All Chapters of The Mysterious Billionaire and His Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
Chapter 31
CARMEN "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, tough guy?" The man asked. He was provoking Andres on purpose now. I can see that. I shook my head because I knew that things were about to get out of hand. Andres doesn't look like he can control himself that well. He's going to lose his temper soon. Andres packed a punch and was going to hit him but I held his hand and pulled him back. I am the one he harassed after all. I was so angry. I want to beat this man up too but I knew that I can't do something so reckless. We are not back at home. Andres can do whatever he wants back home but not here. If we piss off someone who has a lot of power, we are going to get into a lot of trouble for it. I have already deduced that this man is probably someone who has a lot of power, probably the wayward son of a very rich man who thinks that he can do whatever he wants to anyone. With the way he's acting, this is not the first time he's harassing women. He must be a pro at it. And h
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Chapter 32
I really liked it. Does this mean that there's a part of her that cares about me? "You don't need to worry about it. His father owns some hotels so he's a businessman. He won't offend me just because his son was a douchebag. I'll take care of it " I said. "And what exactly do you mean by you'll take care of it?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes at her. Trust Carmen to ask way too many questions. "You don't need to worry about that. I already have it under control!" I said. Just like that, I shoved her into the car and drove off. ....... Carmen and I arrived in our hotel suite. Carmen was wobbling on her feet. It seems that she has had a lot to drink when I went to pick up the call. Just how much did she drink? She looks drunk right now. She grinned at me. "You know that you are so good looking right?" She asked me. I was sincerely shocked to hear this from Carmen. But then I saw that her eyes weren't focused at all and I immediately knew what was going on with her. She'
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Chapter 33
ANDRESBut I am not drunk. I am sober. And no matter how much I want her or how seductive she is I can't do anything with her. I have to control myself. "Go away," I said and pushed her away. Carmen looked at me with anger and disappointment in her eyes. But I didn't care anymore. I have to get her out of this place. I simply can't afford to make this mistake. "What the hell is wrong with you? One second you want it and another you want me to get lost? Why do you have so many mood swing?" She asked me. "Just get out Carmen. Get out now" I said. Please get out before I do something that we are both going to regret here. Please' I begged her in my head. She got up and scoffed at me. "Have a good time whacking off all by yourself!" She said and walked into the bedroom. She's right. I will be jacking off all by myself. I have no other choice. I have to rely on my memory of her to get myself off or else I don't think I'll sleep tonight. I closed my eyes. As I closed my eyes, I ope
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Chapter 34
CARMEN "Do you know what you did yesterday?" He asked me with a teasing smile on his face. I wanted to smash my head against a wall. What was I thinking when I said and did all of that? I should have known that he won't ever let me live that down at all! "I don't know what you're talking about. I just know that I didn't take off my clothes yesterday. There's no way that I will do something like that!" I said. "Oh really? So you are telling me that you don't remember that you tried to seduce me yesterday? You told me that I am only good for having sex with and the way you even begged me to sleep with you ...are you telling me that you don't remember any of that?" Andres asked me. "..." Seriously, does he have to be such a jerk about this? Why is he being so mean? "I don't.....I don't know what you are talking about! I was drunk last night. You can't tell me that you will take the words of a drunk person seriously right?! That's just stupid!" I said. Andres laughed when I s
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Chapter 35
ANDRES I was still lost in my thoughts so I did not notice that there was someone in front of me. I walked into her and we both fell to the ground. "Hey, can't you look where you are going?! I don't know what the heck is going on with this hotel! They keep letting whoever it is they want in here! Where is the class?? I can't believe this!" The woman I walled into started complaining. I looked at her face. She had a haughty look on her face as if she was looking down on everything and everyone here. There was something familiar about her face too. I wondered if I had met her before. It won't be a surprise for me if I had slept with her. Isabella says that I have a type and I only go for dumb women who are arrogant and stupid. I wanted to put her in her place since I am already feeling upset today, but I did wrong by walking into her, I decided to apologize first. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to walk into you" I said to her. "Just sorry is not going to fix this! Do you even k
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Chapter 36
She didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. She looked like she had given me a way out and I am the one who was too rude to take it. "And so what? There's no way that you'll be able to afford my dress anyway. Do you know what I went through to get this dress? The other two went to European princesses! You can't ever replace this dress! I was just giving you a way out! You look good and I won't mind having you accompanying me for the night! I made a good suggestion here! You are the one who just thinks that you're too proud to accept it!" She told me. I shook my head. "You and your brother are both completely crazy!" I said and walked past them. "Hey, you! Don't think that this is over! You are going to hear from my dad! He's going to teach you a lesson! You hit me yesterday and now you're bullying my sister?! Just wait for what he's going to do to you!" Clinton said to me. I fixed my eyes on him. I noticed that he could not even hold my gaze after the beating that I gave
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Chapter 37
DEREKTEN HOURS AGOI walked into the bar with a friend. His name was Carlos. "Your brother is finally settled down. Don't you want to think about getting married?" Carlos asked me. He had a teasing smile on his face. "Do you think that I will let myself get tied down by some woman?" I asked. He laughed out loud when I said this. Everyone who knows me, knows that I don't do the commitment bullshit. I have never been in a serious relationship. Not even when I was in high school. I have always been a casual sex kind of guy. I didn't want the bullshit that came with trying to navigate a serious relationship with someone else. I knew that I wasn't cut out for any of that and so I didn't even try. I didn't want to hurt someone who had high hopes for me. It's always better to lay down my intentions from the start. "I just thought that with your brother rushing off to get married, you'd want to get married too. It doesn't seem like such a bad idea now that your brother finally has a w
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Chapter 38
DEREK "I can tell what they are thinking just by looking at their body language. I am sure that if she wanted, she would have a man with her right now. If you know what's good for you, just leave her alone. I am sure that she doesn't want to be bothered" I said. Once again, I don't know what I am saying. "You are right Derek. Since you are such an expert on women, why don't you come with me and help me nail her?" He asked me. "What?" "Come with me and help me play wingman. I am sure that she'd be willing to chat with me if you are there with me. You know that you're a magnet when it comes to chicks right?" Carlos asked me. I was still having a hard time processing this. How did this go from me trying to convince Carlos not to go to the woman to him trying to get me to play Wingman for him? "I don't want to go! I still think that you should leave her alone!" I said. "Oh come on Derek. Just help me this once. See, if you help me nail her tonight, I'd give you that car you w
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Chapter 39
CHLOE Derek is the man that I think I am never going to be able to forget in my life. And that isn't because I still have some residual feelings for him. It isn't that sappy long-suffering love I read about in books. What I feel for Derek is very different from that. I will never be able to forget Derek in this life because he is the person that I hate the most in this world! I don't think that I will be able to hate someone else the way that I hate Derek! For as long as I knew him in high school, he was always the bane of my existence. And then somehow, for a few weeks, I fooled myself into thinking that he was boyfriend material. I told myself that I could make him change and that I could get him to be a proper human being but I soon found out how wrong I was. No one can make Derek into a proper human being. Because he doesn't have what it takes. He has asshole deep in his blood. I had no idea that he was Andres Blackwood's brother before this. I only found out at Carmen's wed
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Chapter 40
CHLOE I smiled at Derek. "You like to play Derek?" I asked as I dangled the handcuffs in front of him. He looked embarrassed that I found it. "What ...what are you doing with that?" He asked me. I threw it on the bed. "Oh, nothing serious. I just thought that I should look around and guess what I found. I never thought that you'd be someone who enjoys such kinds of plays. I mean, I know that you are wild but this?" I asked him. He wasn't like this in High school. Or maybe, I didn't get close enough to know this about him. Every single relationship that I thought we had was just in my head and he made that clear to me before he went on to shatter my poor heart. "Look, we don't have to do it if you don't want to. I understand that not everyone likes this. But can you please not tell anyone about this?" He asked me. "Why? Why can't I tell anyone? I mean, you already have a reputation for being a....bad boy. I am sure that it won't affect you one bit if people know that you lik
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