucker of an Alpha, Sebastian, starts his plans?His intellect was nowhere close to matching Shawn's, and with someone like Andrew by his side, Rita wasn't certain she would be able to stop that plan.Heck – she doesn't even know what they were planning.“Fuck this!” Rita banged her head on the steering wheel as several unwhol
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By the time his car drove into the spacious compound, it was already nighttime. Yet, one wouldn't think so due to the business of the Palace servant.Well, the occurrence of the Mating Ceremony and Nation Summit was drawing closer with every passing second.While the Alpha King, Shawn busied himself with an investigation concerning Michelle's whereabouts, multiple maids were working their behinds off.The event was supposed to be glamorous; no – it was mandated to be.Only the Moon Goddess knows the number of Alphas, betas, omegas, and Deltas that would be in attendance. So, yes, they were tasked with the responsibility of getting the Palace into the most enchanting state ever!Due to the fire's outburst, a number of them had to go check on their families, and so it had been delayed.So when Shawn alighted from his car and his eyes fell on countless maids working relentlessly, he could only sigh.He stole a glance at his wristwatch, then gazed at them again. It was almost midnight – s
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Throughout the entire night, the Alpha King was restless. No – to say he was restless would be an understatement.He didn't sleep a wink due to the incessant flow of anxiety through every cell of his being.Currently, dawn was yet to descend over the Pack, but Shawn could be seen, fully dressed with his car keys in his right hand, and his phone in the other.“Was it some kind of fucking a prank or what?” he muttered as his index finger once more tapped the number which sent him that text. And just like the previous responses, the owner refused to pick up the darn call.“Shit!” Shawn drove his fingers into his hair then ruffled his locks endlessly – he seriously couldn't calm down for much longer.Now, he blamed himself for not rushing to the texted address the moment he received it. In his state of self-doubt and contemplation, a knock kissed the door.Without uttering a word, Shawn went ahead to pull the doorknob backwards, and as expected, the fatigued face of his beta came in place
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“This has got to be some kind of crappy bullshit! Right?” The raucousness of the Alpha's yell didn't generate any sort of reaction from his top spy.Instead, his eyes, which were now visible due to the absence of his dark mask, faced him expressionlessly.The raging Alpha Sebastian gritted his fangs infuriatingly then banged his fist on the desk.Normally, the wood ought to at least fall apart since the physical strength of an Alpha was beyond ordinary, then again, the ruler of the Scarlet Heart Pack was something else. The wooden desk didn't crack as much.Quite laughable to be sincere.His chest rose and fell unsteadily as he began pacing around with sheer anxiety, nervousness, and a bit of fear dangling around his body.“This quickly? I… haven't come up with the perfect situation to manipulate him yet! come Shawn's gaining up on us so fast?” Sebastian blurted worriedly with his fingers ruffling his hair like an insane individual.There was nothing that could calm him dow
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With every step he took closer to Delta's room, the sounds of something or someone banging at the door became clearer.It made the sky Logan somewhat confused, what was going on in there?Needlessly, he had an instruction to carry on. As much as he was evidently the Alpha's favorite spy, plainly because of his skills, it didn't mean he wouldn't get punished.And specifically, since the Alpha's in a bad mood, then it was simply advisable to avoid provoking him unless one wanted an early death.Standing at the doorstep, Logan exhaled softly then placed a gentle yet somewhat loud knock on the door. It was awkward, since the tempo of the knocks emanating from within practically swallowed him.Yet, Logan was relentless and kept showering the door with light knocks. Since he was incessant, Derek, who was in there, standing at the doorstep of the shut bathroom, got his attention diverted to there.“Who the fuck is that now?” He muttered with a scorn on his face – yes, Alpha Sebastian wasn't
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